SETTING: Sam's motel room/parked at a nearby lake
WHO: Sam Evans, Quinn Fabray, Stevie Evans, Stacey Evans, Sam's parents
WHEN: A few days after Rumours episode
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing related to Glee or any other song/product mentioned below.
***This is part canon to the show/part AU, I guess (for example, Sam never gave Quinn a promise ring). Mature content/language/situations. Reviews are very welcomed. Enjoy!***
Sam was exhausted from working nights at the pizza place and keeping up with homework and Glee rehearsal. It was a rare Thursday off for him so he was relaxing on the sofa watching Quinn play with Stacey and Stevie. She was so patient with them, coloring, reading, fixing Stacey's hair. His parents were in the next town over, still looking for any type of work, tracking down leads.
The last thing he remembered thinking before he dozed off was what a godsend Quinn had been with helping him and his family out. He recalled seeing her for the first time at Lima Community Church last summer when his family first blew into Lima. He had seen the slender blonde girl a few pews ahead of them and on the other side of the aisle, sitting alone it appeared. He later learned her name and a bit of her history from last year. He found out she began going to that church shortly after giving up her baby as her old church had pretty much shunned her. Most Sundays she looked sad and lonely, sitting there by herself, and would leave as soon as services were over so he never got a chance to actually meet her. School started, and he'd see her around McKinley, found out she was quite popular. He saw her cheering on the sidelines while he played football. He saw her that day in the courtyard at lunchtime singing with a bunch of other kids, that Empire State song, looked like they were having fun but no one paid any attention to them.
He finally had the opportunity to meet her when Mr. Schue approached him about joining Glee Club (Finn Hudson had overheard him singing in the shower apparently); she was the only person his gaze was drawn to the day Schue wanted to introduce him to the group. They wound up doing a duet together and even winning the free dinner to Breadstix. They began dating, and he saw an entirely different side of her when they were alone and quickly fell in love with her.
His dreams went to the night of the Hudson-Hummel wedding. She had been radiant that day. At the reception, he had held her close and they had danced around the other couples, he had been singing in her ear. They went to his house afterward, just a bland two-story in an older section of Lima. His parents had left a note that they were staying at a water park overnight with his two younger siblings. Had they told him they were going? He had been so busy with football, Glee, this wedding that it probably went in one ear and out the other. They were kind of giggly, having had a glass or two of champagne at the wedding. He asked her if she wanted to watch Avatar; she said sure so they got comfy on the couch and started the movie.
It wasn't too long before the lure of being alone together took over, and Quinn was lying directly on top of Sam, kissing him passionately, running her hand up and down his erection, his hands up under her dress caressing her ass, gently pressing her down on him as much as possible. It was quickly escalating into as far as they had gone (previously third base for each of them in the front seat of his dad's car). Finally, as she was trying to undo his belt buckle, he muttered, "Can we go to my bedroom?"
She was up and off him, running up the stairs giggling, before he really knew what happened. He followed her, taking off his bowtie and unbuttoning his shirt on the way upstairs. He turned left at the top of the stairs and went to his room on the right, finding her on his bed with the covers up to her chin, her blonde hair all over his pillow, her dress crumpled on the floor. He paused then, taking her in with his eyes, hardly able to believe she was in his bed, waiting on him. He took off his dress shirt and undershirt and then undid his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the floor. He stepped out of those and then kicked his socks off, leaving his briefs on. He stepped up to his bed and peeled back the blanket, finding Quinn in only her panties.
She scooted over closer to the wall and he sat down on the side of the bed, running his hand along her side to her hip, to her thigh, and back up. He lay down on his side facing her. He had asked her, "Is this what you want?" She had nodded yes, biting her bottom lip. He had worked her panties off, seeing her for the first time, fully naked, stunned by her beauty, touching her breasts, then putting his mouth on her nipple, hesitantly moving his hand down to her most private area, exploring her there, not expecting the wetness and heat he found. He went ahead and took his briefs off and embraced her, kissing her all over, their hands roaming everywhere on one another's body now. They were pressed up against one another, his cock trapped between them, hard and ready for her.
She asked about protection, so he sat up on the side of the bed, found a condom in his nightstand (thanking god he had had the sense to buy a box of them a couple weeks ago after all the third base stuff happened), and nervously put it on himself. He turned back to Quinn and positioned himself between her legs and started kissing her again. He tried pushing into her a couple times but it really wasn't working right…the few porn movies he had seen made it look incredibly easy, they would just grab their junk and shove it in…wait, maybe he should grab his dick and…oh, Quinn was reaching between them to do just that. He somehow managed to focus on her eyes and all he saw in that moment was love. She had said, "It's okay Sam…" and guided him into her. Then, that feeling of connecting with her on that level literally took his breath away and instinct kicked in as he slid fully into her and then back out slowly. He felt her bring her hips up to him then and they picked up into a rhythm, gentle at first, then faster and more urgent. His room was so quiet; all he could hear was the squeaking of his bed, the sheets, her breathing becoming more shallow with quiet moans against his cheek, their skin slapping together, moist noises from his thrusting into her. His face was buried in the pillow at her shoulder; he was so afraid if he lifted up to kiss her he would come, he was that stimulated. Her hands had been at his upper arms and shoulders when her moaning suddenly became his name being whispered and her fingernails raking down his back to his ass where she grabbed him and urged him to push harder, faster. Her fingernails going down his back was what caused him to finally lean up and kiss her, he thinks he managed to say Quinn against her lips but he had no idea if he did or didn't. She was shaking beneath him, high-pitched moaning, when his orgasm crashed into him without very much warning, just boom. He could hear himself grunting into her shoulder, trying to bite his lip so he wasn't so loud. It took him a while to ride it out it had been so powerful. He had asked her if he had been okay for her, and she had said yes, he had been wonderful. Then, she had cried, "happy tears" she told him, and he had held her until they fell asleep.
Before they broke up, they were intimate three more times and he had completely enjoyed those times. However, for him, nothing could ever compare to that first time with her, that also being his first time with anyone. He had even saved the allowance he received then and managed to buy a tiny ring for her…he wasn't sure if it was a promise ring or if he was actually going to present it to her as an engagement ring. He planned on giving it to her on Valentine's Day. Santana got to him, though, and convinced him that Quinn had made out with Finn, which would explain why they both had mono at the same time. He had confronted her about it, she didn't deny it, and he had walked away from her. Even though he had had to sell most of his expensive electronic items, even his guitar, with the financial issues, he kept the little diamond ring, hidden away from everyone.
"Sammy! Sammy! Spongebob is on TV!" Stacey was kind of yelling right in his face, waking him from his dream. He tried not to be annoyed with her, she was just a kid, but it shoved him back to reality in a hurry. He sat up on the sofa, rubbing his eyes, noticing an afghan was over him, seeing Quinn come out of the bathroom with Stevie who was in his pajamas. "They are both ready for bed, teeth brushed, potty, you know, the works," Quinn said, smiling at him. "Did you get a good nap?" His mind was still fuzzy from his dream; he had not let himself think back to that night since their breakup. When he woke up, he had tears in his eyes and also a boner, what an effed up combination, he thought. That also kind of annoyed him, the utter lack of privacy in this motel room. His parents had no idea how long it'd be until they could move out of this place and hopefully rent a house. Since he and Santana had broken up and he wasn't getting any sort of physical release on a regular basis anymore, all his masturbation needs had to be taken care of in the tiny bathroom and that got old real fast. Actually, the last couple weeks with Santana had been crap; she didn't even realize that his family had lost their home and they had long since stopped spending any quality time together, if that's what one could call it. Getting together to get laid and then ignore one another was hardly quality time, he thought. Each time after being with Santana, when he'd see Quinn at school or church, he would pretty much hate himself, thankful he had only been with Santana twice, otherwise she would give him handjobs.
Quinn had sat down next to him on the little sofa and had picked up an edge of the afghan. "Ummm, it looked like you needed a blanket or…something…to cover up…must've been a good dream," she said to him and he felt slightly sick to his stomach, knowing she had seen his erection and it must've been so obvious she covered him up so Stevie and Stacey wouldn't be asking questions. He sighed…no privacy.
"Thanks for staying Q…if you have plans or whatever with Finn I'm cool here with the littles."
"Actually, he's busy tonight…he's been busy a lot lately…" She sighed. "We're not getting along great…pressure about prom, pressure from Rachel…"
"I'm sorry to hear that Q…" Sam knew their relationship was strained, mainly because of Rachel and Finn still obviously having feelings for her. Everyone was aware of it, including Quinn it appeared. It almost seemed to Sam that Finn didn't know how to get out of his relationship with Quinn to be with Rachel.
Sam had had a feeling when he and Quinn had broken up that maybe she needed to get Finn out of her system for whatever reason so he backed off her and diverted his attention by hanging out with Santana and waiting for something to blow up between Finn and Quinn. He definitely wasn't going to say anything to her though about Finn eyeballing Rachel or why she had ran back to him because he knew she could ask him the same questions about Santana.
He reached over and took her hand, saying "We do appreciate your help Q…it's been great having you here and thanks for not telling the whole school. This is crappy enough as it is." He was watching his fingers trace shapes on her palm; she didn't take her hand away. He looked up at her, meeting her eyes, and ohgod that look in her eyes, like the first time they did it…all he saw was love. He looked at the TV with Spongebob on but turned down low. He was going to get sucked into those eyes if he kept staring at her and he knew he needed to just let it go. She and Finn were still together; he was not going to stoop to Finn's level and pull the same shit that had been done to him.
He realized he was still holding her hand. Stevie and Stacey had quieted down, looked to be asleep, so he got up and turned off the TV. "If you're not doing anything tonight maybe we could go get a pop or something when my parents get back?" He mentally kicked himself…what the hell was he doing? "I actually made more than expected in tips last night," he tried to laugh. The smiling was getting harder to do though, trying to keep up that happy façade at school was exhausting.
He sat down next to her on the sofa again but tried to stay farther away from her. "You know I don't mind helping out with Stacey and Stevie…I had missed them since we…broke up…and then in church…" He remembered that Sunday at church when they had announced to the entire congregation about the Evans' plight, he had just wanted to die. Quinn was there, of course, and had sought him out afterward, pulling him into the empty nursery and wrapping her arms around him, letting him cry on her shoulder. He had been fighting so many emotions: anger, embarrassment, scared, just loneliness. They had not spoken since he walked away from her that day in school and here she was comforting him. He made her promise that day not to say anything to anyone, including Finn, and she had kept her word until the big blow-up in Glee when he finally had to dispel the rumors.
"That sounds nice Sam," she said in response to getting a coke.
This time, she reached over and took his hand. She said to him, "You never gave me the chance to apologize Sam…" He wasn't sure how to respond to her. What he ached to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her, but she was off limits to him.
"There was nothing to apologize for Q…you wanted Finn."
"I'm sorry for hurting you Sam and, for what it's worth, I was wrong…about Finn."
They heard a key in the lock of the door of the motel room; Sam's parents had returned. Quinn let go of Sam's hand and stood up to hug his mom. She loved his parents; they had always been so accepting of her, never judging her, and welcomed her into their family while she and Sam dated even knowing her past. Quinn felt like she identified with Sam's mom; she had gotten pregnant with Sam when she was 16, but she and Sam's dad got married and raised Sam together.
Sam was confused by what Quinn had told him; he was going to talk to her more when they went for a pop. To him, it sounded like maybe, just maybe, she had finally worked Finn out of her system.
They made small talk with Sam's parents about their job search. His mother had an interview at a larger hotel in Lima in the housekeeping department that she said sounded promising and his dad had done research nearly the entire day at the unemployment agency. They said they would've been back sooner but had stopped to help someone stranded on the county highway with fixing a flat tire. Sam asked if he could run out with Quinn to grab a coke. They said sure, just be back at a decent hour. He helped his dad open the sofa and moved Stevie and Stacey over to that so his parents could have the full-size bed. He'd open his bed later on and then there'd be no room at all in the motel room. He took the motel room key and his wallet, and he and Quinn walked over to her car.