A.N. This chapter alternates between Charles and Erik's point of view, also the words in italics are a memory. None of the characters belong to me.

Charles stepped out of his room and closed the door quietly behind him, so as not to wake the other children. Stopping in the kitchen on his way to the library, he got himself a cup of tea and he got a cup of coffee for Erik. Entering the library slowly so he wouldn't spill any of the contents of the cups, he said, " Erik, you better not have cheated, and don't bother lying, I can tell."

"Don't worry, Erik won't be bothering anyone anymore." said a sneering voice behind him. Charles glanced up sharply and to his confusion he saw the man from his dreams standing in front of him.

"Who are you?" asked Charles setting the two cups down on the table.

"I'm surprised you don't recognise me from the memories in Erik's head." said the man.

"Shaw?" asked Charles.

Shaw dipped his head in acknowledgement and said, "The one and only."

"What have you done with Erik?" said Charles glancing around the room.

"Erik is in a safe place for now, but you should be worrying about yourself." said Shaw mockingly.

"I am going to kill you." said Charles angrily.

Charles put his fingers to his temple and managed to freeze Shaw. He briefly wondered how he was able to do this without Shaw absorbing the power, but before he could think about it properly he turned his attention back to the man in front of him. He knew that he just couldn't kill Shaw, not if he wanted to find Erik alive.

"Everybody." shouted Charles in his mind. " I need you in the library, Shaw has Erik." He felt them all jump out of bed.

" We'll be there in a minute Charles." came Raven's thought.

"Hurry." said Charles as he fought to keep Shaw in place.

The door banged open loudly behind him. As he glanced quickly towards them, his concentration on Shaw was broken. By the time he realised his mistake something had already hit him in the back of the head and he crumbled to the ground.

"Erik!" shouted Raven in surprise as she watched Charles fall to the floor.

"Don't worry he's still alive." said Erik. " I only hit him a little."

"What's going on?" asked Alex in confusion.

"Yeah Erik. Charles said that Shaw was here and that he had you." said Raven as she crouched down next to Charles.

Erik looked up as the door to the library was pushed open and Charles walked slowly in carrying two cups.

"Erik you better not have cheated and don't bother lying, I can tell." he heard Charles say.

"Don't worry Charles, how stupid do I have to be to try and cheat a telepath." said Erik.

Erik watched as Charles looked up at him sharply.

"Who are you?" asked Charles.

Erik looked at him in confusion, not sure if Charles was pulling his leg.

"It's me Erik." said Erik slowly standing up.

"Shaw?" asked Charles as if he hadn't even heard Erik.

Erik glanced around the room, but only saw the two of them.

"What have you done to Erik?" asked Charles.

" Charles, nothing has happened to me. I'm standing right here." said Erik as he moved slowly towards Charles.

"I am going to kill you." said Charles angrily.

Erik had no time to react before he felt himself unable to move. He struggled uselessly, but it was no good. Until Charles decided to let him go, he was stuck.

He heard the door behind Charles bang open, and he felt Charles's concentration on him slip. Quickly Erik flung out his hand and threw a metal paper weight at Charles's head, making sure not to hit to hard, so as not to severely injure Charles.

"He thought you were Shaw!" asked Raven in surprise.

"Yeah." said Erik bending down to place his fingers on his neck. "His pulse is elevated." said Erik looking towards Hank who, after Charles, acted as their doctor.

"Lets get him to the infirmary." said Hank.

Erik bent down and scooped up Charles into his arms. He could have easily used his powers to pick Charles up but he felt that he needed the reassurance that Charles was going to be alright. No-one questioned him as he walked out of the room.

Charles awoke to the sound of beeping, and with a slight sigh he realised that he was in the infirmary. Without opening his eyes he knew who sat beside him.

"You know Erik. I'm tired of waking up with you standing over my bed scowling." said Charles.

"I am not scowling!" said Erik indignantly.

"Are you trying to liar to a telepath Erik? Not a good idea, I feel." said Charles chuckling as he opened his eyes. He looked towards Erik who had gone from standing and scowling to sitting and scowling.

"What happened?" asked Charles.

"What do you remember?" asked Erik.

Charles was silent for a moment as he thought.

"Getting a tea and coffee for me and you." he finally said.

"You don't remember coming into the library afterwards?" asked Erik anxiously.

"No. What happened?" asked Charles in a weary voice.

"You thought I was Shaw and tried to kill me."

"What!" shouted Charles as he jumped up out of the bed, causing the wires that were attached to his arms to be pulled out.

"Charles, calm down or Hank will come back and blame me for this." said Erik pushing Charles back down and replacing the wires. " You were talking to me the whole time, but you were convinced I was Shaw." said Erik calmly as he worked.

They were silent for a few moments as Erik finished replacing the wires.

" Charles, that nightmare you had last night. Was Shaw in it?" asked Erik.

"Yes, although I didn't know who he was at the time." replied Charles.

" What did he say to you in your dream?" asked Erik.

"He said that we are better than humans, and that if I wasn't with him, then I was against him. You were there and you told me that I was stronger than him and not to let him control me. I smiled as I killed you?" said Charles with tears in his eyes.

" Charles, we will figure this out." said Erik sitting on the bed next to him. " I will not let him get you."

A.N Thanks for reading, let me know what you think.