Hello! I'm glad you all enjoyed Pills! Now, here's the story of how it all began!


Well, when I first joined this site as a member, I read 'The Green-eyed Demon," and "Redemption," (CHECK 'EM OUT! They're AWESOME!) and felt like maybe I could have a go at writing a long-KeiichixMion. So, when looking for materials, I remembered a family member of mine had a drinking problem before I was born. So, that sparked an idea that I kept editing and changing in my head. First, I had to decide what drugs to use, a creative title, and all that Jazz.

So, after many run-throughs, I started to type. Now, I knew I was dealing with some very touchy subjects, so I had to prepare myself incase I got comments like, "What's your problem?" "Did you do those personally?" "Why drugs?"

Also, as the story progressed and I hit the alcohol and painkillers section, I had to ask around. My dad was helpful and TOLD me how when you drink a cheap wine like Mion's, it burns a little in your mouth. I also asked if downing a bunch of painkillers over time could numb your nerves, but we weren't sure.

So, I took a creative liberty. Also, I never cut, so I had to just imagine a scrtachs pain intensified by hurt and rage, which gave me a good basis to go on. So, after a few months of labor and a whole lot of going over scenes with Hotaru, Pills is done! I may rewrite a few chapters at a much later date, but I have other stories I'd like to work on now.


#Thank you for enjoying this story as much as I did!


Final stats:

Name: Pills

Chapters: 18

Words: Around 30,000

Pairing(s): KeiiMii and SatoShion

Published on: 7/22/11

Finished on: 9/24/11

Once again, I'm glad you enjoyed.