Just drabble about Steven from the random criminal side (of course from my error brain)
Read at your own risk o.o"
My name is Steven. Oh yeah some people knew that's Daigo is my name too. My job is a murder. A hearted angel murder! No no no, im a cool murder. My mom also knew my job. She was very happy. She was proud of me! Ah, i forget thats my mom already died...
Dont judge me a bad looking now. I have a good looking. I don't have a bug face!
I open to received a request too. So I became rich quickly. Because many people gave me requests to kill. Moreover my Dad had a business activities by selling PokéNav. He lived in the Devon Goods. Hm Im not sure. He just care about gave a PokéNav to a trainer. Yes, he is the best Dad ever I haved. His hearted angel nature dropped into me. I don't know if I didn't had Dad like him. I probably will never get 500,000 Pokédollar in my pocket money/day.
Talking about my job. Im a psycho. Correct, a cool psycho. Why cool? Maybe some people talk behind me thats I look liek Raito. Of course no! Im better than him. He just needs to do his job by writing on paper. How about me? I do this job with great difficulty used my hands. Yes, my soulmate sometimes help me too.
By the way, that "soulmate" is absolutely not Chyntia! Wtf she already dumped me. Its fantastic, when remember I've confessed love her as many time as I can.
About Ruby... Ah I was born too early... (Die you lolicon!)
Take back your eyes. My soulmate for sure is my lovely Aggron. Steel for the win. He was the cutest! I hugged him everyday. It seem that he love me now. But Im still normal virgin.
Ah, now my boss yelling at me. What? I already told you. Im a murder. Don't be closer to me than a radius of 200 meters. So beware of me!
Suck. i will add the next chapter sometimes
Thx for the read :3