iDress Up As Melanie
Chapter 1
Perfect Sister
I watched enviously as my flawless sister got ready for her date with Freddie. Yes, I'm talking about the nub, the tech mule of iCarly. We were in Carly's room, Melanie liked it better than getting ready in our house. When she visits we usually spend most of our time here. Carly was downstairs talking to some new guy she liked on video chat.
"Which ones would Freddie like?" Melanie asked, staring at her shoes. Her blonde hair caressing over her face. She had fit ten shoes in her suitcase.
"They're just shoes Mel... and Freddie's a it doesn't matter." I liked that my exterior was always mean with my sister… it allowed me to not sound jealous in this position.
"If only I had brought more!" Melanie huffed in frustration. I didn't even OWN more then 10 shoes!
Melanie rushed around the room doing god knows what. I didn't even get why she was stressing so much! The last date they went on when she came up apparently went so well… why would it be any different this time? We were only about a year older.
While Melanie freaked out; I lay on Carly's bed. It was huge! Mine was only a twin bed, Carly could fit over four people on this thing! The bedspread was girly white and purple flowers. It was such a shame to ruin such an awesome bed by throwing up girliness all over it.
I looked up towards Melanie again, who was mumbling about a compact. I had dreaded my sister's return. I knew she was still into Freddie, and I knew with her over confidence she gained from being popular at her stupid boarding school would allow her to ask him out. The day haunted me for weeks when she announced her return. And the day was pretty much as bad as I imagined.
Melanie knocked her perfect little knock on the Shay's door. I told her just to walk it. She never listened to me. We were in the middle of watching a movie, and I was sitting in close proximity to the nub. I was enjoying it. Carly hopped up, all perky like, and headed to the door. This meant I had to move over a bit… so Freddie didn't get the wrong idea.
"Melanie!" Carly exclaimed. Freddie got a smirk on his face.
"Are you guys trying to trick me… again?"
"Shuttup dork," I said, rolling my eyes, "I am right here, sitting beside you, how would I be able to be in two places at once?"
Benson leaned forwards and looked between the blonde girl who just finished hugging Carly, and I. His eyes were wide. Then, suddenly her grabbed his heart, a content smile on his face, and fell back into the couch.
"Thank god! I thought for over a year that I had kissed you for a second time!" He laughed.
I tried to hide my disappointment and flicked his forehead, "Nub."
"Samantha," Melanie said with a smile. I cringed at the use of my full name.
"Mel," I said… trying to smile.
She stepped forward dramatically in Freddie's way, her hands on her waist.
"Hi Freddie." She said girlishly, with a little bit of fake shyness.
"Hey Melanie." Freddie smiled genuinly. I'd die for him to smile at me like that.
"What are you guys doing?" Melanie asked, sitting in the gap between Freddie and I. She was wearing a perfect little outfit revealing enough to look sexy but not enough to look skimpy. I hated that.
"Watching a movie." I answered solemnly.
Carly started the movie again and Melanie leaned closer to me and whispered into my ear, "Wow… puberty did him wonders."
I had to hold back a scream. I saw Melanie settling into Freddie's arm that was conviently drapped over the back of the couch.
"Okay! I don't think I can watch this anymore… too boring." I said exasperated.
"But we just started it…" Carly pouted.
"We should go get a smoothie." I tried changing the subject.
"Oh I'd love to!" Samantha said in her high ringing voice, "but I should really go meet up with some old friends I haven't seen in ages."
I nearly cried out in joy.
"Aw, you'll come back later?" asked Carly looking hopeful. I hate that her and my sister get along.
Melanie got up and headed towards the door. Ah, home free. I nearly smirked.
"Oh wait," she started, turning around smoothly on her heel, her voice like a wind chime, "Freddie... tomorrow night, you and I, dinner and a movie?"
My heart stopped, it jumped up into my throat. I looked incredulously at Freddie… then I remembered… I shouldn't be.
"Ew." I mumbled in spite of myself.
"Uhm, uhhhh… sure Melanie." Freddie stuttered anxiously.
This is when my life ended.
"Samantha… you home?" Melanie asked, waving her delicate hand in front of my face.
"Hmmm? Oh yah… what did I tell you about calling me that?" I answered sternly. She interrupted my thoughts AND used my full name. If I wasn't so damn mad I'd kill her.
She waved her hand in dismissal, "Sorry, anyways come zip this up?"
Melanie was wearing a very tight summer dress. It was white and had blue flowers around the bottom which puffed out in frills.
"Uhm, yeah whatever."
It wasn't fair. I studied us in the mirror. She was much more pretty then me. She was smarter, nicer, gorgeous, and a serious catch. I wasn't. I had a C average, was mean to everyone, wore penny tees and jeans almost every day, and a was guy's nightmare.
"Thanks! I better head downstairs." She said. Her skin was a creamy colour, with perfect rosy cheeks. She spent forever, and I guess it really paid off. She left the room and I looked in the mirror. All of Carly's make-up was there. I could copy her. I could be that pretty. I knew I could.
And that's when I got the idea; as I heard Melanie squeal "Hey Freddie," and Carly state "isn't she gorgeous?"
I could picture Freddie's jaw dropping.
If I couldn't have Freddie the way I am, which would be completely ruining our friendship and my dignity; then I would choose another tactic. These stupid feelings, I would have to take them out another way. I'd have to get rid of them. I'd take all these feelings and use them up until I do not even feel them anymore.
I would dress up as Melanie.
Thanks for reading! This is my first iCarly fic so I'm pretty excited! I love Seddie! I hope you didn't find this boring... it's just opening up the story :)
Remember to review!
Ps. I'll probably update every couple days. I have around 6 chapters written already, but I'm quite busy and I've got to edit and such :)