What is up my fellow readers and/or fan-fiction writers, Phil-0 here once more with a different kind of story, I've had this idea in my mind after watching a marathon of horror movies at my cousin's house. Now how is it every time the main killer from a horror movie usually comes back to life, by the end of the movie, I don't think its because they just simply don't die, I think its because there's something else that simply won't those tortured souls rest in peace. This was during the ending of a horror movie I thought that sucked. Now do me the favor of adjusting those seats your in, R&R.
The Nightmare Lives On
As the two survivors ran out of the preschool while it was burning to the ground, the body of an already burned man was burning once more in the fire as his head was on the floor with his razor hand separated from his body.
Once his body was engulfed in flames timed seemed to stop as a figure came from out of nowhere, a figure that looked like a man with a fancy suit as red as blood, along with skin that seemed to resemble a normal human, a walking cane and wearing a blood red fedora as well.
"How very disappointing I brought you back and this is all you give me." His voice sounded very calm despite as he looked at the dead man with nothing but utter disappointment in his eyes.
"I expected so much more from a man of your caliber." He blew the fire off of his body like it was just a candle as the body that lay before him was back to its previous state say for the few missing body parts. He grabbed the head and put it back near his neck along with putting his hand back to where it belonged.
Even though he put all the body parts in place he noticed something was missing, and that was the mans hat, he saw it was still covered in fire and already turning to dust but again the man picked it up and blew returning it to normal.
As he put the hat back on his head he snapped his finger as the head and hand stitched themselves onto their respective body part. "As far as you and I are concerned, we're not done yet."
The man standing above the supposedly dead body walked away as the man said one last thing "I still have much, much more work for you to do…Mr. Krueger." As he disappeared time started to move again as the sounds of sirens from the fire department came.
Once the entire building was extinguished the firefighters looked inside to see if anyone was alive but once they were inside everything was already turned to ash…except a certain missing body.
As Nancy entered the house with her arm in a cast and her mom standing behind her she felt relieved that everything she was worried about is finally over. "You should probably get some sleep."
"Yeah that seems like the best thing to do." She felt utterly happy as her mom set her bag down but her happiness was short lived as she saw the reflection that stood in front of the mirror. It was not her moms but the man she thought dead as he broke through the mirror grabbing her mother and pulling her through while the girl stood there screaming in fear once again.
"As long as I am here…the nightmare will never be over, for anybody." A person stood in front of the house listening to the screams the came from the inside. He walked away laughing manically and disappeared once more in the blink of an eye
And that's all she wrote folks, now if you can guess on who this figure is in the story I will give you a free cookie, the next project related to horror movies will be for Scream 4, so until then guys, I will see you all, later...also one last note the reason why I haven't posted a new chapter of Boiling Water is because my Grandpa died so yeah, I've been pretty busy