Title: Broken and Burning.

Summary: 'Faintly, you wonder why this strange, New York apartment is turning blurry. Then you realize that you're crying.' A Cassie centric drabble set during S2E9, so spoilers for that episode.

Warnings: Angst.

Notes: I'm aware that series 2 was ages ago, but I've always loved Cassie's character and this just kind of came out. So, I hope you enjoy it and please review :) Oh, and in case anyone is unclear, a drabble is a story that's 100 words or less, not including my rambling A/N :D

Faintly, you wonder why this strange, New York apartment is turning blurry. Then you realize that you're crying.

You're sitting on the floor in a lonely apartment, in a lonely city, eating an apple and crying while those you love mourn your friend who died holding your hand thousands of miles away.

You're crying like a little girl who wants to go home, because in this moment that's who you are.

You're crying because the feeling that plagued you back home is still as strong as ever. The feeling that it's all downhill from here is still burning at you.

I know that 100 words isn't a lot but if you review my little drabble I'll love you forever, whether you like it or not actually :) Also, if you have any requests for a Skins fic centred around the S1/2 cast, please feel free to send them my way :D