Authors note:

I've had this idea for a while now and I thought this would be a great time to write it cause I was bored. So basically this is (in just one way) how I think it would go down if Bella didn't jump off the cliff and Edward came back later. Because you know he would have eventually if she didn't jump. He said so himself, and I quote 'I was coming back anyway. Before Rosalie told me the news, I was already past trying to live through one week at a time, or even a day. It was only a matter of time – and not much of it – before I show up at your window and begged you to take me back. I'd be happy to beg now, if you'd like that'. Now if that isn't sweet, romantic and commitment then I don't know what is.

This is just a one-shot but I might add another one if I get enough reviews asking for another. If I do it will be the same thing but in a different way.

Okay enough of this, moving on to the actual thing.

Btw I don't own twilight. I'm just a fanfic writer.

New Moon alternate ending

Bella's pov

I sighed as the bell rang, ending another school day. It had been a week since I had thought about jumping off the cliff but decided against it. I mean I'd love to hear Edward's voice, but a jump like that could kill me. I couldn't do that to Charlie or mom or Jake.

Angela met me out the front of the gym.

"Hey Bella."

"Hi Angela."

I smiled halfheartedly at her. We started to walk towards the parking lot.

"So are you going to Jacob's again today?" she asked me.

"I guess so. I mean I don't really have anything else to do."

"You know you seem to spend a lot of time on the reservation these days."

I just shrugged. We continued talking about nothing in particular. When we got to the parking lot Angela gasped

"Oh my gosh, Bella look!"

I looked in the direction she was and gasped. There parked next to my truck was a shinny, silver Volvo and standing next to is it can't be. I must be hallucinating. But Angela saw him too so he must be here. Really here. I stared wide eyed at him.

"Edward." I whispered.

He saw me and he smiled my favorite crooked smile at me. I felt my heart and what little amount of will not to go over to him melt in that second. I couldn't help what I did next.


I squealed in joy and ran to him. When I was close to him I literally jumped into his arms, wrapping mine tight around his neck. He arms went around my waist, holding me to him

"Bella, I missed you so much. Everything I told you that day in the woods was a lie. I never wanted to leave you. It killed me to tell you those horrible things, but I wanted you to had a normal happy human life, so I lied. I love you, I never stopped. Please forgive me, please tell me you'll take me back after everything I put you through."

"Oh Edward. I missed you too. I understand that you wanted me to have a normal life but my life has never been normal, even before I met you. Yes I forgive you, I forgave you long ago. As for the taking you back, I've been waiting for you to return to my arms since the day you left. I'd be an idiot not to take the man of my dreams back into my life."

With all that said he pulled me in for the most passionate kiss ever. I knew the second our lips met that he was back to stay and I would never lose him again. As for the hole in my heart, it felt as if it was never there to begin with. I was so happy to have my true love back. I knew that there was probably many people staring at us but I couldn't find it in me to care. Though I would of loved to see the look on Jessica and Lauren's faces if they saw this.

All that really mattered to me right now was that I was back in Edwards arms where we both belonged. The rest could wait.

What did you think? I hope you all liked it. Tell me what you thought by pressing the little button under this that says review and remember if you want me to write another version of this or just put it in someone eases pov like Edward or maybe Jessica's, ask and you shall receive. But for now I'm going to bed, I stayed up later to write this. IT'S MIDNIGHT NOW GUYS AND I'M TIRED! So anyway bye!