I've had this idea in my head for a while and I wanted to see what would happen if I brought it to life somehow. I would love your feedback on how you think this story is going. It would help me out a lot! Enjoy!
Why did my mom always make me do this? Couldn't my dad just come visit us, at our house? But no, she's making me spend my whole summer in Forks!
Forks, is a small gloomy town in the state of Washington. There were maybe five sunny days out of the year. Every summer for practically every year of my life my mom would make me go up there. It's not that I don't like my dad, I do, but we're just too much a like.
He was shy and quiet. Since I'm the same way, we don't talk all that often. He's the chief of police and works all day, so I never see him anyway. My mom is the complete opposite. She's crazy and scatter-brained; she is always changing her mind. That's one of the reasons René and Charlie got separated, their just too different.
Currently, I am about to board my plane at the airport.
"Oh, Bella honey. I'll miss you!" René said tearing up. I reached up and wiped her face clean.
"Don't cry Mom. I'll be back before you know it. I promise." I tried to sooth her and she smiled.
"Flight 222 boarding to Seattle!" A voice over the intercom announced. My mom hugged me tightly.
"I love you and I'll miss you," She said into my hair. I hugged her tighter.
"I love you, too!" I whispered in her ear. She eventually let go and I grabbed my carry on. With a wave goodbye I made my way into the airport terminal.
Once, I was seated in the minor's with no parents section, I put my headphones in and drifted off.
I was woken up by someone shaking me.
"Come on sweetie you need to get up. We've landed." The flight attendant lady told me. I nodded at her and grabbed my stuff.
As I got off the plane I immediately spotted Charlie and started laughing. He was holding a sign that said Isabella Swan on it, but he didn't realize that it was upside down.
"Bella!" He yelled as soon as he saw me. This was one of the rare moments when he would act like he didn't have a single care in the world. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts, I thought.
"Dad, you do know that the sign is upside down, right?" I asked. He blushed. Which unfortunately I inherited that, too. He threw the sign away in a trash can next to us and grabbed my luggage.
"So," Charlie started out awkwardly, "how's everything at home?" I sighed.
"It's ok. I'm just glad school's over. I don't think I could've handled much more of it." I told him. He nodded.
"You're going into the eighth grade now. Excited to be in your last year of middle school?" He asked. By this time we were at the car.
"I guess," I said opening the door of the cruiser. Another thing I hate is this stupid car. It's not the best thing to be driving around with a bunch of flashy lights on the top of your car. Nothing slows down traffic like a cop.
The rest of the car ride was silent. I looked out the window the whole time. All I saw was green. This place was an alien planet. I missed the dark brown colors of Phoenix. Brown was a warm color, green wasn't!
After about an hour drive, we pulled up to the familiar white house that I've known since my childhood. It wasn't anything fancy. Just a two bedroom home with one bathroom. I groaned. I had forgotten about the one bath room thing.
"I have to go back to work for a little while." Charlie said after we had set all my bags in my room. Well, isn't that a surprise? I thought with a heavy amount of sarcasm.
"Ok," Was my reply.
"Will you be ok here by yourself?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.
"Of course I will be." I told him. He nodded and walked out the door.
I sighed. This was going to be one boring summer I though dryly. Little did I know just now extremely wrong I was.
By the time I had made myself dinner, which was a grilled cheese because Charlie didn't have much food, and took a shower, it was already 10:30 and I was tired.
I climbed under my purple comforter and stared at the blue wall. Even though I was tired it took me a couple of hours to finally go to sleep. I didn't dream that night, but that was alright for me.
Ok, so I know this chapter wasn't very exciting, but I'm just getting started. She'll meet Edward in the next chapter which should be out sometime tomorrow. This story has some twists and one of them is that Bella isn't Edward's singer. Bella's scent isn't as strong when she is little, so Edward is able to be around her without difficulty. Also, if you read my story Reading Twilight I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but I should have a new chapter up in the next couple of days. Please review and tell me what you think so far. Trust me things will get better in the next chapter