I don't own twilight. I just own Destiny and other Ocs that will come into the story later.

Chapter One

I had been out of school for two weeks talking with Sam and helping him with patrols and stuff. He said Jared was next. I growled. He was one on Paul's friends. Sam looked at me concerned. I smiled lightly.

"I'm fine, don't worry. " I said. Sam just rolled his eyes. I laughed and walked into Emily's house and gave her a hug. She was like a second mom to me. Emily smiled.

"Hey Dest." She said softly, putting down a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table. I grinned, taking a cookie and took a small bite. "Hey Emmy!" I said sighing. I love her cooking. Sam went over to Emily and gave her a kiss.

"Hey" he had whispered huskily to her, giving her chaste kisses.

I faked gagged and yelled. "My eyes!" They broke a part. Sam glared at me, while Emily had an embarrassed blush. I just grinned and waved. Well got to go guys. I'm going back to school tomorrow!" I yelled running out the door.

I got home in only a few minutes. I opened the door. "Hey mom, dad!" My mom turned her eyes toward me. She smiled and gave me a hug. I smiled down at her.

"I'm going to bed okay; I need the most beauty rest I can get. I got school!" I giggled and skipped upstairs giving my mom and dad a kiss on the cheek. I went into my room and quickly changed into my pajamas. I got into bed and let the sleep come over me.

I groaned when I heard my alarm clock ringing. I grabbed it and threw it out the window. A few second later I heard a cat screech. "Opps Sorry fluffy!" I groaned out climbing out of bed, and yes I have a cat named fluffy. I wanted to name it medusa but my baby sister though otherwise.

I grabbed my clothes and took a nice cold shower. After washing my hair, body and shaving I got out and got changed into my clothes. I ran down stairs to see my mom and my sister eating. I ruffled my sister hair. "Good morning guys!" I said, grabbing an apple and taking a bite.

My sister huffed and fixed her hair.

Sissy, Don't it twook hours to fwinx." She said in her cute 2 year old voice. I laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Sorry Babygirl." I said. She just pouted and turned away. I shook my lead lightly and looked at the clock. "Well I got to go or I'm going to be late." I said giving my mom and sister one last kiss and running out the door and into the pouring rain.

I arrived at school only a few minutes later. My house was only a mile from school. I walking into the halls, the natural hotness of my werewolf genes already had me dry. I smirked as people gasped and looked at how I changed over the couple of weeks. My best friend, Lindesay, ran up to me.

"What happened to you?" I smiled lightly at her.

"Sorry Linds, it's uh personal. If I could tell you I would, but I'm under strict orders not to. "

She just looked at me and huffed. "Really you can't tell me!" She yelled. I nodded sadly. "I'm sorry."

She just sighed and looked at me. "I can tell you are telling the truth so I believe you."

I smiled and gave her a light hug. "Love you Lin" I said to my best friend.

She laughed and pushed me softly. "Yeah, yeah. Now get off me you little er…tall…er skinny person?" I laughed and let her go and turned around, bumping into somebody. I looked at the dude and saw those dark brown eyes that had haunted me for weeks and suddenly I felt the world disappear from around me. "P-Paul!" I yelled. This was not good. I imprinted on the guy I loved, but the one who hated me the most.