Looking down from the cliff side onto Hogwarts he couldn't shake the feeling of dread he felt. As though something was going to happen, and it was inevitable. That no matter what he did, no matter how much he tried to prevent it this feeling of dread would somehow turn into sorrow and despair.
That is what he was here to prevent though. He was here to ask for help. He never asked for help if he could avoid it. But what else could he do? The Dark Lord had made up his mind, and was not going to be persuaded. He had tried. Now he was going to attempt at the only other foreseeable option he had left.
As Albus Dumbledore arrived behind him on the cliff side, Severus Snape turned to him. Severus could barely make out the look of distress on his face in the dark of night. But the feelings presented by both men were clear.
"Severus, I do not understand why we must continue on this matter. The prophecy spoke of a boy born at the end of July."
"Yes I know, but he believes it's her son." Severus looked at Dumbledore with a look of despair.
"What do you wish for me to do Severus? I cannot do anything until He makes a definitive decision-"
"One has been made."
Dumbledore looked at Snape surprised to hear this. "And what is this new development?"
Snape looked to Dumbledore with a straight face as if trying to mask the emotions he was presently feeling. But Dumbledore could see them brewing under the surface. There was sorrow, anger, anxiety and heartbreak. Dumbledore could hear these emotions play out in his voice this when Snape spoke.
"He has decided that will kill the boy… and… anyone who stands in his way."
This alarmed Albus, but to him it made no sense. The prophecy only spoke of a single child being born, a boy none the less. But to go after the Potter's…
"But surely He realises that the prophecy spoke a single child. Not twins."
Snape scoffed at Dumbledore, and spoke with frustration. "Do you not think I have told Him that, time and time again? He says it doesn't matter. He is certain it is the boy."
Dumbledore regarded this, and thought over it. Lily Potter had borne fraternal twins, on the 31st of July. A boy and a girl. Harry and Isabella Potter. But he couldn't see the logic to connecting Harry to the prophecy. To him a connection couldn't be made, but to Voldemort evidently one could be.
Severus turned to look at Hogwarts once again. He ran over the events that took place there in his mind, and once again looked to Dumbledore. "I am here to ask…beg even… that you hide them. That you hide aid and protect them."
Dumbledore considered Snape for a moment, before he replied. "And if I do, what will you do for me in return?"
Walking over to the cliff side edge and looking down at his school Dumbledore replied. "Very well Severus."
It took Severus a moment to understand what Dumbledore said, until he responded. "…Thank you."
*Time Skip*
"You said you would protect them, you said-"
"I know that Severus. But Lily and James put their faith in the wrong people."
Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape were in Hogwarts, currently in Dumbledore's office. Albus was looking out a window at the mid-day sun, thinking over the events that had taken place last night.
Severus was currently looking at Dumbledore with a grief ridden, look on the other side of the office. This is what he had tried to prevent. This is what he had dreaded. This was the whole reason he had gone to Dumbledore and asked for his help.
Now his dread had become fully realised.
"Severus, the children live."
Snape looked at Dumbledore with a hesitant feeling, but also with resentment. "I know that. But they no longer need protection. The Dark Lord is gone-"
"Yes, but he can and will return." Dumbledore turned to look at Snape. "And when he does they will both need protection."
Severus remained quiet and looked away from Dumbledore to glance around the office. He didn't wish to talk about this anymore.
Dumbledore sighed and went to his desk. He bent over to a drawer, pulled it open, and pulled out some papers that resided there. He then put them on his desk and sat down in his chair.
Severus scanned the papers and realised what they were. But why was Dumbledore showing them to him?
"Severus…Please. Sit down. This cannot wait any longer."
Snape was confused. But he went over to the large oak desk and sat across from Dumbledore. Dumbledore's eyes followed Snape, trying to see any emotion play out on his face, when he could not decipher any he peered back down to the papers in front of him.
Lily and James Potter had left a will. However there were some complications as to how things were to be sorted out. Dumbledore glanced up at Snape, before looking down and telling Snape of these complications.
"James and Lily made this will in preparation for any children, they were to have. As such, this was dated before they ever knew Lily was pregnant, let alone before they knew they were to have twins. "
Snape regarded Dumbledore, wondering why he was telling him this.
"Any children they were to have was to go to the guardianship of Sirius Black."
Snape tensed at the name, but remained silent.
"However, as Sirius Black is currently in Azkaban we had to turn to making our own decisions, as to where the children would go. Until we came across this."
Dumbledore held up a small piece of parchment. As he held it out for Snape to take, Snape noticed that it had Lily's handwriting on it.
He looked up at Dumbledore, who nodded for him to take it. Snape took the small piece of paper of out Dumbledore's hand and contemplated it. As he read it his brows furrowed and he looked up to Dumbledore in shock.
A small, almost whimper came from his lips. "No."
He looked back to the small paper and read it over and over again until it somewhat sunk in.
"Yes, Severus. Lily made her own personal request. Should Sirius Black be unable to take guardianship of her child…then you were to."
Snape lowered the paper into in his lap, and seemed to be in a state of shock. He appeared to be looking at nothing. He opened his mouth as though to say something, but closed it just as quickly.
"I understand it comes as a shock, but I have discussed it with the Order." Snape peered up at Dumbledore. His brows still furrowed in confusion.
"We have decided to honour Lily's wish, however with some...adjustments."
Severus looked at Albus like he had gone mad. Perhaps he had. To think that Snape could take care of any children, let alone two was insane, and he would never agree to it.
"The boy is the one who Voldemort was after. And it is said by the public, and the Ministry, that he is the one who somehow defeated Him, not the girl. Also as Harry has the scar to prove it, and Isabella has no proof to have been attacked in any way, she is not the one revered by the public.
So, we have decided to send the boy to live with his only known relatives- the Dursleys. That way he may grow up away from all of the attention and possible trouble. ``
``And the girl? ``
Dumbledore saw a flicker of relief in Snape`s eyes, until he told him what they decided to do with Isabella.
``We want to honour Lily`s wish with Isabella, and only hope that you`ll wish to do the same. ``
Panic went through Severus` body and he spoke fast. ``Why? Why separate them? Just give both of them to the Dursleys- ``
``Because, it`s what Lily wanted. ``
Snape stopped and looked at Dumbledore. He shook his head, opened his mouth, and seemed about to say `no`, when Dumbledore interrupted.
``She has her eyes, Severus. She is a living part of Lily. ``
Snape closed his mouth, and set it into a firm line, and looked down at his lap to the paper with Lily`s writing.
``You will not be alone in raising her, Severus. She will always have a home at Hogwarts, and everyone in the Order has agreed to help. But you must agree to it. If not for Isabella, then for Lily. `` He paused. `` She trusted you to raise her child. ``
As Snape sat there looking at the parchment, thinking over what could have possibly been going through Lily`s mind when she made this decision he saw some writing on the other side of the paper. His eyes narrowed and he turned over the paper and saw three words.
I forgive you.
Snape looked at those three words, and in that instant, his life changed.
Lily had forgiven him for what he had said all those years ago, and now she was showing just how much by giving him guardianship of her child.
As he looked back up to Dumbledore he felt an ease as he finally responded.
``Very well. ``
Albus seemed slightly shocked, but then smile a small smile. ``Thank you Severus. ``
Dumbledore stood from his chair, and put away the will. He then walked from behind his desk and over to the entrance of his office. When he noticed Snape was not following he looked back.
``Are you not coming? ``
Snape stood from the chair, put Lily`s note in his pocket and looked over at Dumbledore. ``Coming where exactly? ``
``To the hospital wing. I think it would be appropriate if you met Isabella. `` After Dumbledore said that he opened the door and passed through it.
Snape followed his usual poker face back on.
When the two men reached the hospital wing, they saw Miverva McGonagall standing over a crib, at the far end of the room. As she heard their footsteps she turned to them and looked to Dumbledore, when he nodded. Minerva smiled and glanced at Severus who walking in stride over to the crib.
``She just fell asleep. You`ll have to wait `till she wakes to formally meet her. `` Snape heeded Minerva and then stopped when he was able to peer down at the one year old girl.
As he gazed at Isabella, he couldn`t help think how much she looked like her mother.