Important Notice: Obito didn't die in the war which will be flashbacked later on. Kakashi doesn't abandon Rin and comes up with a plan to save her. The war stopped when both sides decided that they couldn't go on. The Kyubi attack didn't happen. Kakashi and the rest are 14.

The Hokage office was currently occupied by two elderly men. One of them was enjoying a nice cup of tea while the other was admiring the view.

"I'm glad your war is over, Sarutobi" the man with moon glasses and a silver beard smiled as he watched a couple of kids play ball, their laughter filling the streets.

The old man in the red robes nodded "Konoha might actually know peace for a while"

"I'm afraid my war will begin soon" Dumbledore sighed

"The signs aren't that clear" Sarutobi reassured his friend "You may never know"

"I just can't shake this feeling" Dumbledore shrugged

Silence hung over both men, each lost in his own thoughts

"I propose an alliance" the Hokage announced

"We're already friends and will never betray each other" Dumbledore explained

"But what about our procedures" Sarutobi continued "Let's make sure the future generations will become friends as well"

"Troubling times are ahead of both of us" Dumbledore began ingesting the idea "it would probably be for the best"

"But how shall we go about this" the Hokage sighed

"I have an idea" Dumbledore smiled "Hogwarts is hosting a competition for three schools, including Hogwarts. A minor addition of a team of your young shinobi won't be noticed a lot"

"But don't you already have three who should compete" the Hokage noted

"I can pull some strings for a fourth" Dumbledore informed him "it won't be easy but still do able"

"Agreed" The Hokage smiled "inform of any news"

Next Week

"Obito!" Rin shrieked "Look out!"

Obito rolled to the left just as a sea of kunai rained down on his previous spot. Kakashi jumped down next to him.

"Damn sensei" he cursed "We won't get him like this"

"Use your head, genius" Obito sneered and Kakashi narrowed daggers at him.

"Minato sama!" an unknown chunin comes into the clearing "the Hokage requires your presence"

Minato popped out of nowhere and nodded.

"Guess I have to go guys" he gave his idiotic grin

"You were saved sensei" Obito smiled "You were about to get crushed!"

"You guys still have no chance against me" Minato grinned and disappeared in a poof.

"We'll get him next time" Obito announced rather loudly

"How about some food?" Rin suggested as they left the clearing

"Let's get some…" Obito was saying when Kakashi interrupted him

"… anything but ramen" he shrugged. Obito huffed annoyingly but made no further comment.

"We have to save Rin!" Obito shouted

"No… we have to complete the mission" Kakashi insisted

Obito punched Kakashi in the face and he fell back onto the ground "ARE YOU INSANE!"

"obito it's…"

"She's our comrade! We have to save her!" Obito shouted frantically

"Those who break the shinobi code are trash" Kakashi explained

"That's true, however, those who don't care about their friends are worse trash. Besides, if that's what being a shinobi is, then I'll break the rules, I'll create my own way of the ninja" Obito declared and began making his exit

"Wait!" Kakashi yelled for him

"I'm not changing my mind" Obito said stubbornly

"I know" Kakashi smiled sadly "We need a plan to save Rin"

"huh?" Obito wasn't expecting that "What changed your mind?"

"Who could be more important than those who have accepted me already for who I am?" Kakashi asked rhetorically "I.. I have a feeling I'll regret this later but let's do this, we don't have much time"

"Yeah" Obito nodded

The plan to rescue Rin went according to plan and all members of team Minato made it out safely. They cleared out before enforcements could arrive and met with Minato to complete the mission.

"Ever since then, Kakashi has changed for the better" Obito thought cheerfully "He's helped me develop my skills, became nicer to Rin, stopped following the rules like a maniac, hung out with them more and was less stoic. However, He's still a bit socially inactive and is still hurting. I can see it in his eyes. Even after he helped end the war, the people of Konoha still have a grudge. Although it isn't as bad as it was before, it was still present. My main goal is to help my best friend right now!"

"Obito!' Kakashi hit him on the head

"What was that for?" Obito yelled

"You zoned out" Kakashi shrugged as if it was a valid reason to hit Obito

Obito glared at him all the way to the barbeque restaurant

"You summoned me, Hokage sama" Minato bowed

"Ah yes, Minato" the Hokage smiled "I have a mission for your team"

"They have been begging for one" Minato nodded in acceptance

"However this is a yearlong mission of high importance" the Hokage explained

"Huh?" Minato was confused "Shouldn't you give it to more experienced ninja if it is of grave importance?"

"This mission is quite different from the norm" The Hokage smiled "You'll be attending a wizard school and strengthen the relationship with our magical brothers in the west"

Minato sweat dropped "Umm.. Did you just say wizards?"

"Quite right, they exist you know" The Hokage smiled

"Okay.." Minato was still unsure "I guess it would be exciting and my team could use a refresher from the war"

"Oh, by the way, don't tell them it is about strengthening relations" The Hokage warned "We want it to come naturally. Also they'll be going by themselves because we have some work to do if you are to become the next Hokage"

"Then what should I tell them?" Minato asked skeptically "Hey guys you were asked to learn magic for a year in a foreign country for no good reason and I also won't be going"

The Hokage chuckled "Not quite"

"Well then?" Minato asked

"There will be a tournament held and the winner is to obtain a lot of money" the Hokage elaborated "One of them is to compete and do his best to win since Konoha could use some money after the war"

"That does sound like a valid reason, how much money?" Minato asked

"A fourth of the city's current finance" The Hokage informed

Minato's eyes widened "That's a lot of money" he whistled

"It sure is" The Hokage smiled

"Umm.. how do they get there?" Minato smiled sheepishly

The Hokage pulled something out from a drawer. It looked like an ordinary shuriken. Minato gave a questioning look.

"This is a port key" The Hokage elaborated "Make sure they are ALL holding it at exactly noon tomorrow"

"Hai" Minato took the so called port key and left in a poof

"That was good!" Obito smiled and burped. Rin shook her head in dismay while Kakashi debated on whether to hit him or not.

"Hey guys" Minato smiled foolishly as he popped in "I have a mission for you guys"

"Aren't you going to join us?" Kakashi asked catching on faster than the rest

"No" Minato smiled "But I have faith that you guys will succeed"

"That's reassuring" Kakashi muttered where as Rin simply frowned

"You'll be going to a wizard school to compete in a tournament and win the money" he said flatly as if it was something completely normal.

All of them simultaneously opened there mouths in shock. It was priceless in Minato's opinion as he left mentally waiting for them to get over the shook. As usual Kakashi was the first to recover.

"Umm, sensei?" he asked uncertainly "Can you say that again?"

Minato laughed out loud and spent the rest of the day explaining their mission.

By noon the next morning when Minato arrived, his team was all packed and ready. Rin looked a bit agitated, Obito was fuming about something and Kakashi was void of emotion.

"What happened?" he asked reluctantly

"They woke me up at eight and dragged me all the way here" Obito complained

"Sensei did say to be here noon sharp" Kakashi explained "and he said it is very important to do so" shrugging and placing his hands in his pocket.

Obito glared at him but said nothing further.

"All right, this is the port key" Minato handed it over to Rin "Be careful, we'll keep in touch and look after each other"

They all nodded. Minato hugged Rin who was the most hesitant of them reassuring her. She didn't want to go for a year.

"Don't I get a hug from you guys?" he asked foolishly

Obito and Kakashi narrowed their eyes. Minato didn't take it and hugged them against their will.

"See ya later" Minato smiled. They all huddled around the shuriken and held it tightly.

"So, what now?" Obito asked. Kakashi shrugged and stared at the plain object.

"Maybe it's broken" Obito suggested. Nobody commented and they were getting fed up. They suddenly felt a jerk. Their stomachs twisted painfully until they landed in front of a castle.

Somebody was there by their side immediately helping them up.

"Don't worry, the effects will wear off eventually" he rambled

"Who!" Obito was shocked. The person was huge!

"I'm Rubius Hagrid" he introduced himself "Keeper of keys at Hogwarts"

They all exchanged weird looks and the giant got flustered. He reached into his large coat and rummaged around for something. He took out three bracelets and handed them over to the three kids

"I'm Rubius Hagrid" he introduced himself yet again "Keeper of keys at Hogwarts"

"Nice to meet you" said Rin politely although shocked that she could now understand him. "We're the Japanese exchange students"

"Ye'll have fun at Hogwarts, just ya wait" he smiled as he led them into the castle.

"That's one nice castle" Obito commented admiring the architectural building

"Best magic school in the world it is" Hagrid smiled as he pushed the gates open

"WOW!" Obito's eyes widened