Kakashi opened his eyes and noted the white ceiling above him and figured he was in the hospital wing. He sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly as he took a look around. Rin was fast asleep on the chair next to the bed whereas Obito opted to high up sleep on the floor. Kakashi couldn't help but feel happy that his two teammates cared that much about him. Deciding to let them carry on sleeping, Kakashi continued looking around the in wing. It was completely empty except for him. Kakashi sighed in relief hoping that that meant Cedric and Harry got away alright. He started stretching his muscles that felt really stiff. It made him wonder how long he had been unconscious. He had a killer migraine that made his head feel like splitting open. The sound of a door opening caught Kakashi's attention and he whipped around to see Madam Pomfery coming out of her office. She saw that he was awake and immediately bustled over.
"Thank goodness you are ok," she sighed in relief as she began casting spells on him "You gave us quite a scare."
"How bad was it?" he questioned as he rubbed his temples willing the headache to go away.
"I almost lost you when you first arrived," she admitted her lips pursed as she handed him some potions "It took me about an hour to stabilize you and another four to ensure you make a full recovery. You've been unconscious for four days young man."
Kakashi's eyes widened not having thought it was that bad, "Thank you," he said before taking the potions without complaint hoping they were for his headache.
"No need to thank me," she waved his gratitude away "How do you feel?"
Kakashi swallowed the foul tasting potion before he answered, "I have a very bad migraine," he admitted.
"I wouldn't be surprised after You-Know-How tried to take over you then attacked you," she sighed as she went to get him another potion from a nearby cabinet. She fetched a small blue bottle and walked back towards him then handed him the potion which he immediately drank.
"How is everyone else?" he asked hoping that the migraine will go away soon.
"Everyone is fine, Mr. Hatake," she smiled at his concern "Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter both took calming draughts and dreamless sleep potions and after a good day's rest were discharged feeling like new. Mr. Krum was fine as well and only needed a few potions to contract the curse. He didn't need to stay the night. Ms. Delecour was treated for her physical wounds pretty quickly and was out of my care before you even left the maze."
"That's good," Kakashi nodded and was glad to see that the potion has finally started to work.
"I'll leave you to get some rest," she told him as she gave him a bottle of water and some food which he immediately began to eat "You aren't allowed to get out of bed just yet, alright?"
Kakashi nodded to her terms since he couldn't walk around even if he wanted. He decided to lie down and wait for his teammates to wake up. It was quite a while before Rin woke up yawning and stretching her hands in the air. She looked at Kakashi, saw he was awake and smiling at her lightly, blinked in shock, then proceeded to yell his name loudly and tackling him in a hug.
"Rin!" Kakashi exclaimed in surprise as she hugged him tightly. Obito woke up with a start at the sound before realizing what was going on and smiling.
"You nearly gave Rin and I a heart-attack," Obito scolded him.
"You are so reckless!" Rin started crying softly still not letting go of him. Kakashi was stunned and didn't know how to react. He looked to Obito for help who just shrugged in reply.
"Rin…" Kakashi said as he pried her off of him gently.
"Do you have any idea how worried we were!?" she said while sobbing lightly the tension of the last few days finally catching up with her "When Cedric arrived with you, you looked so pale and I feared the worse!"
"Sorry," Kakashi muttered.
"Just don't do it again," Obito smiled happy that his friend was alright.
"Where's Minato sensei?" Kakashi asked curiously.
"He went back to Konoha," Rin explained "He is the future Hokage after all, but he was really worried about you. He didn't want to leave but he had no choice. Speaking of which, I have to send him a letter that you woke up."
"So what happened after Cedric, Harry and I came?" Kakashi asked curiously.
"Let's just say you turned the whole wizarding world upside down," Obito sniggered. Kakashi looked at him in confusion so Obito just threw him a newspaper instead of answering.
You-Know-Who Still Among Us!
By: Kristy Marsh
What was supposed to be a final battle for the Triwizard Tournament ended in a battle for lives as the three champions Cedric Diggory, Kakashi Hatake and Harry Potter (The Boy Who Lived) found themselves face to face with none other than You-Know-Who and his servant, previous owner of the First Class Merlin, Peter Pettigrew.
The tournament was designed that the first champion to touch the cup would be portkeyed back to the stadium. However, when all three champions grabbed the cup at the same time, they were all port-keyed to a graveyard instead. According to Mr. Diggory, You-Know-Who, who did not appear human, only wanted Harry Potter and had ordered Peter Pettigrew to murder the other two; "If Kakashi hadn't pushed me out of the way I would be dead right now," he added as well.
During my interview with both Mr. Potter and Mr. Diggory, a battle between the Japanese champion and Peter Pettigrew began where the young champion managed to knock Peter Pettigrew unconscious using martial arts only. It was then that the 'golem-like' Dark Wizard vanished and then later attempted to possess Mr. Hatake. "We tried to help him, but we had no idea what to do," Harry Potter said as he described the event.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named failed to possess the Japanese champion and opted to attack him instead before leaving the graveyard. Afraid that he would come back, Mr. Potter and Mr. Diggory took a hold of the unconscious Peter Pettigrew and Mr. Hatake before grabbing the cup again and heading back. The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones, stated that she had asked both Hogwarts champions to submit their memories and both were the same and consistent with the story they told to watchers and myself; "You-Know-Who is indeed still alive but from the memories it's safe to say that he is severely weakened right now. We beg the community to stay calm while we solve this issue."
Minister Fudge Refuses to Acknowledge the Return of You-Know-Who…. Page 4
Theories as to How You-Know-Who is Still Alive…. Page 6
The Real Story Behind Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black…. Page 10
Alastor Moody was really Crouch Junior….. Page 14
Albus Dumbledore's Thoughts on the Matter….. Page 16
"At least it's the truth this time unlike Rita's articles," Kakashi commented as he opened to page four to read more.
"Apparently Harry and Cedric refused to give the details of what happened if Rita Skeeter was the one who was going to publish the article," Obito laughed.
"I can't imagine why," Kakashi muttered.
Minister Fudge Says You-Know-Who isn't Back
During all the commotion that occurred after the champions returned, Minister Fudge was called onto the scene as well as a few aurors. He arrived to find Barty Crouch Jr. as well as Peter Pettigrew alive and under custody. After Albus Dumbledore informed him of all that was happening, Minister Fudge stated that the captive wizards managed to manipulate the champions in believing that You-Know-Who was back.
After the memories were shown to the Minister, he insisted that the memories were implanted by Peter Pettigrew and Crouch Junior to strike fear in the hearts of the Wizarding Population. Despite the fact that the Law and Auror organizations backed up the champions' claims, the Minister refused to believe the stories. However, after the two criminals were subjected to Veritaserum and their stories coincided with the champions' version of the events, it was evident that He-Who-Must-not-Be-Named is still alive.
Many Ministry Employees and Wizarding Population were appalled at how the situation was handled by the Minister. Minister Fudge has been suspended from his office and Madam Bones is now taking charge of his responsibilities until a new Minister is appointed. It appears that Amelia Bones and Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Department, are the top two favorites for Minister of Magic.
"I believe that Ms. Bones is the better candidate for right now the Wizarding population needs their auror force. Subjecting the force to a new head will just decrease their efficiency," said Rufus Scrimgeour "If I am chosen, however, I will do my best to put an end to You-Know-Who."
The Wizarding…..
"I can't believe he was so dense as to not believe all the evidence in front him," Kakashi commented not caring for the rest of the political details.
"I know he's such an idiot," Obito shook his head ruefully.
"Good riddance to him," Rin nodded.
Kakashi skipped the article about the theories and Peter Pettigrew and opened to the article about the fake Moody.
Barty Crouch Junior is Still Alive
Prior to coming to Hogwarts, a disturbance took place at Alastor Moody's place of residence. Ministry officials were on the scene and stated that Moody claimed to have been under-attack. Since Mad-Eye Moody has made many of these claims before and have grown paranoid over the years, the ministry didn't think much of it and put it off as another Moody episode.
Unbeknownst to them, the Moody they met was actually Barty Crouch Junior, who was under the influence of Poly-juice potion. Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Department, and Albus Dumbledore, conducted an interrogation under Veritaserum.
It appears that his father, Bartemius Crouch, previous Head of the International Department, smuggled his son out of Azkaban. The story released by the Department stated that son and mother switched places during that visit by use of Polyjuice potion. The mother, who was already sick during that time, kept assuming the figure of her son till she died and was buried in his stead.
Barty Crouch Junior was then placed under the imperious curse and was held captive and kept a secret at his father's home. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named visited the Crouch home this summer and freed his follower, who was convicted of torturing the auror Frank Longbottom and his wife to insanity.
Barty Crouch then headed towards Mad-Eye's home, attacked him and impersonated him for the rest of the year. His motive was to make sure that The-Boy-Who-Lived would win so he could be sent to the graveyard. Fortunately, two other champions managed to reach the cup at the same time and put an end to the scheme. After all the information the aurors wanted was taken, Barty Crouch Junior was subjected to the Dementor's Kiss and will spend the rest of his days rotting in a cell in Azkaban.
The real Mad-Eye Moody was found captive in his own trunk and was rescued by Hogwart's professor, Filius Filtwick. He was later transported to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries and is expected to make a full recovery.
"I knew there was something fishy with Mad-Eye but I didn't expect it to be such a big scandal," Kakashi told his teammates.
"I was shocked as well," Obito nodded.
"Still he must have been really devious and skilled to trick everyone," Rin commented.
"But wasn't skilled enough to get past Kakashi," Obito smiled and Kakashi laughed.
"You should also read the whole story about Pettigrew," Obito told him "That's an even bigger scandal!"
Curious, Kakashi went back to the article Obito mentioned and started reading,
Peter Pettigrew Death Eater, Sirius Black Innocent
Two believed to be dead wizards were caught at the end of the Third Task, Barty Crouch Junior and Peter Pettigrew. When Sirius Black escaped Azkaban last year, we were all reminded of the supposedly tragic end Peter Pettigrew faced at the hands of one of his closest friends. The Wizarding World believed that Sirius Black was the reason the Potter's were dead and that Peter Pettigrew chased down Sirius Black in a fit of rage. It turned out that it was the other way around, Peter Pettigrew betrayed the Potters and it was Sirius Black who had tracked him down.
When the Potters found out that You-Know-Who was after them, they went into hiding under the Fidelius Charm with Sirius Black their secret keeper at first. As long as the secret keeper didn't willingly tell another the location of the house, the Potter would remain safe. In an attempt to trick You-Know-Who, the Potters switched their Secret Keeper to Peter Pettigrew instead, a mistake that cost them their lives.
When Sirius Black confronted Peter Pettigrew of betraying the Potters, Peter Pettigrew sent a blasting hex at a nearby gas line causing a massive explosion which killed the thirteen muggles. Afterwards, Peter Pettigrew cut off his finger, transformed into a rat and followed the other rats under the sewer. As it happens, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter were all illegal Animagi and hadn't registered due to troubling times.
The Department of Law reopened the case and released Sirius Black of all charges. After being pardoned, Sirius Black headed towards the Ministry and was given an official apology by the Ministry, 50,000 gallons for each year he was imprisoned unfairly and was asked to register his animgaus form.
When asked how he had escaped from Azkaban, he told aurors that he transformed into his animagus form and the dementors could not sense him as well and thought he was really weak. When they opened his cell to give him some food, he slipped away and swam to shore.
Sirius Black was named as Harry Potter's godfather and wants to take custody of The-Boy-Who-Lived once he is cleared by medics at 's. Albus Dumbledore, however, insists that the boy return to his relatives to reinforce the blood protection Lily Potter gave her son that fateful Halloween night. Once Sirius is deemed healthy, a custody battle will start over Mr. Potter.
"I don't believe it!" Kakashi stated "Just how stupid are these wizards!?"
"They certainly seem to lack common sense when it comes to criminals," Obito sighed.
"They seem to jump to conclusions a lot don't they?" Rin asked rhetorically
"That's an understatement," Kakashi replied.
"I mean two huge scandals uncovered in one night," Obito noted "Who knows what more dirt they have buried?"
"Oh I hope that's the end of it," Rin exclaimed in dismay at the very thought of another story.
"Anyway, soon we'll be back in Konoha and don't have to worry about it," Obito laughed at Rin's reaction.
"I wonder if the rank of this mission will increase after all that has happened," Kakashi wondered.
"They better raise it," Obito said "We uncovered the secrets of another world, helped prevent an evil wizard from terrorizing the world and you still won the tournament!"
"I won?!" Kakashi said in shock.
"You did touch the cup with them at the same time, since you were in the lead you gained the most points and won," Rin nodded.
"Well that's just…" Kakashi was at a loss for words.
"They did an article about it," Rin told him as she took out the Daily Prophet of the day right after the tournament. It had less information regarding all the secrets, most of it was just stating the weird events that took place but there were no answers to any of them.
The first page was headlined with "Chaos at the Third Task". It mentioned how the three champions arrived with a Peter Pettigrew, how Kakashi won the tournament and how he was fighting for his life. Most of the article however, was questions and random speculations.
"Congratulations!" Rin beamed once Kakashi was done.
"I can't believe that the tournament was concluded after all that had happened," Kakashi laughed.
"Wizards are weird," Obito laughed along with him.
"Minato sensei took the money with him," Rin giggled a bit "Right after you finish resting we can head back to Konoha."
"Finally!" Kakashi sighed in relief and Rin and Obito couldn't help but agree.
It was three days later when Kakashi left the hospital. It was six pm when Madam Pomfery released him so Obito, Kakashi and Rin made their way to the great hall for some dinner. During that time, only Obito and Rin were allowed to see Kakashi, Madam Pomfery insisted he needed his rest and refused to let anyone else inside the wing. Kakashi was grateful since he didn't want people suffocating him but now he had no choice but to face everyone else.
"Don't worry, the excitement died down a bit," Rin told him as they walked towards the hall.
"And the truth came out so everybody knows the story," Obito reassured him "Nobody will hound you for answers."
"I hope so," Kakashi sighed as they reached the two grand doors. Kakashi took one last breath and walked through them. Everybody turned around as they saw him walking in and started whispering and pointing, "You were saying," Kakashi muttered.
"Kakashi!" Hermione's relieved voice could be heard over the whispers "I'm so glad that you are ok!"
"Thanks," Kakashi nodded as he sat down on the Gryffindor table, people were still craning to get a good look at him.
"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked once he sat down.
"Just fine," Kakashi shrugged as he started to put some food on his plate.
"I still can't believe you took down Pettigrew with a kick!" Ron exclaimed "That's awesome!"
"Thanks," Harry told him suddenly cutting Ron off and Kakashi just nodded in acceptance.
"I read that your godfather has been pardoned," Kakashi stated.
"Yes," Harry nodded with a smile, "but Dumbledore wants me to go back to my aunt and uncle instead."
"I figure you don't want to," Kakashi said but before Harry could answer, Cedric Diggory walked over to them and interrupted.
"Thank you," Cedric said sincerely and stuck out his had so that Kakashi could shake it, "If it wasn't for you I'd be dead right now."
Kakashi took the offered arm and shook his hand "You don't have to thank me," Kakashi said.
Cedric just smiled widely and walked back to the Hufflepuff table.
"That was really brave though," Hermione said once Kakashi sat back down.
"I guess," Kakashi shrugged and turned back to Harry.
"No I don't," Harry replied to the unspoken question "They hate me and everything that has to do with magic."
"So don't go back," Kakashi replied.
"It's not that easy," Harry muttered "Professor Dumbledore won't take no for an answer."
"Who cares," Kakashi said "He's your headmaster and has no right to say how you should live. Who gave him permission to gain custody?"
"But he's Professor Dumbledore, he knows best and it's for Harry's safety" Hermione exclaimed and Ron nodded in agreement.
"I'm sure a powerful wizard like Dumbledore can set up protections at Sirius' house," Rin joined the conversation.
"Besides, everyone makes mistake and this is Harry's life," Obito added.
"Kakashi, you told me you are an orphan too, right?" Harry asked. Hermione and Ron were shocked by the revelation as Kakashi nodded in affirmative, "Who has custody of you?"
"Nobody has custody," Kakashi replied to the shock of the wizard "But I live real close to my sensei, the blonde man who came."
"What do you think I should do?" Harry asked once he got over the shock.
"Do what you want to," Kakashi told him "But listen to the advice of others with an open mind. Maybe you can compromise with Dumbledore to find a solution that satisfies both your safety and happiness."
Harry nodded thoughtfully and decided to talk with Dumbledore and Sirius privately before the battle could start and the topics soon drifted to more fun topics.
The day for all the foreign delegates to leave finally arrived. People were crowding the open square saying goodbye to their new friends with promises to write and stay in touch. A while later, the French delegates left via winged horses and the Bulgarian ones disappeared under the sea.
The ninjas were standing in Professor McGonagall's office with only the trio with them to say goodbye.
"This is it then," Ron started the conversation.
"It is," Obito sighed sadly "I'm going to miss this place even though I can't wait to go home."
"It's been fun," Hermione smiled and she presumed to hug Rin, both of whom were trying to stop their tears. Hermione was going to miss Rin more than she thought, she was her first real female friend and she was going to miss talking about women matters with the kind brunette.
"Thanks again," Harry shook hands with Kakashi.
"It's been quite a year," Kakashi nodded.
"There is never a dull moment at Hogwarts," Harry laughed.
The shinobi and wizards said their final goodbyes and grabbed the port-key waiting for it to activate at the right time.
"Oh, and do try to stay out of trouble Harry," Rin laughed. Harry laughed and nodded and soon the Shinobi felt themselves being teleported back to their home.
They stumbled into the Hokage's office and found Minato sensei waiting for them.
"Welcome Home!" Minato smiled at his students.
"We're back!" Obito shouted happily "I need ramen!" and he ran out of the door.
"It's nice to be home" Kakashi thought "And although I'll never admit it out loud, I'll miss Hogwarts too."
THE END! Thanks for Everybody who read my story and reviewed and favorite it and all that! You are the best! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it =D