Hi this is a new long fic I'm attempting. Sorry it's been so long but let me know what you think. I am going to change some things for those who are purest, you have been warned.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
The newly widowed Count stared at the letter before him. It was yet another letter from the Princess of Rensaeleus. He was surprised she was so persistent. Even after he had been so brusque in his last letter, in which he stated he would never allow her to adopt his young daughter.
He continued to contemplate the letter written on plain paper with it's anonymous seal still in tact, after three days. No one would ever suspect it was from Elestra but he knew it was from her the second it ended up in his hands. The courier who had brought it still hung about Tlanth waiting for the reply.
As he paced the length of his office, his boots clicking on the stone floor, he gave consideration to burning the letter. His anger and pain had fueled his last response but after he'd sent it, he had begun to doubt his decision.
Looking around he noted that his castle had begun to deteriorate due to high taxes, as well as his neglect. The whole village in fact, had begun to decline since his beautiful Ranisia had been murdered. He just couldn't find the energy sometimes.
His mind told him the child could potentially be better off in Rensaeleus, but in his heart he was firm on not letting her go. He couldn't bear to imagine his free spirited daughter gallivanting about court, flirting and tittering like an idiot.
NO! He snatched the letter and ripped it open, knowing nothing could deter his choice.
My Dearest Count,
I understand your pain. I do not blame you for being so heated. Trust me it is agonizing for me to know that my beloved Ranisia has been ripped from us in this manner.
Still, I beg you, do not hold accountable those who've had nothing to do with the matter. Had I known, had I had the smallest of indications of what was transpiring, I would have put my life on the line to stop it. But I swear to you I did not.
I sent one of my people to investigate the matter. As it turns out the Kings sister, the Marquise of Merinder is behind this all. I'm not exactly sure of the details but she found out that Ranisia was studying magic and told Galdran. I don't know what she wins by this but Arthal is cold-hearted and impossible to understand.
I'm not penning these word to fuel your pain but to prove to you that I was always loyal to my friend and by extension you and the children. You know she was like sister to me.
I have never acted so recklessly in all my years. I have just gambled with my family's life. You know if these words ever surfaced they could be used against us. We could lose everything.
I will now petition you, to not withhold the children from me. Let them come visit me in the summer. Let us ally our families through this misfortune. There will come a day when no one will have to suffer because of them. But be patient.
You have my word nothing will happen to children. Let them come.
Yours Truly,
Elestra Rensaueleus
Please burn this letter.
From this the Count deduced two things. One: The Rensauleuses could be trusted. Two: They had a plan.
The laugh of his 12-year old girl broke his reverie. He smiled watching her run around, through his window for the first time in months.
He grabbed a sheet of paper and quickly scrawled his reply.