Here is chapter two, hope you enjoy it! ^_^

Dear diary~

Today Peach is throwing another party. I don't know what's up with her and throwing them but as long as Bowser doesn't crash in again, its fine with me. Maybe she'll make her famous cake. Yum! I know Mario is probably looking forward to it. Speaking of Mario…I wonder how Luigi is doing. He's such a shy man but so cute too. 3 I like the way he glances at me when he thinks I'm not looking and blushes. Maybe he'll get over his shyness and ask me to dance this time, if not, I can always drag him onto the dance floor. ;)

I'm only writing, well typing now, because I'm pretty excited for today. Anytime I get the heck out of this place is awesome! Father is so uptight and controlling sometimes, ugh! Thank goodness for mom.

Princess Daisy Sarasa saved the document then turned off her computer. She then slid off her chair and ran to the bathroom to brush her hair. After curling it to make it up like it was every day, she hastily slipped on some shoes; half skipping with one foot in the air, only half a shoe on, then ran out of her bedroom.

She nearly ran into a toad servant yelling an apology over her shoulder as she ran down the hall and stumbled down the stairs. She quickly grabbed the railing to steady herself then continued down.

"Morning!" Daisy said quickly, running into the dining room where her parents sat eating breakfast.

Her father dabbed at his beard with a napkin then gave her a questioning look, "Please say your going to at least eat your breakfast before running off."

"Yup!" Daisy said cheerfully, grabbing a muffin from the bowl on the table, and sitting down, the chair legs scraping loudly against the wood floor as she scooted up to the table.

The girl began munching on her banana nut muffin, and as she ate (mouth full) she also poured herself a glass of tea from the pot on the table.

"Slow down Daisy," her mother told her, "You'll choke at this rate!"

Daisy swallowed, "Sorry, mom. So…I have to leave soon. Peach needs me to help with getting everything ready for the party."

Her father raised an eyebrow, "Doesn't Princess Toadstool have her servants for that?"

Daisy rolled her eyes, "Honesty Dad!"

"Don't roll your eyes at me, it's very un-lady like." The king sipped his tea, not noticing that his wife had rolled her eyes after he spoke. Daisy and her mother shared a glance, both hiding a smile. Daisy hadn't only inherited her looks from her mom, but also her personality, though these days the Queen was more laid back.

Daisy finished her tea then stood up from the table and turned to leave.

"Oh my…" Her mother's voice stopped her.

Daisy turned with a frown, "What's wrong mom?"

The Queen was looking at the newspaper on the table in front of her, forehead furrowed, which only happened when she was worried deeply about something; "There has been a murder in the mushroom kingdom."

Daisy immediately felt her heart jump in her chest. Luigi lived in the Mushroom kingdom! "W-who…died?"

"A young toad."

Thank goodness, Daisy thought. She then felt a sting of guilt. The poor toad…

"That is very odd indeed," The king mumbled, "The Mushroom Kingdom hasn't had a murder in seventeen years."

"Really?" Daisy asked, "Has it really been that long?"

"Yes Daisy, the last murder happened two months before you were born." Her mother said softly, "A koopa was found dead and frozen in the snow, they never did find who killed him."

"That's horrible." When Daisy really thought about it, she couldn't imagine a murder either. Both of their kingdoms shared some peaceful times except for the occasional alien invader or koopa king, but Bowser wasn't really capable of murder. That's what Daisy believed anyways, it wasn't like she had a talent reading people, but he just didn't seem like the cold blooded killer type…well maybe cold blooded, but definitely not a murderer!

"I'm going to head out now, see you later!"

"Daisy, please be careful."

"I will dad, it's broad day light! I'll be fine."

Peach sighed and straightened her gloves. They had gotten loose on her hands when she was helping her toads hang up some decorations. She then sat at a table nearby to rest.

"Princess! Princess!" Toadsworth suddenly ran into the room.

Peach sighed wearily when she saw him. Oh my…what was wrong now? She stood up. "Yes, what is it Toadsworth?"

He waved a newspaper in front of her, well… up to her chest; he was pretty short, "Something of a most horrible nature has occurred!" He gasped.

"What is it?"

"A murder!" Toadworth cried.

Peach frowned and took the paper from the toad, and began reading off the front page, her eyes widened, "Oh my…this is horrible. That poor Toad! A murder…the last happened-"

"-Seventeen years ago." Luigi said.

"Mama mia!" Mario exclaimed.

Luigi nodded, "It says here that he was survived by his girlfriend Jess T. Who was actually with him when it happened." The green man made a face, shuddering, "Bro, can you imagine how terrifying it must have been?"

Mario nodded, looking thoughtful. He then began nibbling on the toast on his plate. What was going on? One thing was certain; the Mushroom kingdom would certainly be calling on him for his help. They did over every little thing these days, even if the problem was only a leaky faucet.

"Let's eat up bro and head over to Peach's castle, she's probably worried about this whole thing too."

Mario just nodded again in agreement. Whoever this person was, they had better watch out! He quickly finished his breakfast and stood up, "Let's go Weegie."

Princess Peach was pacing the floor in the hall outside her room when a toad maid approached her, "Umm, your majesty?"


"The Princess of Sarasaland is here." Daisy!

Peach smiled and started downstairs. Daisy always did seem to appear right when she needed her. She felt so confused and helpless; maybe talking to her best friend would help. Peach entered the main room in the castle and saw her friend waiting in front of the doors, "Daisy!"

Daisy grinned and waved, "Heya Peach!"

"Thank goodness." Peach said, hugging Daisy who made a face.

"Jeez, who died?" Daisy joked when Peach released her.

Peach's face crumpled, and Daisy frowned, "Oh...I'm so sorry Peachy, I forgot all about-"

The Princess held up a hand, "No, it's ok Daisy, I'm fine. Just a little stressed about it, that's all."

"So…what can I do to help?" Daisy asked.

"With what...oh. Well, I just don't know if I feel like throwing a party now Daisy."

She made a face at Peach, "Oh come on! You've been planning this for days! Let's try and have fun, you look like you need it."

Peach sighed and smoothed some of her blond hair back out of her face, "I suppose so…I just feel so bad about it."

"Why? It wasn't your fault."

"I know, but…"

Suddenly the door opened, "Good morning Princess!" Mario!

Peach smiled at him, "Mario, thank goodness you're here." Everything felt better when Mario was here; of course she thought the same of Daisy. Peach sighed…would she ever feel happy again?

Daisy looked for him and found the green clothed brother hiding a bit behind his brother, his face flushed. She felt herself grin and stepped over to see him, "Hi Luigi, how are you today?"

"O-oh…h-hi Daisy." He stuttered, the poor man's face mimicking the bright color of a red tomato.

Mario nodded at her, "Hello Daisy."

"Hey Mario." Daisy grinned.

"Did you hear about…" Peach started softly.

"Yes." Mario said, "I read about it in the paper. They were pretty descriptive about too."

Peach remembered how graphic some of it was and felt sick. She had never before heard of such a violent murder. Killings themselves were rare…it was mind boggling.

"Don't worry Peach." Daisy said, "This party will take your mind off all the bad stuff. It will be fun!"

She sighed sadly, "But should I be enjoying myself while a killer may very well be on the loose? And while a family is mourning?"

"I feel bad for the family. They had to read all about their son's death in graphic detail and relive it a second time. The chronicle should be sued, there was some pretty bad stuff in there." Daisy made a face.

Bowser was halfway finished with his breakfast, a bacon and egg sandwich that towered up to his chest, when a paratroopa entered the room and dropped some newspapers on the table. It was one of theirs and also a paper from the Mushroom Chronicle.

He put down his sandwich and wiped his claws on an unfortunate servant who was walking by and began reading.

Kamek came in while Bowser was consumed in reading a particularly large article on the front page of the paper, "Lord Bowser, I just came in here to inform you of your meeting at twelve and…" He noticed that the koopa king wasn't listening and seemed absorbed in reading something. The magikoopa was curious and walked over to glance down at what his lordship was preoccupied with.

"Can you believe that?" Bowser mumbled.

"Seventeen years…" Kamek said aloud as he read the paper, "I remember that murder. The investigation went on for a month, but the killer was never found."

"Betcha Peachy is freaking out." Bowser looked up from the paper to take a gulp of his drink, and then turned the page in the paper to read the rest, "Yech, all they recovered was an arm. Man, that's sick!"

He read the rest of the article then stood up from the table and left the room. When he was gone, Kamek sat at the table, and finished reading the rest of the story.

Bowser walked down the hall and turned a corner, almost running into two of his sons, "Hey! Watch it you two!"

"Sorry dad!" They both yelled. It was Iggy and Lemmy. They were both carrying a large toy rocket ship in their arms, Lemmy holding the bottom, and Iggy the top, "We're going outside to launch out new rocket."

"Fine, but watch where your going next time, got it?" Bowser grumbled.

"Yes sir!" They said in unision, then proceeded to run down the hall.

"Wait!" Bowser yelled quickly.

His two kids turned to look at him in surprise.

"Stay…close. Got it?"

The two nodded and ran down the hall, and disappeared from sight. Bowser waited there for a long time, then started for his room down the hall, running his claws through his long hair. Now there was something else to be stressed about.

Bowser is worried about his kids! So sweet! :3 Lol, review please? :)