Snow Day.
We never got those back home in Nevada. Sometimes it got unbearably hot, so mom would take me to work... Before she died at least.
Not that going to work with her was really something I should have been doing, even at thirteen or fourteen. She was a bartender/dancer who would have made great tips if she worked in the better part of town. I'd sit behind the counter, nobody cared, sip a Shirley Temple and chat with some of the prostitutes that came around.
My god, we're they glamorous. That that I mean to glorify the fact that they had sex with three men a night seven nights a week but... Well they just seem to have it all going for them. They were beautiful, and even tough they didn't work in the tourist area, they made twice what my mom made. You could tell they were happier too. And why do people find that so hard to believe? How hard is it to comprehend a woman might enjoy sex, for the love of god not all of us think it's more special if you wait until you're thirty five.
I wasn't keen on the whole snow day thing, particularly because everyone seemed to want to go sledding and then down to the mall. It was kind of a free for all since the real adults were all gone. The older ones were looking out for everyone, but they all seemed a little to caught up in their young adult melodrama to be looking out for anyone.
I didn't like the snow so far and I wasn't excited to experience it further. Maybe I'd wait, honestly I just want my first time in the snow to be... Special.
After everyone had gone out into the snow I decided to get dressed properly, so I popped my Pretty Reckless CD in and basked in my teenage self obsession as I got dressed.
I lined my eyes in black and loaded on the mascara because I was just in that kind of mood, and rubbed a dark red lipstick on. I pinched my cheeks hard and winked at my reflection. I guess it's not normal for a girl to get dressed and put makeup on when she's home alone,
Oh black skinny jeans how I love thee, they were the most powerful weapon I owned. Maybe next to a black bra and a white button up, not actually buttoned up. Nobody was home, and if they were it honestly didn't matter to me. Though I could see from my window that everyone I'd met this past week was down the hill sledding or whatever. It was going to be a boring day. Though the kind of fun I was usually looking for could be easily achieved with a whole house to yourself. And the leather couch in the rec room sounded sooo appetizing to me.
I stopped in the kitchen on my way, grabbing the bottle of scotch I knew oh so we'll that Wolverine had hidden at the back of the cutlery drawer. It didn't need to be hidden very well I assumed these kids knew nothing about stealing liquor properly, and they could probably get their own easy enough. But wolverine had left yesterday, and wouldn't be back anytime soon, plenty of time to replace the quart. Or not to, because in all honestly I wouldn't mind him following my scent, if you know what I mean.
As I approached the rec room I heard muffled music coming from inside, like someone had left the tv on. Sounded about right. I walked through the doorway only to find the tv was in fact on, and it seemed to be a spring break special. My god, the boys here may not all be prudes after all.
I sat myself down on the leather couch, running my hands across the seats. I watched as several questionably eighteen year old girls proceeded to flash the cameras. It got me kind of hot I had to admit. They were just all so excited, jumping around. I wanted to be there.
I touched my lower lip, tasting blood. Stupid fangs. It would heal in a minute.
But then I heard footsteps at the door. A boy appeared there, looking surprised. I had never seen him before.
He walked into the room, glancing at the tv, then at me. "I wasn't watching... Well actually... Uh..
"Chill." I rolled my eyes, taking another swig from the bottle in my hand.
He coughed. "Were you?" he ran his hand through his blonde hair looking confused. "Watching it I mean."
I smirked. He was Cute. He had the whole faded denim jacket, tired eyes thing going for him. And I had never seen him before.
"Yeah," I uncrossed my other arm from my chest, smiling. "It's not bad."
I kind of admired the fact that his eyes didn't linger on my exposed chest for more than a second.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Bliss." I said.
"Ray." he said. "Can I sit?"
I shrugged.
He sat down. I offered him the bottle and he took it, taking a long swig. He laughed a little.
"What's so funny?"
"The kinds of girls who go to Xavier's usually aren't caught watching porn and drinking scotch at eleven in the afternoon."
"I wasn't planning on getting caught." I said, almost defensively.
"And I wasn't complaining." He passed the bottle back to me.
I set in on the floor. "You realize the whole spring break thing thing is a fantasy, right?"
"What's wrong with fantasizing?" He looked at me with dark blue eyes.
I breathed out sharply. "Nothing." I said plainly.
"So." Ray kept his eyes locked on the screen. "Why aren't you sledding?"
I pointed to myself with my thumb. "Arizona."
"Ah, a west coast girl."
"Unfortunately." I sighed. "And you?"
He shook his head. "I don't remember... Well I remember the sewers, where I grew up."
"Why arent you sledding?" I changed the subject.
"I'm not the type I guess."
I smirked, lounging further back on the couch. "I'll be honest with you Ray I was hoping I'd Have this place to myself... To uh... Have some alone time if you know what I mean."
"Do you want me to leave?"
I bit my lip. "I want you to watch."
Review and I can have the next chapter up tomorrow.