Chapter 6: Basketball Lessons
"Harumph!" Keiko impatiently grumbled pacing back and forth on the court. "He's late!"
It was fifteen minutes past 8:00 and Mitsui Hisashi still hasn't appeared.
"Aw, come on, Keiko! So what if he's a little late? Don't blow your top of just because of that!" Hanamichi, who was already shooting some hoops while waiting for Mitsui consoled his already distressed sister. "By the way, I heard Mitsui asked you out on a date and you turned him down. What was that all about?!"
"Long story…," Keiko trailed off not really up to tell her brother all that had happened.
Suddenly, as if to save Keiko from Hanamichi's questions, the six feet blue-eyed basketball player appeared, panting, obvious that he ran all the way. "Hey, you're early!" he greeted smiling at the twins. Sakuragi returned his greeting, still shooting hoops while Keiko was still standing there, her eyes narrowed at him.
"No we're not. You're just late!" Keiko growled at the taller boy.
"Sumimasen, Princess Keiko," Mitsui drawled mockingly, his blue eyes holding Keiko's stare.
"Why, you!"
"Oi! Stop bickering! Let's start! You have until 4:00, Micchy! If she can't make a decent shot, and I know she won't because you're a poor teacher, you have to treat me to dinner!" Sakuragi passed the ball to Mitsui who caught it easily.
"All right!" the shooting guard agreed to the terms.
Just then a familiar voice was heard calling, "Ohayo, Sakuragi-kun, Keiko-san, Mitsui-sempai!"
"Haruko-san! Ohayo!" and a certain redhead blushed, his eyes becoming heart-shaped.
"Ohayo, Haruko!" the other two greeted.
"So, how's the bet coming on?" the sweet girl asked the three.
"We haven't started yet because this Baka just arrived," Keiko pointed in Mitsui's direction.
"Ouch! That hurts, my Princess!" Mitsui teasingly acted as if he was insulted by Keiko's words.
He stole a glance at Keiko and grinned at her only to be met by death glares. "Don't call me Princess," the redhead girl said in a flat voice glaring back at him.
Haruko giggled at the 'cute' way that Keiko and Mitsui acted towards each other. "Well, I have to go. I have some errands to do for my mother," she explained.
"Nani?! Haruko-san, this Tensai will leave this two lovebirds alone and help you in your errands!" Sakuragi volunteered, jumping at the chance to spend a day with his 'Haruko-chan'.
"But, but…" Keiko complained as her brother was already leading Haruko away.
"Eh, Micchy! Don't cheat and take care of my sister!" Sakuragi shouted as he and Haruko disappeared around the corner.
Mitsui grinned at the idea that he has Keiko all to himself until 4:00. Until then, he has to make his move. He stared off into space as he silently celebrated his luck.
Mitsui was snapped out of his own world when he heard Keiko's voice say, "I'm going." Keiko was already walking towards the exit of the court when he thought of a reply.
"Hah! You mean you're saying that you don't care if your brother loses the bet?" Mitsui countered back.
"I don't care about that stupid bet that you made," Keiko was still walking showing no sign of stopping. "You have no right to include me in this immature way of yours to prove that you're superior."
"Hah! You're just scared to spend some time with me alone," Mitsui taunted behind her back as he played with the ball, throwing and then catching it with his right hand.
In a flash, Keiko was in front of him. She caught the ball that Mitsui threw as it was still in the air. She passed it to him hard. Mitsui winced at the impact.
"I'm not scared," Keiko said in a grim voice.
Mitsui grinned at his success. "Then let the lessons begin."