Hello Everybody! Name's Sugar. Hope you enjoy this fic lol. This is totally random but I hope you guys enjoy. Ok I know narcissa isn't pregnant in the book but this is just a little AU and btw the baby is very important later on in the story. Oh and Rosa is from Spain and Rosa Means Rose in Spanish lol. Oh and disclaimer is at the bottom. I think it's more efficient.

-Enjoy 3-

Beautiful Dangerous


Draco meets a girl while his family was at its worst. Not knowing who to trust anymore, Rose makes a drastic decision. Either marry a death eater or become one. See the hardship of death eaters through their eyes.

Decisions, Decisions.

I started at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was straight and my bangs were pinned back with bobby pins. My dark green eyes were highlighted with sliver eyeshadow and eyeliner. I couldn't take my eyes away from my reflection. This would be the last time I saw myself in this room. The decision was made and it was my fault. I just hope that he didn't hate me for it. (In case you haven't noticed I was on a self pity path.) Ha, the irony of my faults. I took one final look before I turned around and picked up my purse and left my room. My trunks were already downstairs. You see, this summer I made a drastic decision.


" Rosa, dear, would you please come down?" I heard my mother call me from the living room. I got up from the chair in my library and made my way down the hallway. I saw my parents sitting and talking with a couple.

As I got closer I recognized them as the Malfoys. I noticed a slight baby bump under Narcissa's shirt. Who in their right mind get pregnant right now? With a war right around the corner who would want to get pregnant? I didn't blame her, maybe she missed being needed. From what I heard Draco was being an asshole, having just been branded as a death eater. I was in a similar pickle myself. Last week lord Voldemort came here to the house and gave my parents a choice: either I become a death eater or I marry one. I know I would rather be bound to a death eater than to lord Voldemort himself. So that's why I was meeting with the Malfoys. Talking about my dead end future.

" It's nice seeing you again, . I see your already showing" I politely commented, and took a seat by my parents. I was raised to speak little and then only say the necessary.

"Oh why thank you dear, you look lovely"

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy."

"Alright , enough chit chat, we know why we're all here. Lets get down to business." My father spoke clearly. Oh boy, I knew what was coming. I tuned out the moment my father said that. I knew they were talking about marrying me off to Draco.

End of flashback

So that brings me back to saying good bye to my parents.

I wasn't worried about not knowing my fiancé. Draco and I met each other when I was in my fourth year. When Potter was trying to get everyone to his little defense against the dark arts club. Ush bloody saint Potter. I may be a Ravenclaw but I hated Potter as much as the Slytherin did.

I glanced down at my outfit before I entered the living room. My blue dress fit my body perfectly. The dress was simple enough, blue and fitting. To finish of my out I had silver and gold bracelets on, and black open toe wedges. I opened the double door to the living room. There in a love seat were my parents and in the bigger seat sat all three Malfoys. It had been a month since I had seen Narcissa. From what I know she must be in her fourth month, just starting her second trimester. I glanced around to room.

" Don't worry dear, all your things are back at the Malfoy manor" said Mr. Malfoy. noticing my distress on where my trunks were.

" And Mrs. Muffle?" I asked, thinking of my white kitten.

" Also at the manor." he replied crisply. I looked around the room one more time. I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks. Today was the end of the rest of my life. Noticing my fallen expression, my parents stood and gave me a tearful goodbye. I cried openly and embraced them, who knew when I'd see them again.

Since I wasn't old enough to apparate alone I made my way to Draco. Being the flirt that he was, he wrapped his around my waist. I wasn't about to complain because after all he was my fiancé and secondly it felt right, like I was right at home. Strange feeling don't you think.

Did you guys like! I hope you did. I mean my beta told me she enjoyed it lol. I really have to give thanks to my beta. She is like the best ever I love. Even though she gave up on the life of a writer she still helps me with mine. Love you Cara. Please R&R. I want to know what you think off my new FanFiction. Btw the inspiration for this chapter was Beautiful Dangerous by Slash ft. Fergie.

-3 Sugar-

-Disclaimer-I own nothing, everything belongs to J.K. Rowling. The only thing I own is the Romero's. I know chapter was short sorry.