Here's chapter 4.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys or gain anything from writing this fiction apart from a teeny bit of confidence in my writing when I get good reviews Thanks for reading and reviewing you lovely kind people, you make this writing malarkey so much more enjoyable!
Instead he missed their looks of love and sadness choosing instead to attempt to stumble out of the room. Danny quickly ran the few steps across the room to Harry's side and eased his strong, freckle kissed arms around his band mate and best friend's waist; refusing to release his hold even when Harry tried to get free.
"Stop being daft mate, just let's go to hospital and get your arm fixed." Danny murmured lowly.
"I am not daft!" Harry jerked himself away from Danny fiercely and his voice was gravely and loud as he looked at the floor.
"Harry he didn't mean it like that, just come on yeah? It would be daft to not get a broken arm fixed and if you're not daft that means you're coming to hospital right?" Georgia jumped in, making her voice heard for the first time.
Harry raised his head and their eyes connected for a few seconds and had everybody not been staring at them both so intently they would have missed the tiny nod he gave as he submitted to their decision that he needed hospital.
"Right, now that that's sorted, how we gonna do this Fletch mate?" Tom who was always one step ahead realised that they would draw some undesired press attention by taking this trip to hospital.
Eventually a plan was formed in which Tom and Fletch would go with Harry to the hospital. The rest of them stayed at Tom's and tried to come to terms with everything that had happened over the last four months.
It was a windy but warm summer's day and the band and their girlfriends had gathered at their usual meeting spot – Tom and Giovanna's house to have a barbeque. That was when Harry and Izzy had broken the news to them that not only had they just become engaged the previous night but that they were expecting their first child. Izzy was nearly two months pregnant and both were excited at the very prospect of parenthood. The news had been then been celebrated with a shower of 'congratulations' and the popping of champagne bottles; for everyone bar Izzy of course. The couple then stayed in the company of their best friends until they decided that they should go home and get a good night's sleep.
Except they should never have left that early; they could only wish to change it and take up Tom's offer of the spare bedroom for the night. For on the drive home a drunk driver collided with their car leading Harry to swerve into oncoming traffic. Harry awoke in the car with blood running down his face and a pain in his legs. He could remember somebody shouting for an ambulance but his fuzzy brain couldn't process any of it. After what felt like an eternity he remembered about his gorgeous fiancée beside him and with a feeling of utter dread turned his aching neck to look at her and what he saw took his breath away.
Her head was slumped on her chest and her arm was limply laid across her tummy as if the last instinct she'd had was to protect their precious baby. Harry coughed and spluttered on the tears that he had to choke back, he couldn't cry now, he had to be strong. He managed to feel for her pulse and was so insanely relieved when he found it even though it was much slower than it should have been.
With his energy waning it was all he could do to summon the energy to move his hand from her neck and hold her hand that was on her tummy; wanting to never let her or the baby go.
It was a few hours later that he awoke in hospital with the band around him, all with grim looks on their faces.
"Where's Izzy?" He asked, his voice gravely and gruff.
"Mate the doctors did all they could but, but she slipped into a coma about an hour ago. We're so sorry mate." Danny whispered his heart breaking at the reality of the situation.
"No. No wake her up. You're lying. She can't be. Izzy! Izzy! IZZY!" Harry became so tormented that he tried to throw himself off the bed to go and be with her. He didn't have enough energy though and also didn't count on Dougie being so speedy. Dougie soon pressed his shoulders gently but firmly back into the mattress of the hospital bed just as nurses and doctors made their swift entrance into the room.
The doctor explained Izzy's condition to Harry but he wasn't listening. All he kept thinking was that she was gone. Really gone. His breathing soon became so erratic that it was all the doctor could do to inject some morphine into Harry's body which led to him drifting off into a dreamless sleep. Each time that Harry awoke his first thought was always on the stunningly gorgeous Izzy who was in hospital because of him; because of his inane stupidity in not having quicker reflexes. He should have swerved sooner. Each time he awoke he was agitated and aggressive until the doctor decided to keep him sedated for a few days so that his body could rest from the injuries it had encountered in the accident. Eventually, after realising that in sleep Harry was oblivious to their presence, the band mates and girlfriends departed the hospital but not before going into see their other friend; Izzy.
Her face was pale, grazed with cuts and bruises and her hands were limply resting at her side, no longer protecting her tummy as the baby was gone. The little life that they'd been building together was gone and neither Harry nor Izzy were actually aware of that. Neither knew they had lost something that they had come to love so much so quickly.
Giovanna crept slowly to her friends side, swept some of the hair that had fallen over her face to the side, and kissed her forehead softly, "We love you Izzy so please wake up."
Dougie watched with tears in his eyes. The moment that he had met Giovanna and Georgia he knew straight away that they were perfect for Tom and Danny. The moment that he'd met Izzy he'd seen the look in Harry's eyes, the Harry who had been a bit cocky was suddenly gone and replaced by an even more perfect version of the man. He loved all the girls and suddenly, being in this situation made him want to see Lara. Lara and him had only been dating a few weeks before the accident and in the turmoil of it all he hadn't really seen her as much as he'd wanted to. But watching his friends, Harry and Izzy lie in these hospital beds made him make up his mind and he was desperate to leave the grim surroundings of the hospital and see her, sweep her into his arms and never let her go.
"Iz, Harry and you need to wake up now please. We miss you. It's way too quiet." Dougie whispered having gone to join Giovanna by her bedside.
The collection of friends waited for a while, for some sign that Izzy had heard them. Nothing happened. So with their hearts heavy they left and made their way home.
Days soon passed by and Harry was released from hospital but he never left; instead he sat by his fiancée's side with tears frequently dropping from his eyes. His friends came and went, each time they left they tried to drag him with them, but their attempts were never successful.
Only when the doctors said that he had to decide what he wanted to do with her did he leave. He left weary and shaking as he stumbled into a taxi and got the driver to take him to the nearest bar. There he drank from noon til night and never once answered his mobile that's shrill ringing annoyed the few other customers. Harry didn't even argue with the man who picked up his phone and launched it into the floor, shattering it into pieces. For Harry didn't care. He wasn't interested in answering the phone, not when a life lay in his hands, the life of the women he loved. Eventually, his tummy feeling full and swishy from the amount of drink he had consumed he stumbled back the way he had come to his beloved's bedside. There he slurringly whispered sweet nothings in her ear and held her hand, perhaps a little bit too tight, but she wasn't to know, perhaps she'd never know. And with that realisation two things happened simultaneously; the first was that he made his decision and the second was that his heart broke.
In the car on the way to the hospital Harry's addled brain mulled over the last few months of his life. He was filled with self-hatred and had never forgiven himself for the drunken decision he'd made that day. He looked to the person beside him and Tom greeted him with a small sad smile as if he knew the thoughts that were running through his best friend's head. Tom leaned over and spoke in hushed voices to Fletch in the front seat. Harry could have easily heard the words being exchanged but he chose not to. Instead, almost on autopilot to the deafening pain in his heart he touched the door handle of the car and pulled. The door flew open with the speed that the car was going at and he was just about to launch his body out of the seat into the road when Tom grabbed him. It didn't matter that his blonde friend had such a good reaction time because Harry had forgotten to undo the seatbelt that held him securely into the car seat.
"Fuck Harry. Fuck fuck fuck. Fletch stop stop! Stop the car!" Tom yelled in complete shock of what had just occurred.
Tom held tightly onto Harry who was panting with the exertion of trying to free himself and still jump out of the car.
Fletch stopped suddenly and leapt from his seat and shut the door that Harry had just opened.
Realising that his plan had failed Harry gave up fighting and instead started to whimper and plead with Tom to just let him go.
Tom undid his own seatbelt with one hand whilst tightly gripping Harry's arms together with his other; ignoring the hiss of pain as he tugged on Harry's injured arm and then, moved himself across so that he was pretty much sat on Harry.
"Right Fletch, keep going," Tom asked as he gently let go of Harry's hurt arm.
"I'm sorry for grabbing your arm Harry but you can't just do that. You can't. So just calm down and it'll all be okay." Tom's heart was breaking at the sight of his broken friend. He lowered his eyes to look at the arm he was holding and a sick feeling arose in his tummy when his eyes once again fell upon the needle marks scattered across the flesh near his elbow.
After what felt like a lifetime to the three occupants of the car they pulled up at the hospital.
"Please Tom, Fletch, please no hospital. It's okay. I'm okay. No hospital please." Harry cried trying to bargain with his friends.
"Sorry Harry." Was the only response that he got off Fletch as he was gently pulled from the now stationary car and led, held tightly between Tom and Fletch as he was led through the hospital doors.
Right. I wasn't expecting the story to go down this root! But it has and I kinda like it. Do you? I hope I'm slowly beginning to shed a bit of light on to why Harry is the way he is.