The following charges are hereby laid against Commander Shepard:

Massive xenocide – Destruction of Batarian colony

Destruction of Infrastructure / Historic Artifact – Destruction of relay

Noncompliance with Alliance Regulations on Dangerous Xenobiology – Rachni

Destruction of Undocumented Xenobiology (Sentient) – Thorian

Noncompliance with Alliance Regulations on Nuclear Devices - Virmire

Collusion with enemy – Cerberus

Collusion with enemy – Geth

Harboring known criminal – Kasumi Goto

Burgularly – Donovan Hock's estate

Harboring known criminal – Subject Zero, aka 'Jack'

Harboring known criminal – Thane Krios

Noncompliance with Alliance Regulations on Artificial Intellegences – 'EDI'

14,326 counts of breaking and entering / theft

17,812 counts of murder

Unliscenced salvage operations – Derelict 'Reaper'

Ecological Devastation / Unlicensed orbital mining operations

Tax Evasion – 'Dead for two years'

Posing as Citadel health inspector

Harvesting of endangered species – Krogan

Tampering with ongoing military reprisals – 'Genophage cure'

847 counts of cruelty to animals

Disturbing the peace – weapons fired on Citadel grounds

False advertisement / Conflicting store sponsorships

"Commander, how do you plead?"

Paragon: "Not guilty, and let me explain my actions."

Neutral: "I plead the fifth."

Renegade: "Oh, you touch my tralala…"