Erik paced back and forth angrily. It had been a week since Charles had been taken by Shaw, and they couldn't find hide nor hair of either of them, and Erik knew first hand that if Shaw didn't want to be found then he wouldn't be. Erik also knew first hand what training Shaw was subjecting Charles to. Shaw was nothing if not relentless is his pursuit for perfection and he would have most likely given Charles all his attention since he had arrived.
"Erik, calm down." Said Raven watching calmly as he paced back and forth. "We'll find him."
"Yes, but will we find him in time?" Replied Erik pausing in his pacing to look at the girl.
"The Professor will fight him." Said Sean with such certainty that Erik almost wished he had his faith.
"Shaw will be unyielding." Said Erik as he sat down in a nearby chair. "Nobody would be able to fight that." He finished in a whisper.
"Everyone go and get some rest. We'll resume the search in the morning." Said Raven ushering the children out of the room. Shutting the door quietly behind her, she left Erik alone with his thoughts.
Erik was walking down a corridor. It was silent and cold, but he walked with a sense of purpose. He slowed down as he approached the only door in the corridor. He pushed it open slowly and cautiously peered into the room. He pushed the door the rest of the way open and half ran into the room to the figure huddled in the corner.
"Charles?" Asked Erik as he knelt down next to his friend. "Charles can you here me?" Said Erik.
"You should have left me behind." Said Charles quietly.
"No! Charles, I would never leave you behind. Why would you say that?" Asked Erik in confusion.
"Because I will kill you." Said Charles looking up at Erik for the first time.
Erik recoiled in horror. Charles's eyes and pupils were red and he had a smile on his face.
"Come and save me Erik." Said Charles mockingly.
Erik woke with a start and quickly jumped out of bed. He ran down the hallway to the bedrooms at the end.
"Everyone wake up." Shouted Erik loudly.
"Dude you better be dying." Grumbled Alex as he opened his door.
"I know where Charles is." Said Erik as he began to make his way towards the garden, to where they kept the jet.
"What! How?" Asked Hank in astonishment.
"In a dream. I think Charles was projecting it into my head." Said Erik.
"Wait a minute." Said Raven, " How do we know its not a trap."
"We don't and it most probably is, but this is the first time in a week that we know where they are. We can't lose him." Said Erik.
"Ok, but we are going to need a plan." Said Raven as they got to the jet.
Erik watched as the jet flew away. They had dropped him half a mile away from the building were Charles was being held. He had told them to wait just over the next mountain, as he wanted Shaw to think he had come alone. They would wait for his signal and would come if needed.
The walk to the building wasn't hard and he made the journey relatively quickly. There was no guards, but he hadn't really expected any as Shaw probably wanted him alive. He pushed open the outer door and step into the building. It was the exact replica of the corridor that he had seen in his dream, so he headed to the only door. It was a big room, nothing like he had seen in his dream. It was the same size as a small warehouse. Propping open the door with a piece of metal so that he wouldn't be trapped inside, Erik slowly walked into the room.
"Charles, are you in here?" Asked Erik in a whisper.
"I'm here." Said a voice from behind him. Erik turned around slowly, knowing who it was before he even saw him.
"Shaw." Said Erik angrily.
"Hello Erik. How are you?" Said Shaw cheerfully as if they were talking about the weather, and not about hostages.
"Give me Charles." Replied Erik furiously,
"I don't think Charles wants to go with you." Answered Shaw smugly.
"What have you done to him?" Demanded Erik.
" I helped him reach his full potential. He was weak without me, but together we will rule the world." Said Shaw madly.
"I won't let you have him." Said Erik.
"I don't think that's up to you anymore." Said Shaw pointing behind him.
Erik heard a noise and he spun around.
"Oh no Charles. What has he done to you?" Erik whispered in dismay as he looked at Charles in shock.
He was definatley thinner than he was a week ago, and his face was devoid of any expressions, but the worst thing was his eyes. Where they used to be bright and full of wonder, now they were lifeless and dull and just like in his dreams, they were completely red.
"I shall ask you once Erik. Join us and together we would be unstoppable." Said Shaw.
"I will never join you." Said Erik vehemently.
"Kill him." Said Shaw simply.
Erik quickly felt for the metal in the room and threw it towards Charles.
Charles held out his hand, and the projectiles stopped in midair and he sent them crashing to the floor.
"Charles fight him." Shouted Erik as he threw whatever he could find at Charles. Erik cried out suddenly and fell to his knees as he felt a pounding in his head.
From where he lay on the floor, Erik lifted his head and forced himself to look into Charles's soulless red eyes.
"I forgive you Charles." Said Erik. "You're my best friend. Thank you for believing in me." As the pain became to unbearable Erik slipped into unconsciousness.
Charles looked down on the man in triumph. He had been planning for this moment ever since his boss had finished training him. Shaw had said that killing the man would be the last step needed to complete his training, and he was impatient for it to be done. Charles watched as the man lifted his head and looked him in the eye.
"I forgive you Charles. Your my best friend, thank you for believing in me." Said the man as his head fell on to the floor unconscious.
Charles gasped at the few fleeting memories that had past through the man's brain before he had collapsed.
"Erik. His name is Erik." Said Charles in surprise that he had forgotten him. He gasped again as image upon image forced its way into his head. Raven, the children, training, pulling Erik out of the sea, making friends, having a family at last, and Erik was like a brother to him and who Charles wanted to help and protect more than anyone in the world, and who had just died by his hand.
Charles fell to his knees and grabbed Erik's hand tightly. He screamed out in anger, rage, frustation and guilt. He screamed until the walls of the building shook. He felt his mind encircling those that were left in the building and squeezing their heads until they fell to the floor dead. He screamed until the building came crashing down around him.