Bliss shuddered and pulled her rain coat tighter around her body, too cold to do anything other than run forward. She'd run out of taxi money a mile away from the institute and had no intention of skipping out. She hated stealing because it reminded her of her father, who was a dreadful man with a heroin addiction. He would come home every night and rant on about how it was all Bliss' fault her mother left. When she couldn't take it she was relieved to have gotten a message from Xavier about his home for mutants.
She was promised a warm bed and a hot meal, but as she was let in through the magnificent gates it was obvious she'd be getting much more. The building was huge, with at least a hundred windows on the front wall that faced her. It had swirling gardens flooded with rain water and grass so green it looked fake. But it felt real as she removed her sandals and let the wet stuff squish in between her toes. The rain stopped slowly and she made her way up to the doors.
"Welcome Bliss," A redhead with a big smile greeted her. "I'm Jean Grey and this is Rogue, Scott and Professor Xavier." She gestured to a girl with white streaked hair, a boy with brown hair and strange ruby sunglasses and a bald man in a wheelchair.
"Its nice to meet you." Bliss spoke in a voice as silky-smooth as her long golden blonde hair.
"Ah can take ya straight to your room, if ya'd like." Rogue offered.
Rogue led the girl up the stairs and down the hall to the dormitories.
"The boy's wing is being renovated at the moment so you gotta share some privacy right now." Rogue explained as they approached the last door in the hall." The same rules apply as at any other co-ed boarding school, maybe a little less strict. No girls and boys in the same room with the door closed, and nobody in any room other than their own past seven. You can hang out in the kitchen, rec room and library until nine though, eight thirty on a school night."
"When's dinner?" Bliss tucked a strand of wet hair behind her ear.
"Six oclock," Rogue looked at her watch. "Youv'e got an hour to get aquainted until then. Most of the kids should be in the rec room about now. Amara is your roomate, but Ah dont think she's around tonight. She's at the Brotherhood boarding house for a sleepover with her friend Tabitha."
"Theres more mutant boys?" Bliss smirked.
Rogue rolled her eyes. "Oh there's lots more. Ah gotta get going but Ah'll see ya at dinner."
Bliss said goodbye and opened the door to her new living residence. It was suprisingly tidy, with two beds against the left wall and two mahogany desks with black office chairs against the right one. A bright pink laptop sat on one desk, along with a science text book and various binders and colorful pens. The bed on the far side by the window had a pink quilt and blue bedskirt with a matching pillow set, while the one closest to her had a grey wool blanket and white pillow. She was thankfull of the bedsheets, having only what she brought in her backpack.
Bliss spied a mirror above a large vanity and examined herself. Her mascara was running, and her blue eyes were foggy. She pulled her makeup bag from her backpack and began to wash her face with a alchohol wipe. She then re-applied concealer, purple and pruple eyeshadow, a thick layer of volumizing mascara and ruby red lipgloss. She peeled off her damp clothes and slipped on a pair of short-shorts and a pink tank top. Her feet were freezing so she dug through her bag for her only pair of knee-high wool socks.
"There better be cute guys here." She sighed, and tousled her damp hair.