Disclaimer-I own nothing.
A/N: I haven't written anything in ages, so here is an update.

/Run fast for your mother and fast for your father,
run for your children and your sisters and brothers/

Your run because it is all you can do, you run to get away from everyone and everything, and it is all too much for you.
You are in the forest now the wind lashing your face, you pay it no notice, and you have to get away, from the taunts and the rumours, the sneers.
You stumble as your legs give way and you collapse against a tree, you do not know where you are, or how you are going to get out, all you know, is that you have escaped them, the taunts, the sneers that fill your dreams up...

'Stupid potter, how could anyone think that HE could live up to the famous Harry Potter?'
' He doesn't deserve his name!'
'Being a Slytherin, he must be evil'
'He's more like a squib!'
'Even his own siblings won't talk to him!'

All of them true you are a disgrace to the Potter name, and your family know it, you sink deeper into the tree; as if it could conceal you and hide you within its branches, you feel a small tap on your shoulder and jump, clutching your wand in your robes, how has someone found you? You stand drawing your wand, ready for a fight when you realise who it is, one of the most desired and popular boys in the school, blonde hair and blue eyes, sharp wit and a dazzling smile; Scorpious Malfoy.
"What do you want Malfoy? Here to sneer at me?" He raises an eyebrow, you blush, see the secret is, and you have had a crush on him, since you saw him on the train, he looks at you, eyebrows still raised "What? What are you blushing at?" and you blush even more, you can feel it running up your face, and he smiles "oh..." you freeze and your mouth drops ever so slightly, "wha-" your sentence is cut of, by his mouth crushing against yours and your breath being taken away.
His tongue attacks yours and you surrender letting him kiss you his hands run up your back and you shiver, when he pulls away your eyes open ever so slowly, he looks at you, his smile filling his face, you stammer "wha..what just happened?" he laughs and answers you ever so slowly, as if you were a child "well, I just kissed you and by the looks of it you liked it" you blush, it creeps up your face and you stammer "N..No I didn't!" he smiles and grabs your hand, "Come with me," and you walk out of the forbidden forest hand in hand and all your troubles gone.

A/N-I like this a lot, if you read please leave a review otherwise I have no inspiration to write :D