I know I haven't been writing stories that much, but I PROMISE to keep tabs on this one. Hope you enjoy.

"Okay let's take it from the top. ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!"

Music began the seep out through the hall of the all famous prestigious high school of Konoha, where preps, jocks, nerds, and emos alike disperse into their own little "so-called" happy world. It vibrated the hallways, shook the lockers, and almost cracked the glass windows by its famous beat. Students all over the school, stopped near the cafeteria when this unknown band usually practiced. Most, practically all who listened had to move their feet to the rhythm, since it was THAT good. They've always played their songs in there when they practiced, but never have anyone saw their faces…until tonight.

They always left the cafeteria slightly dark and dim, so anyone who passes by couldn't see their features.

And that's how they wanted to be, because you see, this group of mysterious divas, haven't been known by the school since they all first moved here and crossed paths with one another. No one ever knew of them, if not only, VERY, few. But all will be revealed later.

Then all of a sudden the screech of electric guitars can be heard playing solo combined with the massive tapping of the drums. The music ended with an abrupt stop. You could easily hear the principals' scolding the students to get to their classes. How funny as hell that could be.

So why the hell am I talking in a "narrative" point of view…?

Let's get down to business…

So let me tell you why I'm in this gig. The school here is starting to get lame, so the crew and I decided to kick it up a notch. Who the fuckin' hell want to go to the school where principals and teachers sound like adults from Charlie brown all day? Like seriously. We are a mysterious band that no one has heard of, except for the thickening sound of our addicting music. And yes we've came up with a name. And it fits perfectly with our attitude towards life…until we decided to step out.

My name is Samori Kuriyama, and I'm going to take this story for a spin, and introduce you to our lives at Konoha High and the journeys we face as…

Silently Unspoken