Guys, I'm alive. Ok I know, I know, I'm SO SORRY! I know that this lines are just to short and don't make up for my absence but I just haven't had time to update but after realizing people are still reading this, I quickly wrote this down just for you guys! I'm on vacation now so I'll try to update sooner! Enjoy this little piece of my heart3
He stared at his younger copy in the eyes and found himself locked into a starring contest. Two blondes. Two brothers. Two different minds. One textbook. No agreement.
"For the last time, Alan-"
"-It makes no sense, John" came the immediate reply.
"Does too Alan, just give me a minute and let me explain. It's easy once you get the hang of it" replied the elder of the two. Trying to explain chemistry to his younger brother was a task that would tire even him, the most patient of all the Tracy brothers. The younger boy refused to understand, not helping matter, but he had a project due as summer work. 'The kid probably expected me to complete his work by myself… God help me not rip his head off…' But then again, his thoughts were once again interrupted by Alan.
"You know John… I kinda hit my head on the way down, I don't think I can think straight now, much less understand all these odd names and stuff" ha said, smiling at his brother's frustration. Sure he was going back to five in a few days so he had to take advantage of the help while he could, but it sure felt good to get back at his brothers from all their smothering.
"That's Tin-Tin's effect on you Alan, not your clumsy fall" replied John without looking up from the textbook. A smug smile made its way into his face as he pictured Alan blushing and looking away.
"Shut up."
As always please review your ideas! Feedback is awesome and I'll try to make this story as yours as I can, by taking into account your thoughts on it. Review!
I'll go hide under a rock now.