Private Chat: Noetehoen7 to KRogaNKRUsher14

Noetehoen: Come on dude, chill. You're acting paranoid.

KRogaNKRUsher: No! No I'm not!

KRogaNKRUsher: Ever since he joined the Knights, the group's never lost a game.

KRogaNKRUsher: Not even a practice match!

KRogaNKRUsher: Where's the fun in playing if his hacking means we never risk losing?

Noetehoen: This again? Dude. He's not a hacker. We've been over this.

KRogaNKRUsher: He's never been caught hacking, you mean.

Noetehoen: Dude…

KRogaNKRUsher: And another thing! Why do you guys keep talking about him like he's some precious goody-two-shoes who never does anything wrong? The guy's a creep!

Noetehoen: Dude! He's done absolutely nothing wrong!

KRogaNKRUsher: He has the 'Cure for What Ails You' achievement! You don't just gun down over a hundred damn quarians by accident! But noooo, that's not a red flag at all!

Noetehoen: Ok, so he's a completionist? So what?

KRogaNKRUsher: Damnit you're not listening!

Noetehoen: Kro, stop. I don't get why you hate John so much, but it's really disrupting the group. You need to cool down before… look, just chill. Ok, dude?

KRogaNKRUsher: Yeah. Yeah, ok. I'll try.

Noetehoen: Ok. Now come on, let's see what Sunny wants us all for.

Group Chat: Terminus Knights War Room

Lord_Sunbringer: Hey everyone, glad everyone could make it!

Lord_Sunbringer: Well. Almost everyone. Cal's still not back from his job on Illium. We'll have to do this without him.

Lord_Sunbringer: Anyways! First off, I wanted to say that I'm just so damn proud of you all.

Lord_Sunbringer: Last week's win marks the fourth Terminus Knights' tournament win in a ROW!

Lord_Sunbringer: Everyone's been doing amazing. But I'd like to give a special shoutout to the newest Fresh Meat, our star player… John Smith!

Infiltrat0rN7: I question the continued usage of the term Fresh Meat.

Tarquin_V: Don't worry about it, Fresh Meat. It's just the term used for the newest recruit to the Knights. You'll be stuck with it until the next poor sap joins our merry band. Kro had the honor of the name until you signed up last month, isn't that right Kro?

KRogaNKRUsher: Hmph.

Lord_Sunbringer: ...right. Well, that actually leads me to my next point.

Lord_Sunbringer: John, you're still new enough that you haven't attended one of these.

Lord_Sunbringer: Everyone, you all installed Grim Terminus Alliance like I asked, right?

Rana: We did, Sunny. Is this what I think it is?

Lord_Sunbringer: You know it!

Lord_Sunbringer: It's time for some Interpersonal Communication Training!

Lord_Sunbringer: Now, I'm not saying that the team's performance has been lacking! Far from it, we've never been doing better!

Lord_Sunbringer: But you all know my motto - "Ever Onwards To Excellence!"

Lord_Sunbringer: So! We're going to run a quick Team Heist in GTA to promote teamwork! And iron out just a few issues.

Lord_Sunbringer: I don't want to single anyone out. I'm just saying that lately there's been some… less than constructive criticism of teammates.

Lord_Sunbringer: So that's why we're here! To work together and prove that everyone can contribute to the success of everyone else!

Lord_Sunbringer: Now, are you all ready to game?!

Noetehoen: Woo, let's do this!

Rana: May the Goddess grant us success!

LT_Kirahe: Let's break their line!

Tarquin_V: Victory at any cost!

John: I am combat ready.

KRogaNKRUsher: Sure. Woo.

Lord_Sunbringer: Alright! Next stop, the Omega Treasure Vault of Queen Aria!

*Mission Start*

KRogaNKRUsher: What? OW!

Rana: Kro? Why did you jump out of the shuttle? We haven't even finished gearing up yet!

KRogaNKRUsher: I didn't mean to! John, did you push me?

Tarquin_V: What are you talking about? Why would John push you?

KRogaNKRUsher: Because that's what he does! Except you jerks never believe me!


KRogaNKRUsher: The heck?

LT_Kirahe: Seriously, Kro?! This is a stealth mission, why'd you set off the shuttle alarm?!

KRogaNKRUsher: I didn't! I swear man, I swear by the damn Hanar's Candle God I didn't!

Noetehoen: Dude, come on. You're the only one near the car, just admit it.

KRogaNKRUsher: I didn't even touch the damn car, damnit! John must have shot it, or something!

Infiltrat0rN7: I did not infiltrate the vehicle.

Lord_Sunbringer: Enough! The guards are coming, this just turned into a smash-and-grab. Everyone get ready for a fight!


KRogaNKRUsher: Oh come on!

LT_Kirahe: Again? Kro, keep away from the red sand barrels, you're not a biotic!

KRogaNKRUsher: No, no, I should have been fine, the mooks were on the far damn side of the warehouse and only had shotguns, I was FINE to move past the barrels. You know how bad the AI's aiming is, there's no way they could have hit that! John set them off!

Infiltrat0rN7: KRogaNKRUsher, please relocate to a less flammable location. We will target the enemy units until they reach the range at which you are capable of contributing.

KRogaNKRUsher: Wha- oh screw you!

Tarquin_V: Kro, move!



Lord_Sunbringer: Kro! Cool it!


KRogaNKRUsher: You all saw that! There was no damn way you didn't all see that!


Infiltrat0rN7: I did not.


Lord_Sunbringer: KRO. You will stop insulting your teammate NOW.

Lord_Sunbringer: Look. Just… completely ignoring the fact that John has no reason to teamkill you, how would he even do that?


KRogaNKRUsher: This entire time he's been disrupting my game

Rana: Really? That's the best you've got?

Tarquin_V: Honestly, Kro. It's one thing to accuse him of trolling - that you can't even prove, by the way - but now you're simply blaming him for your gameplay not being good enough?

KRogaNKRUsher: ...seriously?

Lord_Sunbringer: Alright. I guess we're talking about this now.

Lord_Sunbringer: Kro. You were a good recruit. At first.

Lord_Sunbringer: But ever since John joined the Knights, our tournament rankings have never been higher while your own stats keep getting lower and lower with each match.

Lord_Sunbringer: This was supposed to be a team-building exercise, a way for you to get over your irrational vendetta against John. But if you aren't even going to try?

Lord_Sunbringer: Then maybe you should take a break from gaming.

KRogaNKRUsher: ...

KRogaNKRUsher: Fine. Fine!

KRogaNKRUsher: You all think John's so much better than me? Then I guess you don't need me getting in his way.

KRogaNKRUsher: John? You win.

*KRogaNKRUsher has disconnected*