Hi, this is a drabble because I'm trying to get back in to writing by writing a little bit every day.

Sometimes she wondered how the hell she got sorted into Ravenclaw. Her housemates bored her to tears, always studying or writing essays on obscures charms just for fun, or because they were due in four weeks and they didn't want to get behind. They couldn't even find it in them to throw her and her team mates a party that one time she caught the snitch from right under Draco's nose. It had put them in the top spot, but all she got was an approving nod from Padma Patil. She bet even the Hufflepufs had more fun after being slaughtered by Gryffindor two weeks later. But there were some perks to being a Ravenclaw. Getting A class seats in the library with great view of Hermione Granger's many study sessions was one of them.

Hermione never wondered why she was a Gryffindor. She just was. Even when her housemates annoyed her with celebrating yet another quidditch victory while she had a really tricky arithmancy paper due in a week. She even felt a bit sorry for the Hufflepuffs that day, losing 400 to 40 is never a nice thing. But she found it in herself to hug Ron and Harry, and high fived their teammates. She even shared a few butterbeers with Ginny. But she hated it that the Ravenclaws always got the bests seats in the library, and that they never had to ask for an autograph to visit the restricted section. Being a Gryffindor had its downsides.