Author's note: Hola! I have gotten positive feedback from certain people I cannot say *strokes beard* well yeah I can lol. THANK YOU RukagiXShinme you have inspired me for a twist! I love it when people put what they were thinking it helps! Alot! Lol well I am happy to give you more :) Enjoyyyy!

'It's Friday, Friday! Gotta get down on Fri-' "Hello?" Izuru said as he thought to himself, I've gotta change that ringtone. "Oh hi Rangiku!" Izuru said in a cheery tone. "No actually I don't." He looked down in embarrassment. "Yeah well I like it! Anyways, what's up?" He listened as the women on the other end spoke. "No I haven't, she's probably doing work." "Sure! I'll get ready...your not inviting Toshiro again are you?" The blonde captain spoke, as he winced at the ground at the thought of Toshiro. "O-oh. No reason." He stuttered as he looked at the floor. "I know...he's just been giving me these really nasty looks these days...I don't know why...okay. I'll see you tonight. Bye."

When Izuru arrived at the night club, he got greeted by his crowd. With the exception of Toshiro. He sat down and thought to himself. I do wonder where Momo is. It's no fun without her. I wish she would just come out tonight, instead of hiding out in her office all day and night. Izuru looked up as he was thinking and saw Toshiro glaring at him from across the club. Izuru jumped. "What the hell?" Izuru asked to himself. Why is he staring at me like that? It's kinda freaking me out... Izuru looked around to see if anyone else noticed. Everyone was on the dance floor just having a good time. Izuru walked over to Rangiku.

"Rangiku!" He shouted over the music. "Yeah?" She shouted back. "I told you! Look over there," He pointed to Toshiro "he's staring at me like I'm his dinner!" He shouted. "No he's not! He's at the bar! I think your just drunk!" Rangiku shouted. "I only had one drink-" He started to argue back, but decided it was no use. The blonde man went to the other side of the club, where Toshiro wasn't. When he looked around for the white haired boy, he couldn't find him. Then he spotted him on the couch next to his couch. The man gasped.

Now I'm pretty sure he's after me. Izuru thought as he carefully got up to go to the mens room. He walked in and looked behind himself to see if Toshiro would follow him. Nope. "Phew." Izuru said as he turned on the water so he could wash his face. He splashed the water on his face a couple of times, then smiled as he opened his eyes. "Thought you could get away that easy." Izuru gasped as he looked through the mirror and saw the reflection of the young captain. The man turned around quickly, but Toshiro was faster. The young boy grabbed the blonde man's neck and lifted him in the air. He slammed the new captain's head against the mirror, which in turn made it crack. The boy squeezed Izuru's neck tighter.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" Izuru managed to choke out. "What's wrong with me?" Toshiro asked outraged, as he slammed Izuru's head against the mirror. "C-captain please! Your drunk!" Izuru assumed. The young captain glared at his prey. "You dumb ass I don't drink!" He said as he shoved Izuru's head against the glass for the third time. At this point in time Izuru was running short on air and he was bleeding on the back of his head.

"You wanna know why..." Toshiro started "it's because of you! You brought this all on yourself!" The captain yelled, as he shoved his head into the glass once more. By this time the mirror was completely broken. Izuru's life started slipping from his eyes. "Ever since that night you took Hinamori home, she hasn't been the same!" He threw the man on the floor. "I-" Izuru began to speak as he regained air "I didn't do anything...I swear!" His words didn't seem to calm the young captain. "STOP LYING!" Toshiro shouted at the man on the floor. "I'm not!" Izuru stressed. Toshiro turned his back to the man and muttered, "Your just like your cannot be trusted..." Izuru was outraged! How could Toshiro say something like that?

"No." Izuru started as he got up "We are nothing alike." Toshiro didn't even bother to look at the man. Toshiro snickered. "Is that what you believe?" Toshiro said in a devilish way. "Very well then. You'll lie to yourself like your captain did to you...hey look another thing in common." Izuru's nostrils flared in anger. He clenched his fist trying to hold back anger. No use.

The blonde haired captain attacked the young captain with some force, but fighting when angry usually blinds a person. Toshiro dodged and came from behind and attacked. But Izuru dodged aswell. "Fight like a man!" Toshiro spoke to the ceiling, because Izuru was no where to be seen. "What you know about being a man! Little kid!" Izuru shouted as he attacked from above. This struck a nerve of the young captain's and he was done playing easy.

"Sit upon the frozen heavens, HYOURINMARU!"


Momo slowly opened her eyes and found out right away that she was not in her bed. She gasped as she sat up and looked to her right. Then she covered her mouth as she gasped louder.

Could this really be? No no no...I'm probably just dreaming again...but this doesn't feel like any dream I've ever had. It seems to...real. She thought. Then the man on her right started to wake up. She panicked as she didn't know what to do. He slowly opened his eyes. Then spoke her name.

"Momo," The young girl felt as though she could die, blow up, and melt all at once when she heard those words come from his lips. It was like a sweet melody she had missed listing to for so many years. "your awake good." The man sat up. Momo had wide eyes and was frozen, unsure of what to do. "I'm pretty sure Gin was very rude to you while bringing you here. I'm sorry about that..." He spoke and his words trailed off as she remembered what had happened...

Why am I suddenly feeling as though hands are on me? Momo thought to herself. She quickly opened her eyes to see why she was feeling this way, but when she did...nothing was there. "Hmm." She said aloud. The young girl quickly got out of the shower and put her robe on, so she could go investigate the rest of her house. When she opened the bathroom door, a bag was suddenly placed over her head.

What the fuck? She thought. "Ahhhh!" She screamed, as she struggled to take the bag off. She reached for her sword. "Snap, Tobiume." The young captain spoke. "No no no." The snake like man's voice came from behind her. She gasped as she felt her hands being tied behind her back. "No!" She shouted. The girl tried to kick the man, but fell over cause he was tying that up too. "NO! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" Momo shouted in distress. "I'm afraid no one will be able to hear least not after this.." And then everything went black.

Momo then glared at the man next to her. "Am I a hostage in a plan to lure Ichigo here?" Momo said in a disgusted tone. The man laughed at her. "No." He spoke. "Your here to be with me." He explained. "What?" Momo asked in a hopeful tone. He nodded. "Yes." The young captain's eyes grew hopeful, but then snapped back into reality. She glared at him. "Your lying!" She accused. "Me? Lie? Never." He said in a mocking tone. She shook her head. "You can never be trusted!" She yelled at him, as she moved away from him, her eyes beginning to fill with hurt. "That's a little extreme." Aizen said and began to move closer to her. "No. You lied to me! You lied to the Thirteen Court Guard Squads! You lied to your friends! You lied to everyone!" Momo shouted while continuing to move away from her former captain. "You have no proof." Aizen said while moving closer. "Really? Don't I." She said as she began to pull her robe down. "Now undressing is no proof Momo." Aizen said as he jumped to conclusions. She pointed. He stared at it. "So don't you dare tell me I have no proof!" Momo shouted as tears began to fill her eyes. Aizen swallowed and took her wrist.

"Momo," He started in a soft voice. "What?" She spit out. "I-I never meant to hurt you...or at least not intentionally." "Another lie!" Momo shouted through sobs. "No no no. It's not a lie. Believe it or not I was trying to save you." He tried to explain. "BY KILLING ME?" She yelled at him, as she snatched her wrist back. "Actually yes...I know it sounds dumb, but that was the only way to save you." She glared at him through watery eyes. "I don't understand." Momo said in a harsh tone. "You see, once I obtain the Kings Key, I will destroy the Soul Society and everyone in it." Aizen tried to make it more clear. "Then why didn't you just bring me with you?" Momo asked as she wiped her tears. "Because there was no time." "Gin did it." The former captain glared at the wall. "I suppose." He spoke.

"Then how come you couldn't?" The young girl looked up at him with wonder in her eyes.


Izuru's eyes widened and realized that he was in deep shit. He had to hall ass and fast!

Oh no! What the hell have I got my self into? Izuru thought as he started to run away from the powerful kid. He was running through the club in hopes that Toshiro wouldn't follow, because there was a crowd there. But of course Izuru was wrong. Toshiro had no problem kicking Izuru's ass, in public especially. The young captain broke down the wall of the Mens room and flew after the blonde haired man. Izuru ran as fast as his legs would take him, but it wasn't fast enough.

Toshiro wasted no time sending shards of sharp ice after Izuru and because his back was to him, Izuru got hit by one. "Shit!" He yelped in pain. "Oh no!" Rangiku shouted. All of the group was wasted, so they were absolutely no help to Izuru what so ever. He was on his own.

Gotta think. Quick. Come on come on. Work with me brain! Ugh! What do I do? I can't keep running! I got it! I'll lead him into the Soul Society and then he'll get caught for trying to attack me! It's the perfect plan!

"With one flaw." Toshiro spoke as he was face to face with the blonde haired man.

Fuck. I didn't know he could read minds?

"I can't, your just predictable." The young boy said. Toshiro slowly raised up his arm with his sword and...


Author's note: Wow that all just came to me at once...I'm so amazing :D lmaoo but I shouldn't take all the credit seeming that I did get the idea from what RukagiXShinme said in him/her's comment (idk which one you are lol sorry). So if you are reading out there please comment so I can get ideas like this :D. Oh and yes Toshiro also likes Momo...I guess you could call it a love square..or something lol. Well I just had to lol btw I LOVE WRITING FIGHTING SCENE'S :D it's just fun to me. Well as I always say, if you have any questions, comments, preguntas (even though that's questions in Spanish), ideas, criticism, wanna correct me in something, have a request of some sort, want me to write a story about something you like cause I'm awesome XP, emotional outbursts, and/or you just want to say hi. Don't hesitate to tell me! Lol GRACIAS and Goodbye for nooooow :)