Well hello lovely people! I know I have a story on the go but I really don't know what direction to take it in now! So I decided to write a new story…Here it is. Please read and review if you can and let me know what you think… I'm so sorry to anybody waiting on my old story…I will finish it because I love it. I am so proud of it and will make sure that it is completed so please come back and read it when I post the next chapters… Thank you so much for giving me the confidence to not only write my stories but also to publish them on the internet. So thank you and once again I am in no way affiliated with McFly and I am simply writing FICTION and I do not gain anything from it (apart from a little bubble of happiness)
Harry grinned to himself as he slid open the back door, peering out quietly to make sure there was nobody around, and then, when the coast was definitely clear he crept quickly out into the morning air. He darted out of the driveway of the big house and when he reached the main road picked up his pace. Then he ran flat out for a few minutes until he thought that he was in the clear. That was when he wanted to make a phone call only to find that his phone nor his wallet or keys were in his pocket.
Shit he thought to himself trying to work out what to do next. You see he wasn't exactly in the friendliest part of London and was quite far away from home.
Harry scratched his arm subconsciously, paying little attention to the small pains that flared up as soon as he pulled on the skin, to the naked eye there was nothing visible but if you were to look closer, it was possible to see all the little track marks that laced their way up and across his forearm.
Sighing to himself he turned around and retraced his footsteps back to the very same house that he had just ran from. It was with a very heavy heart that he opened the door and made his way inside once more. The rancid smell assaulted his senses before his eyes had even accustomed themselves to the dark room that lay before him. He knew that there were a few bodies strewn here and there and so carefully tried to manoeuvre his way around them without waking anybody. After a few tense minutes his eyes finally adjusted to the dark and he could make out his target, leaning against the opposite wall, by what have been the kitchen (had all the appliances been installed of course) was his "friend." Not the same type of friend as Tom, Danny and Dougie but somebody who was nice enough to him in this type of situation. Harry walked over to this slumped body and shook it on the shoulder. The man mumbled and lifted a weak arm to swat away the disturbance. Only Harry didn't stop, he kept shaking the man before him and whispered: voice gruff from lack of use, "Mate I need to borrow your phone."
"Wha'?" The body grumbled back.
"Mate, please, I lost mine." Harry whispered back.
The body seemed to understand and fumbled around in its pocket for a minute or two, producing a phone which Harry immediately took.
He dialled his own number and chewed nervously on his lip, hoping that he would hear it ring, and he did. Once he knew where it was coming from he said a short thank you and dropped the phone back on to the body of the now unconscious man who had given him it.
Harry then darted through the corridor until he reached the room where he had stayed the night before. The stench that hit him nearly made him gag. It was easy to make out that there were yet more people laid around the room but Harry knew exactly which one had his belongings because he could just make them out in the lack of light… Their eyes were staring at him longingly. Harry moved towards them and was just preparing to snatch his things from their hands until the other tore them away and giggle menacingly.
"Not until you give me a kiss first babe" was all the response that he got and Harry cursed angrily.
"No, fuck off, I told you yesterday and every other single fucking day before that. Now give me my things back." Harry spoke harshly, his voice low and quiet.
"Nah-ah. All I want is a kiss babe. What's the problem? We've done it before." The body in front of him replied.
Harry mentally kicked himself for what he was about to do and then leaned in, thinking that all he had to do was endure one little kiss and then he could leave the disgusting house.
If only things had been that simple.
As soon as he moved in, he felt a sharp prick on his arm and realised that he'd been tricked. It was with a fury of moaned curses that he fell to the floor unconscious and unable to protect himself from what was to come.
Well? Any thoughts? There's more written up to publish but I just want to know if anybody's actually interested… Thanks!