SETTING: Sam and Quinn's, McKinley High School, Tina's house

WHO: Sam and Quinn Evans

WHEN: May 2012

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing related to Glee or any other song/product mentioned below.

She wound up sleeping off the effects of the medication that night. He slept lightly behind her, still worried she had taken too much. In the morning, she woke up and was back to her normal self.

"I feel so much better now, Sam. Sorry to worry you...just my belly was killing me...I hope it's not like that every stinkin' month," she said, getting up and going to the bathroom. She came back and started pulling clothes on for the day.

"I had something to tell you last night but you were so out of it...kind of a surprise, I guess," he said, watching her.

She hopped on the bed next to him. "Really? A surprise?"

"Yep...since we're not working today...we are going out to Columbus..." They had taken the Saturday before graduation off and the day of their graduation off. Starting the Monday after graduation, though, they would both be working full-time through the summer.

Her mouth dropped open in surprise.

"I just thought it'd be easier to go out tonight instead of last night...we'll have time to drive to Columbus and go to a nice restaurant...the ladies at Garrity's told me about it," he said. "And last night you were obviously not feeling very well..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that...I used to eat Midol like candy, like after I had Beth, and it's been awhile since I've needed it so I guess my body just wasn't ready for it all at sure sucked though, the cramps..." she sighed.

"It freaked me the hell out, Q...seriously," he said, getting up to get dressed. It really did scare him. They would drink occasionally if the opportunity presented itself but neither one of them ever felt the need to smoke cigarettes or pot or take drugs. Her taking too many pain medicine pills scared him, especially seeing the effect it had on her. He worried that there were no cramps and she only did that because she thought he forgot to plan something for their birthdays. Surely she wouldn't pull something like that over something so trivial? he thought. He wasn't sure though.

"Hey Quinn?" he asked, sitting back on the bed.

"Yeah?" she asked, gathering up their clothes for the laundry.

"Last night, did you really have cramps that bad? Or were you mad at me for not planning anything for after work?" He couldn't even look at her when he asked her.

She stopped what she was doing.

"Okay, fine, yes I was disappointed that we didn't go out after work. I did have cramps though…that's why I took the Midol. Do you think I took too much on purpose?" She sat down next to him on the bed.

"I just wasn't sure, Q…that was so unlike you, I guess. And I really was scared…" he said, picking up her left hand, fiddling with her wedding rings.

"Sam, I wouldn't do anything to hurt myself, my god. I'll throw the Midol away, okay? Please believe me…" she said quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck slowly.

"Okay…I just wanted to be sure…I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you, Quinn…" he said into her hair.

"C'mon…" she stood up, taking his hand and pulled him to the bathroom. She found the Midol bottle, opened it, and dumped the rest of the pills in the toilet and flushed them. She tossed the empty bottle in the trash.

"They're gone Sam. I'll take Tylenol or ibuprofen if I'm crampy, okay?" He was looking at the floor, and she nudged his head up with her forehead against his. "I love you Sam…jeesh!"

He kissed her then, lingering on her lips, finally moving his tongue into her mouth. "I love you too, Q."

They spent the rest of the day helping with household chores and getting their stuff ready for graduation the next day. They got dressed up fancy for their birthday dinner date and left for Columbus around 4.

"So, where are you taking us, Sam?" she asked on their way to Columbus.

"This place called Martini that the Garrity's ladies told me about…a fancy Italian place in downtown Columbus," he told her, smiling.

He was wearing a new navy blue suit his parents had bought him recently, a white shirt, and a navy tie. She was wearing the pink sundress she wore when he proposed to her and strappy heels. The restaurant had valet parking so they were able to be dropped off at the front door of the establishment.

He had made a reservation so they were seated right away. There were white linen tablecloths on the tables, candles glowing on every table, gigantic chandeliers hanging above every fifth table it seemed, the walls adorned with different types of vibrant-colored vases with spotlights on them. The atmosphere was indulgent. The place was busy. Sam felt so proud when he felt Quinn's hand wrap around his elbow. He knew they made quite the pair, both blonde, slim, young, attractive. The sexiest thing to him, though, was her wedding band that he had placed on her finger. He felt the eyes of the other patrons on them as they were led to their table.

He pulled Quinn's chair out for her and then took his own seat.

"What to drink?" they were asked by the waiter. Quinn was going over the drink menu.

"Can we order any of these as virgin drinks?" she asked.

"Certainly…any cocktail can be prepared virgin…"

"I'd like to try a virgin pina colada then, please," she told the waiter.

"Perfect. And for you sir?" he asked Sam. Sam was surprised she ordered a virgin drink.

"Um, the same please," he said.

The waiter left and Sam leaned into Quinn. "What's a pina colada?"

"I think it's pineapple and coconut…is that okay?" she asked.

"Oh yeah…sounds tasty," he said, smiling.

The waiter returned with their virgin pina coladas.

"First, I'd like to make a toast, Q…" She held onto her glass. "To the most gorgeous 18-year-old I know, a girl I'm so lucky to call my wife…Happy birthday Q…" He clinked glasses with her. She smiled at him and her face lit up the room it seemed.

After taking a drink, he was impressed and declared: "It's basically a fruit drink but damn this is good…wonder what it's like with alcohol?" He was licking his lips and going over the menu.

"I don't know but yes…tasty…" Quinn agreed. "This menu is…wow…"

"I know! I think I'm going with a steak…happy birthday to me!" he said.

They both wound up ordering filet mignon.

"I thought that restaurant on our honeymoon was fancy…this totally beats it!" he said.

"It is fancy…thank you so much for planning this, Samuel. Happy birthday to you, too," she said, still smiling.

"Your smile is lovely tonight…it makes me happy…" he said quietly, thinking sometimes he ought to keep his thoughts to himself. She blushed.

"So, uh, Quinn, we haven't really talked anymore about, uh, um, you getting pregnant and…" he started.

"Sam, if this is going to end with me in tears, let's just wait til we get home, okay?" she interrupted.

He took her hand. "No, Q, I just wanted to talk about it since you're off the pill now and, you know, when are we going to start, uh, really trying?"

"Are you ready to start trying?"

"I don't know…are you?" He looked at her deeply. "I just thought we should start talking about it, you know. I mean, I don't know if I should start using condoms again or if you don't want me to or what…"

She took a deep breath. "I think we should wait until things get straightened out with me going off the pill. Are you okay with condoms again?"

He squeezed her hand and smiled. "I'll survive…"

Their meals came out and it was the best steak they'd ever eaten.

"I can't believe how great this is," he mumbled, not even waiting until he swallowed that bite to exclaim that.

"Mmmm….absolutely delicious!" she said, also talking with her mouth full.

Once most of their dinner was finished, Quinn asked Sam a question that had been nagging at her recently. "Are you nervous about our classes at OSU?"

"Not yet…I will be after we go the first couple times, though, and I see what I've got myself into. I'm glad we signed up for them together…I'll probably need your help…" he said.

"I'm nervous. What if I get pregnant, have classes, and work? Can I do it all?" On the honeymoon, she was sure she could do it all, and probably more, but as reality set in and graduation was looming, meaning college was beginning soon, the thought of "doing it all" was becoming overwhelming to her.

"I guess something would have to give. Obviously, if you were pregnant, nothing would change that so school or work…" he said. "We'll figure it out…it always works out in the end, right?"

His endless optimism boosted her spirits.

"I love you, Sam…you always say the right things…" she said, smiling at him.

He smiled back, pleased with himself for saying something that cheered her up.

"You ready to head home? Big day tomorrow, ya know…" he said.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Thank you again for the birthday date, Sam. It was lovely," she murmured.

Sam was a little shocked at the bill but tried not to freak out like he did on the honeymoon, just paid it and walked Quinn out of the restaurant. Their car was brought around for them, and they began their trip back to Lima.

Passing a small park, Quinn asked Sam to pull in; she wanted to see the moon's reflection on the lake there.

He found a place to park, and they sat there quietly for a bit.

"So, Sam," she began. "For your birthday…I thought it'd be fun maybe to have one more time in the car as high school students…"

"One more time?" he asked, a little dumbfounded. "Oh! Uh, sure…" He pulled out his wallet. "Whew…I still have a condom on me…"

"Awesome…" she whispered as he moved his seat back, allowing her to climb on top of him.

Putting the condom on was a little awkward (just like riding a bike, he kept thinking) since for nearly 9 months they'd been going at it condomless. Still, the closeness he felt with her was unchanged and he was thankful for that.

She knew it'd be weird going back to condoms; she was glad he had one on him. She hated having something between them since for so long it had been him in her, they were together fully, nothing between them. Now, the weird feeling of the condom was there, making strange noises as they moved together, she could feel it moving on him, and she knew it made it feel different for him. The sex even took longer than usual; she had her first orgasm and was working on #2 when he finally came.

He was gasping and said, "I didn't think I was ever gonna go…it just felt good and good and good but I couldn't get to that great feeling…worked out nice for you, though, didn't it?"

"Yeah…sorry about the condom, Sam…I know it must suck for you…" she said quietly, moving off him and back to the passenger seat.

"I said I'd be okay…don't worry about me, Q…thanks for the birthday surprise…" He smiled at her, working the condom off and tying it. He set it on the floor of the car to get his underwear and pants in place and then stepped out of the car to throw it away.

"You are such a gentleman, Samuel Evans. I love that about you," she said, taking his hand as he left the park and got on the road to Lima.

"And you are one fine lady, Quinn Evans…"

The next morning, the day of their graduation, they woke up and were both nervously excited. They didn't have to be at the school until around 12:30 so they had breakfast and played the dance game on the PS3 to burn off some energy. They took a shower together then to hopefully calm their nerves about their big day.

He was rubbing her shoulders and said, "I'm almost as nervous as the day we got married, not quite though..."

"At least you don't have to remember the rings," she laughed, leaning back into him.

He laughed. "True dat! At least that Eversole guy won't be between us either."

She turned to face him. "I'm ready to do this...with you. Ready to take that next step..."

He wrapped his arms around her in the steamy shower. "I've always been ready..."

They spent the rest of the time in their shower, washing each other's hair, maybe making out a little, until the water started getting cool.

"Guess it's time to get ready, Q..." he mumbled.

"Let's do this thing!" she said, high-fiving him.

"You are such a dork..." he said, laughing.

They got out, drying off, and started pulling on their clothes to wear under their gowns. Since Quinn's gown was white, she had to wear a white dress underneath. The girls had been warned about wearing anything inappropriate. She pulled on a lacy white thong and white bra before her dress. Sam watched her, practically drooling.

"How awesome is it that I will know you have that thong on the entire time?" he said, stepping into his black bikini briefs.

"Just try to control your boner when they hand you your diploma," she said, giggling. "I'm liking the bikinis, Sam..."

"Maybe we oughtta just do it on the stage, ya think?" he said, smirking at her, shaving quickly.

"Not only are you a dork but a perv too!" she said, laughing with him.

She slipped the white crocheted dress over her head. It fit her well, accentuating her curves and tiny waist. He looked up from pulling on his navy dress pants and whistled at her.

"We might be late getting there, Q...damn..." The dress had a tight crochet stitch but he could still see bits of skin, focusing on her butt. He pressed himself behind her, running a hand up the back of her thigh to her bare ass.

"Samuel..." she said, watching him in the mirror. His lips were on the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder and she saw him look at her in the mirror.

"Okay, okay..." he mumbled.

He slapped on some aftershave and deodorant, ran a comb through his hair, and put on his watch. He put on a white wifebeater, his white dress shirt, and his red tie while she styled her hair. He threaded a belt through the belt loops of his pants.

"I'm ready...except for socks and shoes," he announced, flexing his muscles and making faces in the full-length mirror.

"I've gotta do makeup and then I'll be ready..." she said, watching him in her mirror. He may be graduating today but he's still a boy, she thought smiling to herself.

"Hurry it up lady or we really will be late!" he said, wandering off for socks and shoes.

Quinn finished up with her makeup and made sure she had all the jewelry on that she wanted to wear. She put on some perfume and found her white heels.

"Okay, Sam, I'm ready too," she said to him, finding him playing games on the PS3.

There was a knock on the basement door from upstairs.

"Are you two decent? It's almost time to go!" Sam's dad hollered down the stairs.

Sam and Quinn looked at one another, trying not to laugh. They collected their caps and gowns and headed upstairs.

Quinn's mom and Bill were there, along with Sam's family. They posed for lots of pictures before ever heading for the school. They finally had to leave or else they actually would be late. They took off the gowns so they wouldn't get wrinkled on the drive over to the school. Once at the school, they put them back on and zipped each other up. Quinn had Tina bobby pin her cap on so it wouldn't fall off. Sam had his cap on but sitting on his head at an odd angle and the tassel hanging off the wrong side.

"What would you do without me?" she asked him, fixing his cap on his head and the tassel.

"Look like a complete idiot, I guess," he said, smiling. "Kiss me Q..."

She did, trying not to knock their caps off.

The graduation was held in the auditorium, and the kids were waiting just outside the auditorium for the ceremony to begin. She stood in front of Sam, him holding her hand.

Pomp and Circumstance began, and they began filing their way from the back of the auditorium to their seats, the first few rows of the auditorium. There was an invocation and some speeches by Principal Figgins, the valedictorian, and salutatorian. The first row of students then began lining up offstage alphabetically to receive their diplomas. The jazz band was playing You'll Never Walk Alone softly during the processional of graduates.

"Arthur Grant Abrams." Artie was the first of their class called. He rolled across stage, shook Figgins' hand, and then did some odd peace sign to the audience.

"Michael Allen Chang." Mike strode gracefully across the stage, accepting his diploma and shaking the requisite hands.

"Bettina Lynn Cohen-Chang." Tina already had tears that she brushed away quickly before crossing the stage.

Quinn and Sam were waiting nervously offstage as the E's began. She was waiting on the name Stephen Ettlinger and then she was next.

She turned to whisper to Sam. "God I'm so nervous..."

"You'll do fine...don't trip," he smiled. "Wait for me on the other side, okay?" He squeezed her hand and then had to let her go; her name was being called.

"Quinn Grace Evans." Although she had performed on that stage a number of times, walking across it to receive her high school diploma was daunting. She did it though with a smile, shaking Figgins' hand, and managed to make it to the other side of the stage and down the steps. She was supposed to go on to her seat but she waited on Sam to join her.

He watched her walk slowly across the stage. Of course, he considered it floating where she was concerned. He took a deep breath waiting to hear his name.

"Samuel Aaron Evans." He tried not to sprint over to Figgins but really just wanted that diploma and to meet up with Quinn again. He slowed his pace down, smiled at Figgins and shook his hand, took his diploma, and got the hell off stage. Quinn watched him from across the stage; she got to see his smile as he received his diploma. Only at their wedding had he ever been more handsome to her than he was in that moment. She knew how hard he had worked for this honor, and she was insanely proud of him as he crossed the stage, moving toward her, giant smile still plastered on his face.

Meeting up with Quinn at the steps, he picked her up and swung her around. He didn't care. They had both just graduated and he was fucking happy. She squealed a little in his ear. He put her down and they quickly made their way back to their seats before the Eversole guy ran them over.

In their seats, Sam opened the diploma jacket he had been given and about had a heart attack. He whispered to Quinn, "Uh, do you have a diploma?"

She giggled. "We pick them up after the ceremony. They just hand these out empty."

"Oh..." He apparently had not paid much attention during rehearsals.

"Finn Charles Hudson." Finn moved slowly across stage, still seeming in shock that he was actually graduating.

"Rachel Barbra Hudson." Rachel followed Finn, now heavily pregnant, but beaming with a smile.

"Kurt E. Hummel." Kurt sashayed across stage with quite the flourish to receive his diploma.

"Mercedes Aretha Jones." Mercedes took that stage like the diva she was.

"Santana Valentina Sofia Lopez." Santana rivaled Mercedes' diva walk on stage. She blew a kiss to the audience.

Quinn whispered to Sam, "I'm sure that was a 'kiss my ass' gesture."

"She definitely has the balls to pull it off," he mumbled.

"Brittany Susan Pearce." Somehow Brittany had managed to graduate, though she did have to take her government class again over the summer.

"Noah Gabriel Puckerman." Puck did his best swagger across stage, smirking at the audience as he shook Figgins' hand. Along with Brittany, it was surprising he had enough credits to graduate.

The last student to walk across stage was Lauren.

"Lauren Matilda Zizes." She had requested they not use her middle name or maybe just the initial, but her father overruled her. She looked pretty pissed going across the stage but received her diploma and did a fist bump in the air.

The students were stirring, knowing she was the last one and the ceremony was about over. Sam and Quinn were holding hands, waiting for the end of the ceremony to celebrate.

The benediction was given, and Principal Figgins took the microphone. "I present to you the William McKinley High School graduating class of 2012. Graduates, you may move your tassels..." They moved them from right to left. "I need to remind you to not throw your caps into the air, at least until you get outside, due to the liabilities we incur when someone suffers an eye injury. Congratulations graduates!"

The band began playing some festive tune and despite Figgins' admonition about tossing their caps a number of them flew up into the air. Sam and Quinn first of all hugged one another.

"I'm so proud of you Sam Evans!" she said to him over the commotion, wiping away a few stray tears. She knew he had been a little worried about getting good enough grades that semester to earn enough credits to graduate. She was pretty sure he wouldn't have any problems and was just letting it worry him.

He kissed her on the cheek. "We did it Q!" He then threw his cap in the air and they heard someone say oww nearby a couple seconds later.

He looked at her, laughing "Oops!"

He took her hand again and they moved through the crowd to find their parents. They kept bumping into their equally as excited friends, sharing hugs, shaking hands, congratulating one another. When they found their families, they smiled through another round of pictures, hugs, hand shaking.

"Well, dad, one down, one to go," Sam told his father, meaning high school was done, now he and Quinn just needed to get through college.

"I'm proud of you, son. Just do as well in college," his dad told him, throwing his arm around Sam's shoulders. Sam could've sworn he saw a tear in his dad's eyes. Of course, his mom and Judy were bawling. Bill shook Sam's hand and hugged Quinn. Stevie and Stacey were just excited by all the celebration. Sam found his cap and let Stacey put it on to try it out. After the pictures were done, Quinn unpinned her cap and let Stevie wear it, until he realized all the girls had white caps and he made Stacey switch him.

Sam and Quinn went to the area designated for diplomas. They received their actual diploma and other stuff, like their transcript of all their high school grades, a small wallet-sized diploma, their second semester grades. Once they had their real diplomas in hand, they had to rush back home for a small open house for friends and family that their parents had arranged.

They took off their gowns in their love nest and Sam wondered if Quinn should be seen in public in her white dress. Maybe I just know where to look, no one else should be looking at her butt, he thought, still seeing tiny flashes of bare skin. Then he'd think of the thong and bra she was wearing and was pretty sure he would be sporting a partial at his open house.

Their families had set up tables on the back deck and let the kids play in the yard while people dropped by to congratulate Sam and Quinn. They put their diplomas in the jackets they received and set those out for people to look at. Their senior pictures were there, plus their wedding picture, pictures from when they were kids, pictures from school functions (Sam in his football uniform, Quinn in her Cheerios uniform, Glee Club pictures).

Quinn caught herself staring at Sam as he spoke with guests (such as her grandfather and then it was all comic book discussion, Coach Beiste and football discussion, Minister Atterbury from their church). She was slightly blown away by how handsome he looked that day, almost coming off as grownup. Before they left for their graduation, he appeared boyish to her. After graduation, he looked like a man to her. And suddenly, she just wanted to be alone with him.

She went up to him, tugged on his sleeve a little, and told him she needed help with something in the basement. He looked at her funny but followed her.

", is there something heavy I need to move or what?" he said, walking behind her into the main living area of the basement.

"You just need to move me," she said, turning to him, grabbing his shirt and pulling him to her roughly. She planted a wet kiss on his mouth and scooted up on their table. She spread her legs and pulled his hips to her.

"Um, well, uh, we have like guests upstairs Q..." he mumbled as she started undoing his belt. "I don't even have a condom on know, last night..."

"I don't care..." she whispered against his lips. "I wanna do it now."

When he felt her hot breath against his skin, he wasn't about to say no to her.

"Oh god..." he muttered, reaching up under her short dress to move her thong off her. She had his pants undone and they were pooled around his ankles. He was pushing his bikini briefs down, leaning over her, his mouth on her neck, ready to take her, when they both heard the little voice from the stairs.

"Quinnie? Is Sammy hurting you?" Stacey asked innocently.

He had never moved so fast in his life, pulling his briefs up and pushing Quinn's legs down. "Go back upstairs Stace!" He kind of yelled it and that scared her and she ran upstairs, announcing to the adults that "Sammy was hurting Quinnie naked on the table!" An extremely awkward silence followed that announcement.

Downstairs, they hurriedly tried to get re-dressed.

"Wow Q, this is bad...what possessed you to start in on me like that?" he asked, sounding pissy.

"I just...I don't know Sam...I'm sorry..."

"Can you imagine what my parents are going to say? You know she's going to tell them..." he said, buckling his belt. "C'mon, we need to get back upstairs..."

Sam and Quinn burst out onto the deck then, Sam's shirt untucked in the back, Quinn smoothing down her dress and hair. The silence was enough to tell them that Stacey had alerted everyone to what was going on downstairs.

"Uh, well, sorry, we just had to, uh," he cleared his throat. "Take care of umm something in the house," Sam mumbled with all eyes on him, his dad's eyes particularly were staring a hole right through him. "C'mon Stevie...pass the football with me." Sam left Quinn on the deck to fend for herself.

"Can I get anyone anything to drink?" she said quietly. No one answered her so she took a seat in the shade.

Later that night, Sam and Quinn were in their love nest, getting ready to go to Tina's pool party but not saying much to one another.

"Did your dad say anything to you?" she asked.

"Not yet," he answered in a short clipped voice.

"Don't be mad at me, Sam. It was an accident. We just need more privacy," she said.

"Why then? In the middle of the open house? It couldn't wait? Seriously Quinn...who knows what Stacey saw or what she told everyone out there," he said, getting angry.

"I didn't hear you say no, Sam, or try to stop were going right along with it!" Now, she was getting pissed.

"You won't be the one who has to sit through a lecture on the evils of sex either!" he said, his voice raising.

"No, you both will be sitting through that..." A voice from the steps said. His dad was standing there, dreading this conversation. "I'm not sure exactly what was going on down here earlier, but it scared Stacey. She thought you were hurting Quinn, naked, on the table. Obviously, we need to work out some sort of system where you two have your privacy to do whatever on whatever whenever you want. I'm guessing the divider hiding your bed is not enough since you seem to have to mark every surface down here."

He sighed. Looking at Sam, "No one ever said sex was evil, but it needs to be something you don't share with everyone you meet. Why you chose the middle of your open house to engage in intercourse is beyond me and it was just accidental that Stacey followed you down here. You two need to decide how to rectify this. We can't lock the door at the top of the stairs; it stays open and you know why that is. Maybe you need to confine your marital relations to your bed...I don't know. What I do know is no one is going to walk in on you two having sex again because you're going to figure out a way to keep it private."

"Why can't people just yell from the steps that they're coming down? How hard is that to do?" Sam asked, his face red from having to listen to his dad talk about sex in front of him and Quinn. He also couldn't believe how such an awesome day had gone downhill so fast. He wasn't sure who to be mad at: himself, Quinn, his dad, his sister. They're all pissing me off, he thought, scowling. It didn't help his mood that he had been dealing with a major set of blue balls since the whole episode happened.

"We'll try that but do you really think Stevie and Stacey are going to remember to announce their arrival if they're excited and want to show you something? I sincerely doubt it," his dad said. He was ready to end this horrific conversation so he said, "We'll try it but if it doesn't work and there's another incident we'll need to figure something out, maybe you two finding an apartment."

Sam and Quinn looked at one another. That was almost like his dad kicking them out. I can't help my hormones, Quinn was thinking.

"Okay, fine...we're going to a pool party," Sam said gruffly to his dad, picking up Quinn's hand and walking past his dad at the stairs. They already had their swimsuits on under their clothes and Quinn had packed a couple towels in her backpack. They hopped on his motorcycle and drove over to Tina's.

At Tina's, he hopped off the bike, still not really speaking to her. On the pool patio, he said hello to the guys and popped open a beer. Quinn caught up with him, grabbing his arm. "You can't drink and drive that motorcycle!"

Shit. "We can just walk home..." he said, taking a swig. "Maybe I'll just stay here at Tina's...lots of privacy here."

She stomped off, dropping the bag of towels, stripping off her clothes and sandals, and jumped in the deep end of the pool, hoping the cool water would cool down her temper. He set his beer down, telling the guys someone else could drink it. He kicked off his sneakers, stripped off his t-shirt, and cannon-balled into the pool right next to her. He came up beside her, pulling her by the hand to the corner of the pool.

"Why're you mad at me?" he asked her abruptly.

"Because you're being an ass!"

"Me? Being an ass? You instigated that whole thing and totally embarrassed me in front my family and friends! Damn straight I'm being an ass!" he said, not even trying to keep his voice down.

"You could've stopped it but you went along with it! I didn't take my thong off myself!"

Now the group at the pool was totally silent. She pulled away from him and swam to the ladder to get out.

"Oh're not...swimming away from me!" He pushed up on the side of the pool to get out, losing the back of his trunks, but no one dared laugh. He stomped over to where Quinn was getting a towel. He grabbed the bag away from her and yanked out his towel.

"You are not allowed to be mad at me over this, Quinn Evans!" he practically shouted at her.

She took a deep breath. "Not here Sam..."

"Yes here…I'm the one who's mad!" he said loudly.

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I instigated something romantic and I'm sorry your sister walked in and I'm sorry your dad lectured us! Are you happy now? GOD!" She wasn't keeping her voice down either.

He just stood there staring at her, now mad because she announced to everyone at the pool party what they were arguing about. She glared back at him and then dropped her towel and turned on her heel to just get away from him.

"Oh no…you don't walk away from me…" she heard him say.

She stopped at the edge of the deepest end of the pool and he stopped in front of her, both of them staring each other down.

"You didn't even finish what you started…" he said so only she could hear him.

He then took his index finger and pushed her shoulder just enough to push her off balance and into the pool. He watched her fall in and was a little scared of what her reaction would be. The other kids watched the scene unfold and gasped when he pushed her in with a single finger. They began whispering about what the hell was going on between them.

He knew he probably pushed it too far with that but he was freaking mad about the whole situation. What situation? Why was I mad in the first place? he thought, watching her float on her back away from him. Oh right, my little sister catching us nearly doing it and thinking I was hurting her and then blabbing it in front of everyone at our graduation open house! I have every right to be mad dammit! I should've just put my foot down, though, and never let it get so freakin far…

She came up from under the water, glared at him once more, and floated on her back away from him, not taking her eyes off him. She got to the opposite wall and just stopped there, thinking about this argument. I know he was embarrassed by his little sister walking in on us and saying what she said but at least we weren't actually in the act, I apologized and I sat through his dad's lecture with him, what else does he want me to do? It's not like he's never started something where we could get caught, namely a handjob on the dance floor on the riverboat…god! I have a right to be mad too!she thought.

He dove into the water then and swam underwater until he reached her on the other side, coming up right in front of her face, putting his hands on the edge on either side of her. He said again, "You didn't even finish what you started…"

Before she knew it, his lips were on hers and he was pressing up against her.

"You want me to finish it now?" she asked, pulling away from him. He felt her legs wrap around his waist, and he swallowed hard.

"I'm mad at you…you drive me crazy…" he said quietly, kissing her hard, pushing his tongue in her mouth.

"I'm mad at you too, Sam Evans. What will you do if I don't finish what I started?" she said, squeezing her knees around him, feeling him push his hips against her crotch, his erection evident.

"Have a meeting with my right hand…." He moaned against her mouth. "Please Q…move your bottoms out of the way…"

"Oh god Sam…" She reached behind herself and pulled the crotch of her bottoms out of the way. She felt him push his trunks down and then he was in her suddenly, groaning against her skin quietly.

"Yes Quinn…" he whispered, thrusting gently into her. And then he mumbled, "I'm not mad anymore…"

"Me either…" she whispered, kissing his neck, hoping the others had stopped paying attention to them. They were in a spot of the pool that had a shadow of a tree falling over them so hopefully it was not apparent to the rest what was up. She seemed to hear the others talking and laughing so she assumed they were done ogling her and Sam since they stopped yelling at one another.

His pushing was going fast, slow, fast, slow, and his moaning was picking up, getting a little louder. She knew he was close and whispered shhh in his ear.

"Uh, uh, I can't Q….oh shit…" The last two words came out a little louder than he anticipated when he came.

He was still moaning in her ear as he rode out his orgasm.

"Angry sex rocks, Sam…" she finally said.

"What were we mad about?" he asked her.

"I can't remember…whatever it was I'm sorry…" Quinn told him.

"I am too…let's make this a good day again…" he said. He dropped out of her and pulled up his trunks. She got her bottoms back in place.

"It has been a good day, hasn't it?" she asked, kissing his jaw, totally forgetting what happened at their open house.

"A great day Q…we're gonna have lots more, right?" He had forgotten what happened at their open house also.

"Lots more, Samuel…" Quinn said, wrapping her arms around his neck, thinking about their future together. She pictured them going to college, saw herself pregnant with his baby, definitely saw them in their own home, just saw herself by his side always.

He noticed she was quiet, lost in thought. "What's on your mind?" he asked her.

She smiled and kissed him softly. "Our future…"


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the final chapter of Sam's Escape...time to move on! Will be posting new story soon. :) Also, in this chapter, if I messed up any of the kids' middle names (like maybe they've been mentioned on the show but I used a different one here I honestly didn't know...yay fiction!) please don't hate on me! I love all you readers but would also love to hear from you so drop me a review if you have time! :)