Author's Note: I'm really touched by the response that I've been given even though I haven't been entirely focused on this endeavour. But I promise to finish this story with the kind of ending it deserves. An Unknown Foreign Beauty: I'm sorry I put you through emotional pain. I will try to do more frequent updates. PampleMousse07, Jamie Jazz, Romance andMusical, James Birdsong: Thanks so much. Sorry that you to reread a few back chapters. Icaneatpopcorn: You woke me up from my uninspired stupor.

Previously on 'A Prince To The Rescue': Flynn Rider brought Rapunzel to the orphanage where she healed a sick ward. Rapunzel told Flynn to never go back to the castle before she knocked him out and escaped. Meanwhile, the part of town was already overrun with guards under Gothel's order. Chasing the fleeing Rapunzel, Flynn came face to face with the guards and was hit by an arrow. Rapunzel is taken to a tower in Castle Elinsore. Gothel decided to prove to Rapunzel that Flynn/ Prince Eugene is still alive so Rapunzel would continue to obey her in order to save Flynn's life.

Chapter Thirteen: A New Threat

King Galodious observes the event unfolding before his eyes in a kind of amazement fit to describe one witnessing a miracle. He has noticed Gothel's tired, frayed look and the strands of grey hair on her temples. The woman's laugh lines are especially prominent, like a ventriloquist puppet's jaws. But when Gothel touches the sleeping girl's hair and mouthing the words of a song, the change in her is instant. The woman's hair turns jet black and springs out full-bodied. The ventriloquist puppet's jaw lines disappear, her skin turns smooth like marble and she becomes fully renewed, like a limp rose put in water.

So, that is the secret of Gothel's prisoner. In his heart, he is hoping that Gothel will share her secret, in time. But for now, he is content to be revealed to the secret by the keyhole to the tower's locked door. Of course, the guard let him in. But the only thing standing between the girl's magical hair and his desire for eternity is Gothel. He desires her. She is his equal. But will they both be equal after this revelation?

Something creeps into Galodious' heart. It is the same feeling he felt when he sees his brother's happiness, surrounded by love and wealth and power, while he rejoiced in the birth of his prince, who would succeed his kingdom. It is the feeling of taking action, taking matters into his own hands rather than waiting for things to happen.

Gothel touches the girl's hair and she becomes youthful. What if he took the girl and possessed her body? What if he put his lips to her mouth and tasted her juice? What if she violated her and took in all her essence? What will happen to him? Will he gain immortality? He is confident that will be the case. There is no other way to find out but to try it himself.

Galodius retreats his one eye from the keyhole, the glint of his eyes like a snake's as he backs away from the door. He ascends the winding stairs to the lower ground, exits the gates and has them locked behind him. One of his courtiers are advancing toward him in great urgency.

"My Lord, please inspect the final preparations for the Lost Princess' Memorial," the man says. Galodius harrumphs his way to the yards, his mind fully occupied with plans.

"Where is Prince Eugene?" He asks.

"He is yet to return to the Castle."

"The Coronans are to see the kind of foolery that I have to go through to run this kingdom," he moans.

"It is pitiful, my Lord."

"The fool has no idea how important this is."

"No, he doesn't."

"That is why I love him so much."

Life is perfect for Galodious. He has the symbolic object for benevolence in the form of the former Crown Prince Eugene. He has a mad wife who will serve to be his legitimate connection to the throne. And he has the source of eternal life right in the form of a vulnerable young girl, right in his castle. Nothing is going to ruin this charmed perfection.

P/S: Sorry for the short chapter. Yes, you can guess it. The climax is coming.