Title :: Buried

Length :: 7oo words

Summary :: Seventeen lost years. Countless forgotten memories. His voice, his face... nothing had changed, yet everything was different.

Disclaimer :: Percy Jackson and related awesome belong to Rick Riordan.

Author's Note :: This story was inspired by a heartbreaking, angsty, beautiful drawing by the ever-talented Brigid Vaughn titled "Love Lost." It's on her deviantart if you want to see it (and you should see it). Her username is burdge-bug. Also, this isn't canon. At all. Because, like all of you, I have not read Son of Neptune yet, so I have no idea how this actually plays out. The general idea was Brigid's, and I just elaborated on it because I have a sick love of angst-parties. And Percabeth. And angsty Percabeth is delicious.

Author's Note Deux :: I enjoy writing with line breaks, don't judge. This is one of those annoying fics where the point of view changes between two characters throughout the entire freaking thing. Kind of like Twirl, which few if any of you have read, so that last comment was completely unnecessary. Sorry about that. Anyway. Line breaks. Changing POV. You'll figure it out. I believe in you.

1/25/2o13 :: Oh god, do you ever look over something you wrote a year ago and feel your eyeballs cringe? I don't know why you people like this so much. Oh god. Please don't judge me based on this story, guys. Please.