Here's chapter 2! XD
So me and gang all walked in when it was somewhat crowded in the classroom. Some nerds over here with a bit of class clowns to the side. They usually don't talk to us either. All four of us don't really fit into NONE of the stereotypes that were created. That's just how unnoticeable we are.
We took our usual seat towards the very back, and don't worry we can see really well for our assignments, except for me that is. I have to wear glasses in each classroom.
I gently slid off my hood and gently slipped on my glasses. Hinata and the others was sitting on each side of me.
"I wonder where Mr. Hatake is." Hinata said softly.
"No telling. Probably somewhere masturbating to that damn Icha-Icha Paradise shit." Temari said rolling her eyes.
Tenten laughed. "Yeah seems like. I would love to read one of those books."
I looked at Tenten like she had two head. "You little nasty."
"What? Don't be acting like that Sammie-chan. You know you wanted to read that stuff too." She said nudging me.
"Hush." I said playfully as I put my hand up in her face. She slapped it down as we started laughing. Hinata quietly giggles.
"So, anyway, have ya'll seem the new movie-"
I instantly heard the door slam open, and multiple gasps everywhere. Shit you could think the whole classroom was hyperventilating.
"Well there goes your Sunday bunch skippin' in." Tenten said rolling her eyes at what she saw. The rest of us followed suit. I mean, seriously, you would too if you saw a group of people who were known to the school, and the world, by their popularity.
So let me waste my valuable time telling you who they are. *rolls eyes*
These people are THE most popular people in high school, other than the senior group but I'll get to them later. This group consist six guys and two girls, which I cannot stand worth a shit. I'll admit, all of them are extremely gorgeous with killer bodies, but their attitudes need to get a checkup.
Naruto Uzumaki: He's probably the loudest motherfucker in the world. He had striking blonde hair which rivals the sun and crystal blue eyes that makes you thirst for water. He has a tan complexion and is built. He was wearing light blue baggy pants and a yellow and orange shirt with a blue and black letterman jacket on. He's about 6'1 and is in varsity football and 4 degree black belt. Every girl tries to get their hands on him, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind because he basically makes out with two girls at one time. Talkin' about AIDS.
Sakura Haruno: URGH! I swear if this bitch come around me I'm knockin' her down. She's mean as hell. She has pink hair, I mean literally. She's about 5'4 and she's had piercing green eyes. She's skinny, but not the sickly skinny, you could tell she was in shape. She had curves but very small ones. She the second smartest in the junior class, right behind Hinata. She's also the captain of the cheerleading squad. All the guys adore her and every girl wants to be her. I don't see the hell they would want to, but that's not any of my business. She was wearing a short gray skirt, and a pink tight fitting shirt, and her hair was in a high pony-tail.
Ino Yamanaka: Oh lord, here's another one. She's just as bad as Sakura. She has long bleach blonde hair and blue eyes that was a lighter shade than Naruto's. She's probably the most preppy son of a bitch out there. He body type is like Sakura's but she has slightly bigger hips. She's the right hand girl in cheerleading right next to Sakura. She's 5'5 and once again, like Sakura, all the guys love her. She's a slut no doubt. She basically sleeps with half the student body. I know gross huh?
Neji Hyuuga: Okay now, this guy thinks he's fuckin' royalty or something. Not to mention, Hinata's first cousin. He has long hair which he wears down most of them time, and white eyes. He's on the football team, and practically a jock like the rest of them, not to mention built as hell. He's 6'3 and has the snottiest attitude. Did I mention he had his own fangirl club? He had on a dark blue shirt and white jeans and a letterman jacket on which his long hair cascading over his broad shoulders. I envy him for that hair…..
Kiba Inuzuka: This dude is like a class clown with Naruto. Truth be told, we have spoken a couple times in class, but that's just about it. He wouldn't be caught dead with someone so-called "beneath" him. He has brown spikey hair and brown eyes. He's also on the football team. He's 6'0 and just like the rest of them, killer bod. He's was wearing a black muscle shirt and denim jeans with a letterman jacket.
Shikamaru Nara: If you wanna talk about lazy and smart this is your guy. I don't understand how someone and sleep all day in class and still make straight A's. He could be number one, but he carelessly slacks in class. Yet, he's still popular. He also has brown hair, which he keeps in a short spikey high pony-tail, and brown eyes. He too, is on the football team. He was wearing his letterman jacket zipped up and dark blue jeans.
Chouji Akimichi: Now he's a little chunky than the rest of them, but that doesn't mean he's ugly. He has short spikey light brown hair and brown eyes. You already know he's part of the football team because of his size, and he ALWAYS has a little bag of chips in his hand he be eatin'. He was wearing grey jeans and a brown shirt with his letterman jacket on. He's 6'5.
Sasuke Uchiha: Last but not least, is this sucker right here. Sasuke Uchiha. He's the leader of this group and the most popular with people in general. He has more fangirl clubs than I can count. He's also extremely rich, more than the others in the group. He's the second heir to the famous corporation in Japan. He's the captain of the football team and has a smokin' hot body. His hair is black and spiked in the back like a bird ass. His eyes are dark and deep and he can easily scare you if you look at him the wrong way. He's 6'4. He was wearing black jeans and a black fitted under-armor shirt with his letterman jacket tossed over his shoulder like a motherfuckin' big shot.
Where there goes the gang for ya. I can't stand the sight of them. I'm not jealous or anything. It's just that I literally CAN"T stand people who think they're the big shits of the school, and think they can say and do anything they please.
They'll be diggin' they're own grave if they come to me with that shit….
They all slowly glided to the middle of the classroom, which was like two tables in front of us.
"Man….you see them? It's like their aura is glorious." Temari said getting chills.
"I know. And everyone is so clueless. Makes me wanna barf." I said glaring at the back of their little heads. If I could set them on fire and pour lemon juice on them I would.
I looked and saw Hinata turned a light shade of red.
"Hina-chan? Are you alright?" Tenten asked.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Why would you asked?" She said a little bit too quickly.
"Aww damn…" I said throwing my hands up in the air. I instantly knew what this means.
"She' likes somebody out of that group. I kinda catch her doing that every time they come into this class." I said.
"Alright Hinata which one is it." Temari said nudging her.
"U-um…I don't like anyone guys. C'mon now stop." She said desperately.
" You better say it girl. You know I'll make you say it instantly. I'll go up to them." Tenten said getting ready to stand up. Hinata instantly pulled her down, not to gently either.
"Tenten don't you dare." She said warningly.
"Well then you better tell us girl." I said crossing my arms smirking.
"Yeah Hina-chan, you can trust us." Temari said.
She sighed in defeat and put her head down in her arms, heading her face. She mumbled something under her breath.
"What?" We said in unison.
"Naruto-kun!" She said a little bit too loud. Hell she didn't say it she practically 'moaned' it out loud.
Everyone, looked at us like we were crazy, even the poplars'. But we didn't notice that.
"Awww SHIT!" I screamed laughing in the process. I was practically losing it. How could she like that dumbass blonde. He can't even focus in fuckin' English…and all we do is read books!
"Daaayyyyyuuuummmm Hinata? Girl get it!" Tenten said patting her on the back.
"Hinata you practically dug your own grave doing that. I think the class heard." Temari said lowly.
Hinata's head jolted up and she met eyes with Naruto who in return looked at her with shocked eyes. Not to mention, he was blushing big time. I don't see why he's doing all that. Shit she doesn't act all shy when girl basically gives him their vaginas. In an instant they started whispering.
"Fuckin' shit." She said lowly. She tried to gain her composure but she was freakin' out. She was huggin' herself and rocking back and forth. Oh crap, this was bad.
"Calm down Hinata. It's not the end of the world." I said reassuring her.
"Oh my GAWD! I can't believe I DID that!" She said whispering harshly at us. Her pale eyes were wide with terror. My damn….this girl really needs to get out. Hell she acted like she opened Pandora's Box or somthin'.
"My LIFE is OVER! Oh GAWD!" She said hysterically.
"Hinata! Get a grip! You're going to start hyperventilating!" Tenten said. Temari spin Hinata around and grabbed her petite shoulders. She starting shaking her back and forth quite violently.
"Hinata. Stop. Acting. Like. A. Crazy. Person!" She said with each shake. Hinata stated turning green.
"Tem-chan, you're making her sick." I said pointing lazily at her. She stopped and Hinata returned to her natural color.
I mean we were quite a ruckus in the classroom. There I was, sitting with my head in my hands, Tenten ans Temari was giving Hinata a heart attack, and Hinata was about to throw up. It was ridiculous.
"Hey I'mma go get Hinata some water before the teacher comes in. Shit, she looks like her insides are about to ooze out her nose." I said as I got up. There was only five minutes left for class and the vending machine was like right next to the class room. Hm….I thought I felt eyes on us the whole time.
~With Sasuke and the Gang~
"….and I was like, "No way", and he was like, "Yeah I'm dead serious." Then he bought me a 2011 silver Camry." Sakura said giggling madly with Ino.
"You should date him." Ino said laughing.
"Uh ew Ino. Hell no. That's disgusting!" Sakura said making a sour face. The guys were chatting amongst themselves about football and other junk.
"So did you guys here about the new club down town?" Kiba said.
"Yeah. Their food is supposed to be really good." Chouji said eating on his bag of chips.
"Yeah I heard too. They said it was wicked. I was going to go last weekend but I had plans…." Naruto said winking.
"You got laid again huh?" Neji said smirking with his arms crossed.
"What do you think? He gets more ass than all of us combined." Shikamaru said lazily.
"No I think that's Sasuke." Kiba said laughing. Naruto rolled his eyes in jealously.
Sasuke started smirking. It was true. He could get any girl he wants to with his good looks, wealth and social status. He had it all.
They heard a voice practically moan/yelled Naruto's name out and turned around to see where the source was from. Naruto's face as completely red and his eyes widened.
By the looks of it, Naruto really liked that voice. He's never acted that way before, with ANY girl.
Naruto stared at a girl who's hood was covering some of her face. He tried his best to squint to see who it was but all he could see was soft pal skin and red plump lips. Naruto tried to control his hormones.
They all turned back around and started whispering.
"Who were they?" Sakura sneered.
"I dunno but their too loud. I didn't even know they went to this school." Ino said filing her nails.
"Probably just some nerds. I really don't care." Sasuke said yawning.
The others followed suit and didn't pay any attention. They went back to talking.
Back to the Girls
I walked back to the classroom and saw Hinata in a more calmer mood. I had to pass by the populars who looked at me like I had two heads. My over-sized hood make me look the grim reapers to they can't tell how I looked, but they knew I was a female, by the way I walked and because my friggin' tits were bulging out.
"Here you go Hinata-chan. Maybe this will help your stomach." I said in a soft tone. Her shakey pale hand took it and drank greedily.
"T-thank you Sammie-chan." She smiled wearily. Damn that really did a number on here huh?
"Hey so do you guys know which song we're doing first tonight?" Temari said as she leaned over to us.
"Um….I kinda have a clue. We just got to leave early to get equipment and outfits ready." I said.
"I'm so excited. My fingers are aching to play in front of people" Tenten said pumping her fist in the air.
"You was just bitching about how your fingers hurt during practice." I said looking at her lazily.
"Yeah yeah, but this is different" she said rolling her eyes.
"You guys, we have to be quiet before someone over hears." Hinata said, getting her strength back in her voice.
"Alright." All of us said in unison. By that time the teacher had walked in, with his book, ready to teach us yet another boring lesson of math…
Oh joy….
I hope you like this chapter. There's more to come.