AN: This is not a story I plan to finish. I may add more at a later time, but instead this "story" will be a collection of partial stories. I am willing to let anyone else continue writing them on the condition they are kept at T or below, no slash, no lemons, no self-inserts. Keep it canon. And I am sent a link so I can read it too. I'd be willing to beta anyone who wants to continue one of my ideas. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I do not have either an S or an M anywhere in my legal name, therefore I could not possibly be SM. I own nothing of value. I am merely creating a plethora of "what-ifs" in her world.

- - - - -The Storm (part 2) - - - - -

Summary: 4 books, 7 vampires, 2 Quileute elders, 2 Swans, 1 imprint, 1 soon-to-be-wolf, and 1 wolf. Reading. Begins 2 weeks before "Invitations". Part 2. A letter was received, warning of great dangers to the whole world if certain things remain unchanged.

Chapter 1

Little was said around the room as Bella's reasons for moving were revealed. Her perceptiveness at the lunch table shocked the Cullen family, several of them making mental notes about their mistakes. If Bella could notice these things, so could others.

Chapter 2

As they finished the chapter, Sam and the elders were barely able to control their tempers, in fact Jasper was the only thing keeping them from exploding (in Sam's case potentially literally) in rage at Edward's reaction to meeting Bella.

Bella looks down in embarrassment, not only of having her every thought broadcast to the room, but of how pathetic she felt, because of her growing obsession with Edward Cullen.

The thoughts Edward was receiving were damning from the Quileutes, Jacob was considering the reaction sounded rather like the tribe's legends have some origin of dangerous fact. His family was ranging from concern, not realizing how truly dangerous the situation had been, to defiantly smug in Rosalie's case.

But it was Chief Swan who bothered him the most, probably, because he couldn't tell entirely what was going through the officer's mind. "Chief Swan? I will not try to justify my actions. I will say I had my reasons, and unfortunately, I have a feeling you will understand too soon. I will however apologize to Bella," here he turned to the blushing brunette, "Bella, I am sorry for the way I behaved, I won't ask for your forgiveness. It was unforgivable." He stood up and went to the front porch, having to listen to his reaction from an outsider's perspective, forced him to relive the moment himself, and Bella's scent was so strong in their, not even the wolf was masking it in Edward's senses.

Chapter 3

"That's not possible, Bella. Doc, how can you say there was no concussion from that accident, she's obviously seeing things!" Charlie exclaimed in reaction Bella's observations during the accident. "I'm afraid there was no concussion." The doctor hesitated, glancing at his family, "And according to Edward, her recollection was exact to the actual events." "You're claiming your boy was able to stop a van? From the opposite side of the parking lot?" Charlie asked skeptically. Alice interrupted "It's best if you find out how Bella did, or would have if we'd not received these books."

Chapter 4

"Bella, could you please tell us, has anything at this point been different then your recollection, anything at all?" Carlisle asked as he took the book to begin reading. "No sir, it's all been accurate. Why?" "There's a note here that says we're about to begin what should be new information. Bella paid close attention, for the clues to the mystery that is Edward Cullen. Her dream confused her, but more so, it confused the vampires, who could see the truth in her dreams, even f she didn't. The first few pages were not actually new to her, except that it limits this behavior of Edward's to a month. What would have changed if not for these books? Edward wondered, trying to understand what tragedy could cause him to give up his self-induced silence. He was shocked that she could think him so callous as to wish her to have died instead of risking exposure as he had. Edward, Jacob and Charlie all grimaced at the mention of Mike's confident behavior; then again at his actions toward Jessica. No one that pitifully desperate was worthy of Bella, in any of their opinions.

"Bella, you need some lessons in how to tell a guy to 'bug off'. Because your way is not going to keep them gone." Alice exclaimed in reference to Tyler's assumptions. "I'll help you with that." Everyone was surprised to hear Emily speak up for the first time, offering a friendly, if shaky smile to Alice.

"Edward that was horrible behavior, apologize." Esme exclaimed. "This has not happened, and now it will not. If we start apologizing for everything that is going to happen, we will never get through these books." Edward unwisely informed his mother. "I was not referring only to your most recent indiscretion, the day before the accident was the only time you came close to appropriate behavior young man. And don't think you're going to get away with that it hasn't happened yet excuse." "Yes ma'am, you're right of course," he turned to Bella, and stared into her eyes, "I am sorry for my behavior, I was rude, and I will endeavor to be so again." Bella seemed unable to reply, so Carlisle continued reading.

Edward was crushed at Bella's analysis of his words, but couldn't bring himself to deny it, knowing that she needed to believe him uninterested so she would move on. Then stared in amazement at what he would apparently do, after telling her those things. What could possibly have made him break his silence?

There were several people that looked ready to attack Edward, to save his son, Carlisle spoke up, While I agree that we cannot necessary excuse what happens in the book, I think it would be best to get the whole story before we begin making judgments. Now, the book recommends this would be a good chapter for either Charlie, Billy, or Sam.