Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or qualities of any of the characters.

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Saturday, December 16th

"Hey, Puck!" Sabrina yelled from her place at the sink.

"What?" Puck yelled back, right next to her, his face right beside hers

In surprise, Sabrina had dropped one of the pans on the floor, and it made a loud, clattering noise. She hastily picked it up again and put it in the sink, right next to all the other clean dishes. "Geez, Puck. You don't have to scare me like that!"

He just shrugged, and waited silently, as showing her to continue on. She sighed, and said, "Well, I was thinking we could go to the library for a bit to pick our book to read, then just come back here and have dinner. Granny said there are leftovers in the fridge."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Sabrina smiled. "Let me just grab my stuff. I'm assuming we're flying there?"

He held up one finger in the 'wait' signal, and walked over towards the window. Outside, there was a foot of snow, and some more was falling on the ground. It was what you would call a peaceful, gentle, stereotypical winter day. "Well, it doesn't look to good. It's tough to fly in the snow, but I guess we could try, but one of us might get hurt."

Sabrina frowned. "Let's not fly then. How about—"

"How about we drive Uncle Jake's Mustang?" Puck interrupted eagerly. Lately, since he had gotten his license (don't ask how), he had taken an interest to cars and driving. Sabrina had never really found them fascinating, she didn't really care what the car looked like as long as it had four wheels and an engine, and got them from here to there.

Sabrina rolled her eyes in disapproval. "How about we don't? We could get in big trouble, since you've only had your license for 2 months, and get in major trouble from Uncle Jake and Granny."

Puck looked at Sabrina. "Yeah, but we're 16. One of us could pass for an adult. You're, uh, nice-looking, and like, influential, so you could probably pass for one, and I'm over 4,000 years old, so I should be a legal adult by now. Heck, I'm older than almost every single person in Ferryport Landing, and one of the oldest everafters there is!"

Sabrina couldn't help but laugh at what he was saying. Puck could get very….defendant about his age. But the first thing he said had made her blush. He thought she was nice-looking and could pass for an adult? What did he mean by that?

"Just because we're 16 doesn't mean that we automatically have rights to do anything we want. And there's no way I could pass for an adult…number one, because practically everyone is Ferryport Landing knows me, and keeping exact track of my age to know how old I'll be when they kill me, and number two, I just don't look like an adult at all, because I'm still pretty short."

"But still…you've changed. You look more like a woman every day, you have the hot body of one ." He winked at her, and Sabrina started to catch his drift. It was the…Uhhh…external bodily changes he had noticed. Need she go into more detail than that? After he realized what he had exactly implied, he put his head down awkwardly and glanced to the side, trying to avoid Sabrina's look.

"Uhhh…I guess so." Sabrina was looking down at her feet as she said that, as embarrassed and feeling very awkward. Still looking at her feet, she mumbled, "Are we going to walk there, then?"

Puck shook away all feelings of discomfort, embarrassment, and awkwardness and tilted his head upwards. "I guess so. Is that okay with you?"

"Uh… sure."

After a minute of just looking at each other, Puck asked, "So you gonna go get your stuff?"

Sabrina blushed furiously, but why, he had no idea. She had been thinking about how Puck looked and how cute he looked when he was frustrated or embarrassed. But then, she realized he looked cute at all times. "Kay," she mumbled, "be right back."

She went upstairs to get things she needed. First grabbing her black pea coat and gloves, she rushed to put them on and she looked to find her cell phone, which was almost out of battery. Granny had a rule that if you were to leave this house, one had to have a cell phone on them, because of emergency reasons. Also rushing about her room, she grabbed her white winter hat, grey scarf, and put on grey boots. After looking around frantically for a minute, she located her small purse, and stashed her cell phone, iPod, chapstick, gum, tissues, pen, small notepad (you never know when you need to take notes on a mystery!), both her and Puck's library card, and her license. It may have seemed like a lot of things, but Sabrina made sure she was ready for anything, because nothing was impossible in Ferryport Landing. Except maybe slamming a revolving door. But, back to the present…

"Ready?" She called down to Puck. He was ready, standing at the foot of the stairs with his black Denali North Face jacket on, a pair of clean jeans, and Nike Sneakers. "Wow, Puck. Didn't know you had to change just to go to the library. Didn't think you were going on a hot date."

"You didn't have to, either." Puck replied. "You ready to go? Have everything?"

Sabrina nodded. "Yep. What about you? I have your library card, but do you have your cell phone?"

Puck rolled his eyes as he turned, ready to open the door. "Geez, you sound like my mother. Yes, I have everything."

Sabrina threw her hands up in surrender. "Sorry!" she exclaimed. "Just checking."

Puck rolled his eyes yet again and opened the door when Sabrina had come down the stairs. A frigid, cool burst of air shot forward the moment they opened the door. Puck gestured for Sabrina to go first, and he followed in pursuit behind her.

"G-Gosh, if I-I would've known i-it would be this c-cold, I wouldn't have su-suggested we c-come!" Sabrina said, all the while her teeth chattering loudly.

Puck looked over in concern and frowned. He'd thought it was quite nice outside, actually, but that was probably due to him being an Everafter, and being a lot less vulnerable to the cold and danger. Sabrina's cheeks looked beautiful; they were red and rosy, but had a crystallized look to them. Her hair had little flecks of white snow, and she continually kept licking her lips from the dryness, and every time her tongue touched cold air, she would instantly pull it back in again. But when her pearly-whites that were perfectly aligned were clattering loudly, Puck started to get worried. He wasn't a doctor, but he did know that it wasn't a good thing for humans to be out in the very cold weather for very long. He could think of a couple of things that would make Sabrina warmer, but he didn't think she would like it very much. It would certainly make both hers and his blood run warm. And how much he would love to just kiss her right now…

"Well," he started saying slowly, "we should probably hurry to get there soon, because you're not looking so hot right now. Ha-ha, you get it?"

Even in her state of coldness right now, Sabrina was able to glare at him. Puck just shrugged, and then surprised both himself and Sabrina by putting his arms around her in order to keep her warmer. "That better?" He asked.

Sabrina did not want to admit she not only liked the warmth, but the feeling Puck's arms touching her gave her. She just looked up at him, and smiled and nodded. When she turned away to look in front of her to where she was walking, she didn't see Puck's huge grin on his face that continued for the rest of the walk there.

Just a minute later, they had arrived at the library. Ferryport Landing's library was small, but not run-down. It was larger than a small town's one, but not as big as the Library of Congress. After all, Ferryport Landing's library had to hold all of the books about every single fairytale, as well as some variation of other fiction and non-fiction books. Puck graciously opened the door for Sabrina, who stepped in and stomped the snow off her boots, since it had snowed at least another half an inch in the 15 minutes of so that they had been walking.

"Soooooo…" Sabrina said, dragging out the 'o'. "What book should we read?"

"Ummm….what are they all about?" Puck didn't want to get stuck reading some chick flick novel about princesses and love or anything.

Sabrina paused for a moment before responding. "Ummm… I'm not entirely sure, but almost all of them I think have romance elements in them. The Way It was Meant to Be is about a guy and a girl that are in their late teens, and in love, and trying to escape World War II, where one is from a Nazi family and one is from a Jewish family, both living in Poland. They try to run off to somewhere else together and escape the war, even though no one approves of their relationship together except this random hobo old guy."

Puck's face had gotten to a disgusted look on it, and did not want to read this book, due to it sounding like even more like a romance novel that an adventure one, which was what they were supposed to be reading. "Does that one, like have any fight scenes in it?"

"Puck, I haven't read the book yet either. I only faintly know what the summary is about, because if you were paying attention in class, because Mrs. Smith told us about it."

Puck nodded, and Sabrina continued on. "Of course, you already know what A Midsummer's Night Dream is about, since you're in it. And then, the last one, which is…A Tale of Two Cities yet again is about another fight, this time the French Revolution and the build up of it. It shows the lives of a few people and their daily problems with the war, and how it affects the ones they love and the progress of the Revolution as a whole."

"They both sound pretty similar to me. Which one do you want to read?"

"Actually, I'm fine with either one of them."

"No. I don't care either. You pick."

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Maybe we should just see which one that they have in at the library, so we can start right away."

"That's a good idea!"

"That's what I do."

They left the foyer of the entrance into the library and headed downstairs where the adult books were.

"Okay," Sabrina said. "You go and find A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, and I'll look for The Way It was Meant to Be by Benjamin Radley."

"Got it," Puck whispered (because they were in a library). "So we'll meet here, right by the computers, in 5 minutes to see what we've found, then?"

"Sounds good to me," Sabrina whispered back.

Both went their way to looking for the book, and 5 minutes later, they met at the exact spot.

Puck came back with nothing, and Sabrina had two copies of the book The Way It was Meant to Be by Benjamin Radley in her hands. "No luck?" Sabrina asked to Puck, seeing him empty-handed.

"Nope. They only had one copy." He then saw Sabrina carrying two books. "So I guess you managed to find the other book, then?"

"Yeah. By the way, it's called The Way It was Meant to Be."

Puck waved his hand. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just start reading now."

" 'Kay," Sabrina replied, leading the way into a corner of the library where it was quiet and unoccupied. They sat across from each other at a small table, and started reading it out loud, taking turns with each other.

It wasn't until they reached page 61 (of 343 pages, the font was big) an hour and a half later, things started to get awkward. Sabrina had started to read a dramatic romantic scene between the lovers.

Sabrina had gotten fed up of the main character's emotions and stopped reading. "Why can't he just tell her that he loves her? I mean, it's obvious that he loves her and she loves him back!"

Puck raised his eyebrow. "Really? I only think it's obvious to us, as the readers, because we are given some of her, Kasia Andrzeiewski, 3rd person omniscient thoughts, as well as his. But the way they acted with and around each other makes it seem like they're just friends, though they both love each other deep, deep inside their hearts."

Sabrina's mouth dropped open, so surprised that Puck had actually said something logical that she hadn't thought of before. She quickly closed it though, and continued to say, "But why can't they just tell each other? It's not that difficult!"

Puck started to feel uncomfortable; this was all beginning to seem like déjà vu, and way too similar to the current situation he was in with a certain blonde-haired girl that was his age and lived in his house. Daphne? No. Red? No. Granny Relda? No way! Sabrina? Yes. He felt he had to defend the main character, Bruno Diederich, instead of supporting why they didn't confess their feelings for one another. "Well….it's tougher than you would think. I mean, he might not know if she loves him back, and her might be afraid of rejection by her. Maybe because he's done some things in his past that he thinks would affect the way she currently feels about him. He just doesn't want to get his feelings hurt, because guys actually do have feelings, not just girls….That's basically the main reason why."

Sabrina tilted her head to the side, feeling a sense of déjà vu coming along to what Puck had just said. "Once you put it that way, I guess it does make sense."

He smiled, for he loved being right, and to have Sabrina realize it. "Ha-ha. Told you so."

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "You don't need to show off and brag right in my face."

"But it's true!"

"Whatever…" Just them, Sabrina's stomach rumbled. "Whoa," she said as she looked down at it.

"Getting hungry?" Puck asked.

"Yeah, just a little. We should probably get going back to the house soon, because Granny doesn't like us going out when it's dark outside."

They gathered all their materials and headed out the door. Outside, the sun was just setting and the snow had gotten worse. Since it was now almost 8:00, the snow had accumulated quite a bit since the 3 hours. Instead of the 6 inches that was there, it was now replaced by another three-quarters of foot of snow on top of that.

Puck's eyes looked eagerly at the snow, and Sabrina's just looked at it in frustration. Sabrina did not like snow for many reasons: it was cold, wet, and sticky, a pain to drive in, and it was annoying to shovel the snow out of her driveway. Oh, and she also got pummeled by a snowball at least every hour. Puck, on the other hand, loved snow, because it was fun to play in and throw snowballs at people. He didn't mind driving in it; it was only a little more difficult to him. "Great," Sabrina said, exasperated. "Now how are we going to get home? They haven't even shoveled anything yet!"

Puck was the one to roll him eyes this time. "Stop worrying, you're overreacting. It stopped snowing, so it's a little safer to fly home now." He then went over to Sabrina and picked her up bridal style. At first, she was hesitant. "Are you sure it's safe?"

"Sort of. The only thing that could possibly go wrong is if I get distracted or a snowball flies into my face and run into the ground, a tree, or the barrier, and we die a long and painful death, fading into unconsciousness for no one to every find us or recover our bodies." He saw Sabrina's terrified expression, chuckled, and replied solemnly, "Just kidding. I would never hurt you in my life." He jumped into the air and pulled his wings out, and headed for the general direction of their house. Sabrina noticed it was a little colder flying than walking, but she dealt with it, because it would shorten the travel time into half or less.

"Well, then," She mumbled to herself, "Let's hope you don't get distracted." Looking straight ahead for the next five minutes, she hadn't noticed anything was wrong until a tree kept increasing in size, until they were within 10 feet of it.

She looked up and saw that Puck was looking straight at her. "PUCK!" Sabrina yelled, and he snapped out of his reverie. He quickly swerved to the right and out of the way, and within a minute, landed in front of the house. He gently set Sabrina down, and brushed the snow off himself.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You almost ran into that tree!" She yelled at him, fearful of almost them getting wiped out.

"Nothing," Puck mumbled, looking down, his face a little red. "I got distracted."

"I told you not to get distracted!" She yelled again, right back at him."

"I'm sorry. Geez! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes!" He yelled back again.

"Sorry," Sabrina replied, mumbling this time. "I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just scared."

"That's okay." Puck replied, an empathetic look on his face. "But you're not the one who should be apologizing. I should, and I'm sorry I got distracted and almost turned us into chop suey."

Sabrina laughed, and reached her arms forward to give him a hug. "I forgive you." Absentmindedly, she also asked, "What did you get distracted by, anyways?" She jokingly added on, "A snowball magically hit your face?"

Puck immediately stiffened and pulled back from the hug. "Nothing!" He said, rather quickly.

"Surely you must have gotten distracted by something, because you weren't paying attention when you almost ran into that tree!"

He looked down again. "You'll get mad at me, or laugh at me."

She laughed. "Come on, I thought we were best friends?"

He looked up, and said, "Promise you won't tell anyone, get mad at me, laugh at me, or make fun of me for the rest of our lives?"

"Promise." Sabrina said sincerely, idly aware of what the answer could really be.

He took a deep breath. "You," He said quietly after a moment of awkward silence.

Sabrina was confused. "Excuse me? I didn't quite get that."

"You. I was distracted by you, Sabrina."

"But how? I wasn't even talking to—"

"I don't know!" He said as he threw his hands up in the air. "I just got distracted by you, Sabrina!"

Well, that was shocking to Sabrina as she stood there, trying to conclude a reason as to why she could've distracted Puck. She wasn't even looking at him, or even talking to him.

"O-Okay then. I guess we should go inside then, because there's really no use in standing out here."

She took out the keys to the house and hurriedly opened all the locks. Just as Sabrina uttered the words 'We're home' out of her mouth and opened the door, the most vile, atrocious, disgusting, stinky smell wafted through the door.

"Oh my god!" Sabrina yelled as she shut the door and plugged her nose. "What is that smell?"

Puck grimaced. "If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure Elvis got a hold of some sausage while we were gone, and ate them. He probably ate the whole package."

Sabrina sighed in frustration. "Crap! I forgot to check to make sure that was in the fridge! Granny's gonna kill me for this. As long as Elvis didn't eat the cookies or open the fridge, the cookies should be fine. On the other hand, the smell's not gonna clear out until at least 4 days, probably more."

When Elvis got a hold of any type of sausage or anything with sausage in it, the house, had to be evacuated immediately. It was life-threatening to inhale the odor, and they smell wouldn't go completely away until at least a week later. Unless you dared go inside and open all the windows and make sure Elvis didn't eat any more sausage, the smell might go away in a couple hours, if there was a breeze and you were lucky.

"I'm going in," Puck said. Clearly, he was thinking along the same lines as Sabrina, knowing that he had to do something about it, because the Christmas party was coming up soon. And if they didn't open the windows now, they would most likely have to cancel the party.

"Wait, Puck!" Sabrina yelled as he was just about to open the door. She grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards her. "Be careful," she whispered. And then, she surprised even herself by giving him a big hug. Puck gratefully returned the hug, nervous to go into the war zone (though he would never dream of letting Sabrina know that).

Though it seemed like she was being overly dramatic and overacting, she knew this was no laughing matter. Last time Elvis got a hold of a sausage and let one loose, Puck's 'security team' was endangered, because they had strict orders to stay in the house. Even if they could leave, the fumes were so bad that they would suffer from them as well. Of the 11 that had tried to escape, 2 had died and the rest had to be hospitalized for the next month, getting continual treatments for their lungs.

"Bye," Puck whispered softly to Sabrina, right in her ear. She could feel his warm breath against the frigid air, and it felt nicer than it should have. "If I'm not back in 4 minutes, call 911." He regretfully pulled away from the warming hug and braced himself to go inside.

"Be safe!" Sabrina called out to him, but her words were lost as Puck entered the house and ran in, hands out, getting ready to open all the windows he could.