Disclaimer: I don't own PJatO and any of the characters apart from Ella, Amy and Bobby
the rest of the OC's are in the next chapter
When I woke up I thought I was dreaming. I was in the same haze of pain and in the same warm tent.
But the pain was too real. I opened my eyes and carefully looked at my surroundings. I was in what looked like an infirmary.
"Well your awake" a voice said
I looked round and saw a girl about my age with long black hair leaning against the door of the tent.
"Genny "she introduced her self
"Second time you've been here "
"Let's say trouble finds me "
Genny gave a chuckle and sat herself on a stool by my bed.I could tell that she wasn't bad just quiet also she radiated fear and horror which confused me.
"Sorry "She suddenly said.
"What for?" I ask curious.
"Well it must be confusing being her and I'm not helping "She looked away.
I was really confused it must have shown on my face because Genny laughed and just simply laugh
"It's something about my heritage "She simply replied
All of a sudden the memories came flooding back
"Amy, Bobby, Dad are they ok "I demanded
"Amy and Bobby are fine a few scratches and bruises "
"Dad? " I inquired
Regret was all over her face "He was badly injured "She said
I immediately got out of bed but as soon as I stood up vertigo took over. When it cleared I saw a very determined Genny blocking my way.
"You are in no condition to get up "
"But I need to see him "I demanded
I tried to stare down Genny but she wouldn't back down so I tried to ask nicely.
"Please Genny he's my Dad"
"Alright fine but on one condition "
"You have to see someone first" I reluctantly agree
When she led me out I was shocked at where we were. We were on top of the hill with the empire state building in view.
"How long was I out? " I whispered to Genny
"Giving an enough time to get to
All around us were girls wearing silver parkas and had bows on their back the more we walked through the camp, the more quiet Genny got and the more distance. I noticed that only one or two girls smiled at Genny when she walked passed.
We stopped at a tent like any other. Genny opened the flap and the confident girl that talked to me was gone. She mumbled go.
When I walked in I was astounded the tent was lined with furs, real furs. Sitting in the middle was a girl of 12 she had auburn hair and bright eyes which were ancient and her lap
"Figaro" I exclaimed as the girl was sitting there stroking my cat who was happily dozing there.
"Come sit "
I sat opposite her trying to conceal my shock but my eyes gave it away.
"Amazing is in it "the girl said."Yes "I sighed. I picked my words carefully. "Who are you?"
The girl showed no insult "Well I am Artemis goddess of the moon and Lady of the hunt"
I started at her in shock, well mock shock since after meeting the god of death I wasn't that surprised. She must have sensed it because her eyes bored into to me, making me shift uncomfortably.
"You are not that surprised" Some spoke up.
I looked around and saw the person that asked the question. She had spiky black hair and electric blue eyes. In her hair was a silver circlet which seemed out of place with her outfit.
"After today it's not that hard to believe in anything" I reply keeping my head down. I cautiously ask since I know that she had the same power as hades so I didn't want to push it.
"What are you doing with my cat "I gently ask?
"Your cat I didn't know he belonged to you as far as I know he was a wild animal" Artemis said with a cold look in her eye
"Sorry "I mumble, "I never thought about it that way"
Her eyes soften, "It's all knew to you, to answer your question he came to me telling that you were in trouble"
"Excuse me "
"When your father refused to let you go and let you lead a normal life. I gave him 2 gifts to protect you, this is the second" she explained
"How would he protect me "
Figaro jumped of her lap and turned into panther which then happily rubbed against my legs pushing me over and purring like a lawn mower. When I looked into his large face the same green eyes that begged me for food this morning looked at me.
"What is his name?"
The panther looked at Artemis and then she answered "They don't give their names but he likes the name Figaro"
I grinned and scratched Figaro behind the ears as he lay down almost squashing me. I shifted out of the way and as
"If this was the second gift what was the first"
I was absent subconsciously fiddling with my necklace, looking around at the numerous furs. It took me a moment to realise that Artemis was holding out her arm and looking at my necklace.
I hurriedly took it off and gave to her. She then said a blessing and touched it. My necklace then turned into a full silver bow and out of now where a quiver as well full of arrows.
I sat there gaping like a fish and when Artemis handed over the bow. I delicately held it, admiring the craftsmanship. I gave it back to Artemis were she taped it and it shrunk back to a necklace and handed it over.
"It was your mothers" She said
"My mother is gone she left "I said plainly
"Your mother is a goddess she didn't leave she had to return to save you"
"But that's a ….." I couldn't finish my sentence as my line for defying everything was cut short
"Gods and goddess are real and they are here in America" the girl spoke up next to her.
"So all the myths are true "I whispered"Yes and in the myths the gods would come down to earth and have affairs with mortals and they would have children called-"Artemis said
"Demigods" I finished
"Yes, my lieutenant here Thalia is a daughter of Zeus"
"Are you the amazons "I ask nervously
"No we are the hunters of Artemis we swear off men and the amazons just a feminist" Thalia explains.
"Why are you in America I thought you were Greek gods" I ask trying to understand
"The gods follow were the western civilisation is the most prominent "Artemis explains
My mind was buzzing with questions. I kept on fidgeting eager to go. I tried to hide it but it is a bit impossible when you are sitting opposite a god
"You may go a see your father Genny will take you"
I thanked her quickly and left the tent.
Thalia's POV
Once they had gone I sat down and asked. "Milady why did you not recruit her "
"I cannot" She replied simply
"We have enough room we need more hunters"
"I want to, to protect her from her fate but the fates won't allow it "
"Not even to recruit her, her fate will still happen right?"
"No, I still can't, if I could I would have recruited her the first time she came no matter what her father said"
"Stupid mortal" I mumbled
"Yes he was stupid but brave too, if I had kept her the gods would have found out quicker "
"Yes milady" and with that I walked out of the tent.
Ella's POV
I followed Genny in silence. When she pointed at the tent I ran inside. The hunter looking after my dad stood up and left the tent. I rushed to his bed and sat down.
"Mi pequeña Estrella" he said weakly
"Dad "He was so pale and weak it broke my heart.
"It's alright you're safe and well"
"But you're not "I retort
"You made your mother proud Estrella"
"You spoke to mum when "I demand
"You will meet her soon don't worry "
"When the time is right"
I groan and bury my face in my handsA small smile came to his lips
" Be patient , You remind me of your mother all ways just acting not thinking things through, that wad her downfall and mine please don't make it yours" I asked
"I promise I will not be reckless"
He relaxed more "I can now rest"
It took me a moment to realise "NO you can't go "tears were welling up in my eyes
"It's alright I was saved once I should have gone the other time and now I'm paying the price"
"That doesn't matter you cannot go again"
"The fates won't allow it "he reached for his neck and pulled out a chain. I had seen it so many times it didn't have any effect on me. He took of the chain and put it in my hand.
Nestling in the chains was a ring with an opal in it. "I gave it to your mother and she gave it back before she left "his voice then looked to the left. I followed his gaze and saw nothing. I concentrated a bit and saw a dark shadow. I gasped.
"Don't go please don't "tears were running freely down my cheeks.
"It's all right Mi pequeña Estrella "he said softly
"Please don't go "I begged
"Mi pequeña Estrella" He whispered, and with that he was still
I shut his eyes and buried my face in the cot and sobbed. I heard people come in and out but I sat still after a while I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned round and saw Amy with worry all over her face.
I stood up and sobbed in her arms, "I am so sorry" she whispered.
When looked at her I saw her mascara running. "I'm sorry that I ruined your makeup" I said giving a small smile.
I looked behind Amy and saw Bobby but instead of his normal legs there were goat's legs in his place. That would have surprised me but I was so sad so all I said was "Nice legs"
Bobby bleated what I always thought was his weird laugh. "Satyr" I commented recalling what the monster said
Bobby grimaced at the memory "Come here you" I came over and hugged him he smelt of wet fur. I brushed the hair from my eyes while doing that I brushed the cut made by Cyrano.
"Oi don't touch "Amy said.
I looked at my dad tears welling up. Bobby saw this and herded me out.
I sat by the fire cold even with the warm parka and hot chocolate in my hands.
Figaro came up and sat beside me squishing Bobby. After the incident we were told to pack up. I sat still while people bustled around me in a matter of moments the camp was gone.
I was led to a pyre were my dad was wrapped in a silver shroud. I walked up to it and lifted it and kissed his fore head and stood back.
Artemis came up with a torch and said "Edwardo was one of the bravest mortal men I knew he risked his life to save others and now he has paid the price may he find a place in Elysium. With that she lit the pyre.
I stared at the flames. I felt someone behind me and turned round. Thalia was standing there he electric blue eyes filled with pity holding out the bronze dagger which my dad used.
"I don't want it "I said
"It's useful to have a weapon "
"I have this "I said pointing to my necklace
"It's yours do what you want "
"Thanks "I said while taking it.
"I know how you feel, my brother was taken away from me, then I left home became a tree for 7 years, found out my mother died."
"At least you know who your godly parent is "
"Yeah but Zeus isn't the fatherly type and your parent will claim you soon"
"Why did you join the hunt?" I asked
"To escape from a prophecy, I would be eighteen in 8 days if I didn't join"
"It's my birthday in 7 days" I sigh
She smiled "Come one we have to pack up"
"Where are we going?" I ask
"Camp half-blood?"
"A place for demi gods"
"Oh "
With that she left to pack up. I stared at the dagger in frustration I throw it on the ground and walk away after a moment of thought . I pick it up and put it in my pocket.
As I walk away from the pyre. I look back
"Goodbye" I turned back around and carried on waling not looking back
Thanks for reading. Review's happily accepted =) Hoping to update soon. Replaced the 1st chapter since I realised the mistakes.