A/N So this is my new story. I really love Samchel and this was just an idea I had. It will probably be about 14/15 chapters in total and hopefully updates will be every few days, as I have it all planned out. I've tried to not make it a terrible cliched pregnancy fanfic, but I'm open to suggestions and constructive criticism. So enjoy and please review :) If I get a positive response I'll continue :)

She'd convinced herself that it was stomach bug. She'd eaten some bad zucchini and was suffering the consequences. That had to be it. Because she couldn't even stand the thought of the other option, and if she so much as dared to even think it for a second then there was the possibility that it might be true. And it couldn't be. It just couldn't.

It was only after she'd thrown up three times before lunch, for the second week in the row that she dared to let her mind wander to such dangerous territory.


It didn't make sense, pregnant was what happened to girls like Quinn Fabray, and that senior girl who wore crop tops to school every day, and even had sex with the janitor. It didn't happen to girls like her, good girls. Girls with dreams.

She sat through English lit without saying a word, just furiously scribbling notes so quickly that they were illegible; she just needed to keep her mind occupied. If she could just make it through the next few hours, she could go to the drug store, pick up a test and reassure herself that everything will be fine.

It was during World History that things took a turn for the worst. They were learning about the Romans, and whilst usually Rachel spent her time taking pristine notes, today she hadn't written a single word. Ten minutes into the lesson she had been hit with a crippling wave of nausea. She'd tried to breathe through it, but that hadn't worked. Then she had tried ignoring it and singing show tunes in her mind, but that hadn't worked either. So she'd spent the last ten minutes looking at the spot right in front of her as she tried desperately to choke back the bile rising in her throat. It had risen quickly though, and she couldn't ignore it anymore, before she could think through her actions she pushed herself back from the table, and with one hand clamped over her mouth she made a run for it. Luckily she made it all the way to the toilet before it all came out, and after several moment of retching she finally leant back on her heels and wept. It was that moment when she knew that she couldn't deny the inevitable any longer. She, Rachel Berry was pregnant.

She'd spent a total of $30.76 and almost 25 minutes choosing, but now she had laid out the 6 tests on her dresser (positioned like a star, faith was important at times like this) and waited. After the history incident she'd mostly kept her head down and avoided conversation, she was too afraid that someone might ask her what was wrong and she would burst into tears.

Two minutes to go.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she felt her future, her dreams slip away from her. How could she possibly be the next Barbra with a baby? But she couldn't not have the baby, not when the fault lay with her and not at all with an innocent little baby. Her dad's. What would they say? They'd invested so much time and money and enthusiasm into her future career, only to see it tumble down around her because of one night. One night. What was in the water in Lima that all teenage girls seemed to get pregnant on their first time?

One minute.

But maybe it was all just a mishap, something she could laugh about a few months down the line. She could throw away the tests, the evidence and return to her normal life. She could put them in the trash outside, take a nice long bath with her favourite coconut scented bath oil and then record a moving ballad to upload onto myspace. It was all going to be fine. It had to be.


She winced as she glanced at the first one. Cautiously she turned the other over and sunk down to the floor, burying her head in her hands as the tears finally flowed. She sobbed to herself for what felt like hours and hours, until there were no more tears left in her body. Then she got up, brushed her clothes off and carefully disposed of the offending sticks in a plastic bag, which she put in the trash outside. Then she washed her face with cold water, and threw up. Three times. She retched until there was nothing left to throw up and instead nothing came up. After brushing her teeth she sat on her bed and thought. She could call someone to talk to, but she didn't know who she could call. Kurt was her closest friend, but also the schools biggest gossip. Perhaps Quinn could shed some light on the situation that she had found herself in only a year before. But she didn't tell anyone, because telling someone meant that it was definitely true, and that wasn't something she could deal with yet.

The next morning came around far too quickly for her liking, though she was relieved to not feel sick to her stomach as she had become so accustomed to. That morning was like the calm after the storm. She woke up, worked out, showered, ate a slice of toast with no butter, kissed her daddy and drove to school. It was a normal day. Nothing had changed. Maybe the last few days had been a nightmare and now she was finally back in reality. Or maybe the last few weeks had never happened, maybe she was still a virgin lusting after Finn. That sounded nice about now.

By the time she pulled into the parking lot she had managed to convince herself that everything was as it should be, but then she saw him. All it took was one of those sexy, heart stopping smiles and reality came flooding back. She wasn't a virgin, far from it, she was pregnant. And he was the father.

Sighing heavily she made her way to her locker, thankful for the free period she knew she had first period. It would give her time to think, and plan. Maybe a pro con list? That was how she made all her big decisions in life. She was unloading her textbooks into her locker at an alarming speed when she felt someone standing next to her.

"Diva." She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked up at Kurt.

"Hello Kurt." She smiled politely and turned to go.

"Hey, what's up?" She continued walking as quickly as she could down the hallway.

"Nothing, I'm just busy. You know me." She tried to laugh but it was so shrill that it didn't even fool her.

"Rach, stop." He said firmly, putting his hand on her shoulder and forcing her to stop and look at him, "Whats really wrong? Because you're acting crazier than that time you got Laringytis and couldn't sing."

She frowned, but then sighed.

"Not here." She whispered and dragged him into the empty choir room.

Bewildered Kurt sat down on an empty chair, whilst Rachel paced back and forth in front of him, muttering softly to herself.

After a few moment of this continuing, Kurt made to stand up.

"I'm sorry Diva but this is weird. Tell me what's wrong or I'm gonna go."

"No, no, no." Rachel said quickly, pushing him down again. She took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

The words hung in the air between them, as they both looked at each other. Kurt was frozen in shock and Rachel was scrutinising his face, waiting for a reaction. Nothing.

"Kurt?" she prompted, resting a hand on his arm.

He gingerly licked his lips.

"...What?" He whispered, for once in his life speechless.

"I'm pregnant." She whispered, anxiously looking around to make sure no-one was around.

"But how?" She could almost see the cogs whirring in his mind as he tried to piece this new piece of information together.

"Well-" She started but was cut off by him.

"Oh my God!" He whispered, "it's Blaine isn't it. After that stupid party you had where you made him think that he was straight!" He stood up and was now the one pacing, whilst Rachel slipped into his abandoned seat.

"Oh my god." He repeated, clutching his hands to his face in shock.

"Kurt- " Rachel tried to break in and defend herself but he just waved a hand at her.

"I thought you guys just kissed." He said, turning to look at her.

"We did!" She stood up and put both her hands on his shoulders.

"Let me say this slowly. Blaine is not the father."

Kurt let out a deep sigh of relief and rested his hand carefully over his heart.

"Diva, don't scare me like that." Rachel shook her head, not wanting to point out that she(ITALICS) didn't say anything and it was him that had worked himself up into a frenzied state. But she didn't want to fight right now and she knew if she pointed out his severe error in judgement Kurt would get stroppy and most likely storm out.

"So, pregnant." He said, returning to his seat and looking up at her, "how'd that happen?"

Rachel rolled her eyes, and resumed her forgotten pacing.

"It was just one night." She mumbled quietly, "It wasn't meant to turn out like this."

"Rach, who is it? Who's the father?" Kurt leant forward in his seat and tried to place a comforting hand on Rachel's arm.

"Sam." She whispered in a tiny voice, her eyes fixed on the grubby linoleum floor, as Kurt's hand dropped and he stared at her open mouthed.

"Wha...Bu...How?" He asked clearly bewildered.

Sighing deeply Rachel sunk into the seat beside him and turned to face him.

"It was after Prom. He dropped me home and we were talking, and he said he didn't want to go back to the motel, so I asked him inside. My Dads were away on a business trip so it was just us. We talked and talked and he was sitting so close, and he smelt so good," She closed her eyes briefly as if remembering, "and before I knew it we were kissing and then we were on my bed and he was asking if I was sure, and I wanted him so bad, in a way I never even felt about Finn or Noah. We fell asleep and I woke up in his arms and it was all so perfect and I just wanted to stay that way forever, but then he had to go home and we agreed that we'd just be friends." She pulled her knees towards her chest, "And now. Bam. Pregnant."

"Diva, you need to tell him." Kurt whispered as softly as he could, frowning when she shook her head vehemently.

"No, I can't. He already has so much going on with his family and everything. I can't burden him with this to. I just need to process. Figure out a game plan."

"Diva...he has a right to know."

Rachel groaned and buried her head in her hands.

"Kurt, I don't know what to do. I mean things like this don't happen to girls like me."

"Oh Diva," Kurt whispered as soothingly as possible, "You'll be okay. You're going to be just fine."

She nodded as he rubbed her back, but she didn't see how anything could ever be okay again.