Shall it be Lima or Stockholm?

Intro; AU. He was a rival, an enemy, but still… why did she love him? Gajeel, the Hitman for Phantom Lord, the seedy bastard wheedled his way into the very heart he had shattered. Levy, the informant for Fairy Tail, captured and held for ransom. As the two war, who shall be killed, and who shall be saved?

Info: Contains mature themes, gang violence, and torture.

The Things We Think


The darkness startled him momentarily as he open his sleep crusted eyes. He was face planted into the plush rug he knew to be in the living room. For some reason he couldn't remember why he was here. He chalked it up to having one too many drinks that day before.

He stumbled to the bathroom, his constitution called for an extremely cold shower. He had to have his head about him. He stripped his sticky clothes off, a strange scent wafted off them, but he didn't exactly care at the moment. The cold water broke the haze of sleep and sleeplessness, the memories of the day before flooded his system. His head met the cold ceramic of his shower.

"Why?" He mumbled, his blood beginning to boil.

He didn't know if he wanted to rip her heart out or if he wanted to protect her. Both of those options could very well be the exact same as the opposite. The conundrum ran amuck in his head, messing with his thought patterns and making him miss out on the minutes that flooded past him.

'Soon she will be up and at 'em.' His eyes drooped as he shut off the flow of water. The towel hanging on the hook beside him welcomed him into a scratchy embrace. The water was quickly absorbed.

He looked to the mirror, the fog he was used to wasn't there to greet him either. The shower had been a very cold one at that. His hair dripped into the spikes he was familiar with, the chilly drops trailing down his spine to disappear into the towel.

He gazed into the mirror, wanting to shatter it.

He swept out of the bathroom to return back to his room. Lily was nowhere in sight, he wondered where the cat had drifted off to, maybe he was under the couch.

'Whatever.' He cracked his neck, pulling out his daily clothing. Slipping the comfortable black attire on, he once again watched the small mirror on his wall; still wishing to break it.

His knuckles snapped singularly as he rolled his hands into fists. He dodged the need to break something with the promise of food. His bare feet barely making a single noise across the cold floor, he passed through the dark rooms to where he knew the kitchen to be. He flicked on the over counter lights, the sudden illumination stinging his eyes and making him flinch.

He pondered what to eat, not many options seeings how he really didn't go out just to buy groceries that often. Just making sure to buy food and litter for Lily when the cat got lazy, but also to uphold the image that his pet was normal. He didn't want anyone taking his dear friend just because of what he could do.

He fished out a clean bowl from the cupboard, "I'm gonna have to wash them soon." He mumbled towards the stack on the counter, a strange smell beginning to form. Gajeel then pulled out the half-full box of off-brand cereal, and poured himself a heaping bowl. The milk still smelled good, and so his breakfast was completed.

He leaned up against the counter, thinking simple nothings for once.

He heard a muffled cry from the other room. His ears perked, 'Who could make that sound?' He pursed his lips, his cheeks puffed out from the huge bite he had just taken.

He slipped forewords, leaving the bowl behind. In his hurry, he forgot to swallow. He leaned around the corner, all of his sense streaming forth to discover the source of the slight noise. He hand inched along the side of his body, reaching for the gun he hadn't slipped on just yet.

He cursed himself for his stupidity, it wasn't unknown for members to target him to get his position, and he had no need for trust within the ranks of sharks that waited for him to bleed.

He whipped around the corner, his body stiff in his stance.

Instantly he dropped it, his eyes traced the counters of the woman under the blankets. Her whimpers shook the sheet as her back trembled. Her soft cried pulled on his heart, but he brushed those emotions to the side.

He leaned over and pulled back the cover, her tangled mess of dark blue hair shaded her face. He saw the tears streaking down her face. She turned to look up at him, the sadness in her eyes faded to be replaced with admiration.

"You!" She cried out happily, her arms winding around his neck and allowing her to cling on to him. "I was scared, that mean man might come back!" She wailed in his neck, her hands entangling with the fabric of his shirt.

He easily stood up and allowed her to cling to him. He let out a long breath, memories of the day before flooded him. He knew she glorified him for saving her from the cruel hands of Jose.

He pried her off, her bruises shining in the soft light. Each bloody flower just made her seem al the more real to him. Perfection was a strange thing.

"You're fine here." He let his gruff exterior melt, if only a little. He ushered her into the kitchen, his eyes keeping off her form. Her clothes hung off her, blood staining most of it, and her smile lighting up the room.

She continued to chatter about the little nothings. How she wanted to learn magic, how she wanted to color that one page from that one book, and how she wanted to visit her mothers grave. Her words sprang to life as they left her mouth, each filling his ears with wonderful thoughts.

He shook his head, trying to dispel them.

He worked silently, letting her continue to talk until she came to an abrupt stop. He glanced up only to drop the bowl of cereal he was preparing for her. She was inches from his face, her deep brown eyes boring into him with an intensity he hadn't felt for years.

She cocked her head to the side, an eyebrow disappearing into her hairline. She shrugged; whatever she had been looking at had passed. Levy slid off the counter and wandered the house, her bare feet making muted sounds on the hard wood floor. Her tattered clothes fluttered gently.

"Before you eat, let's get some clothes on yah." He picked up the corn flakes that had spattered the counter.

"Hmmm?" She spun on a dime and eyed him up. Levy's eyes bored into him again, she seemed to be searching for something.

"What are you looking at?" Gajeel reverted again to the more proper version of his speech.

She puckered her lips and backed up, her stance betraying her fear. "When are you gonna hit me?" She backed straight into the couch and nearly flipped over it. She quietly shrieked and righted herself; Gajeel took the opening to quickly get close to her.

"Listen here." He hovered over her. "I'm not gonna hurt you." His own eyes bored into hers. She searched him, looking for something that betrayed his lie fear had made her wary.

He shook his head. Gajeel made his way through the living room back into his own bedroom. "Lily," He called out, "You in here?" He whistled at just the right pitch that always drove the damn cat insane.

"What the fuck do you want?" Lily growled unhappily from under the bed, the fur along his spine stiff and rigid. "You bring a fucking girl, a prisoner nor less, in without consulting me!" He puffed up, his tail like a wire brush behind him. "I can understand bringing her in, but without asking me first!" The indignation in his voice shook Gajeel. He didn't know that cat held emotions such as this one.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Jose was gonna get her."

"You are PAID to get her." Lily backed under the bed once again.

Gajeel huffed and let it slid over him, he would make it up to Lily later.

He dug through his dresser, searching for something for the chick to wear. He really, really wanted to cover her skin so he wouldn't fall into the pit of his primal need.

He imagined his hands around her neck, forcing that the last breathe out and not letting anymore in. He felt her skin giving way under his fingers, bloody roses blooming all over his skin, marring scars permanently marking her as his. Her blood mingling in his mouth, she screams his personal orchestra, oh how he fantasized but knew he couldn't hurt her in such an inhuman fashion.

He came across the smallest shirt and pair of pants he could find; they fit him a bit too snugly for his own liking. They should be just a bit too large on her slim frame. He spun around and grabbed a belt just to be sure. Her slim waist would defiantly not keep the waistband up.

He stalked back into the room to find her curled up on the couch, her eyes shut and her breathing even. He left the clothes on the coffee table in front of her.

She had fallen asleep in the short time he had left her alone.

She looked so innocent and care free.

She turned in her sleep, her bruises hitting the light in such a way that they disfigured her beauty. Emotions ran wild within his veins. He didn't know if he wanted to mangle or cherish her.

Gajeel made his way to the front door; he left in a hurry making sure to lock the door behind him.


Levy awoke to a small warm body landing on her chest.

She glanced to see a small black cat sitting upon her, its tail twitching. Deep green eyes glittered in the low light. Sleepily, she smiled at him.

"Pretty kitty." Her hand slowly made its way to rest in front of its nose.

Lily gingerly took in her scent, the softness and trueness of it made him relax in her presence.

"You're pretty." She ran two fingers along its spine. "Didn't know he had a kitty." She giggled to herself, all of this a fun game for her. She gently thumbed its ear; she was rewarded with a heavy rumbled of a purr.

"You're a good girl." He quietly whispered.

"This kitty talks?" She inquired; sleep losing its hold on her.

"Sure, and this is just a dream." He snidely remarked. "I'm Lily, who are you?"

"Funny dream with a Kitty. I'm Levy. My mum named me." Her face curled into a mask of sadness. "My mum is dead." She whimpered and pulled her hand back to cover her face. She curled into a ball, dislodging Lily from his place on her chest. She sobbed, her cried of mental pain showing through her happy façade.

Lily was at a loss, he didn't know what to do to comfort a human woman who acted like a little girl.

"Shhh." He pawed at her ear, trying to get her attention.

"Where's my dad?" She cried out, she desperately wanted to see him. To know he was still there to protect her even if he hurt her himself. "Where is he?" She came to a shuttering halt. Her silence was worse that the crying.

Lily slunk away, afraid of the woman and her swinging emotions. His ears plastered to his skull, his tail dragging along behind him.

Levy swung between rage and infuriation to utter despair and longing for the one figure in her life that had always been there. She grieved for her mother and cursed her killer. She clung to her insanity, ranging from criminally insane to right-minded.

Exhaustion finally claimed her.

Her angry tears drying on her cheeks as she fell silent.


Gajeel didn't have anything assigned to him that day. No money to collect, no bitches to slap, no gang activity on the radar, and that made him furious. He wanted to break something, he wanted to defile and destroy someone, and he desperately needed to work his body to the limits.

He continued down the dark underground pathways, navigating towards the gym. It was a place he knew he could blow off some steam and everyone around him would back off.

His aura stormed around him, his magic welling to the surface. The metal within the walls shook, quivering as the master of steel passed them by. They had a need deep within, down to the pure element, to listen to his commands. It was willing and needed to listen to him, and right now, he wanted destruction.

He threw open the gym door, his own personal bag greeted him in the way back. A smirk graced those cruel lips and he let the inner monster out.

His fist pummeled into the steel bag, his knuckles cracking with his effort. He gripped the sides and kneed it with enough force to break a mans back.

His angry, his confusion, all came out into that steel bag before him. He growled and let him magic unleash itself upon the inanimate object. Shards loosened from within the walls that surrounded him, their deadly sharp edges aimed at the target with an inhuman accuracy.

The steel shredded like paper under his mastered hands, his own angry releasing into the bag and he let the steel absorb whatever he thought he didn't need.

Sweaty and exhausted, he leaned against the remnants of the bag. His breath coming in great heaves. He sank to the ground and let the feeling of exhaustion roll over him. He felt better; no make that a hell of a lot better.

He stood up, shaking the exhaustion off once more, and sauntered out as if he had won the lottery. His anger now gone, his magic sated, only his thirst for blood remained but that could be sated later. He licked his lips without realizing it; the inner monster was temporarily quiet.

The hallways remained silent as he passed through them, he saw a few people as he continued deeper. However, as each level came and went, less and less people appeared.

Only high-ranking members were allowed into these deep levels. Few members were ranked as high as he was, and he took pride in that. You couldn't count how many lives he had ruined, people he had killed, jobs he had dirtied his hands with, he was a demon of the worst kind, the kind that enjoyed the only lifestyle available to him.

He cursed his fathers name each day, but praised him each night before he went to sleep. His father had condemned him to this work after the incident that had separated his family for good.

His anger returned, just muted at a pleasant level.

He turned down his hall and pulled the key out from his pocket. Turned it in the knob he slowly let the door swing open on greased hinges.

He saw a lump on the couch with two green eyes shining dangerously at him.

"Lily?" His voice barely a whisper.

"What?" The voice snapped back, more alarmed than angry.

"She there?"

"Yeah, after a mental breakdown thank you." He snapped back but visibly relaxed. "Be careful with her, she's fragile in everyway." He sighed heavily. He settled down again, curling his tail to cover his nose as he let himself merge with her side. Sleep claimed him as well, leaving Gajeel nearly alone in his own apartment.

He let his exhaustion come crashing back, and settled to watch some TV from his overstuffed chair. Peace circulated around him, giving him a sense of security. Her breathing mixed with Lily's, both in sync with each other.

He could fall asleep to that silent symphony.

Heyo out there, I know it's a little late, but hey it's here! I suck at keeping up with updates, but Anywho. This is the latest installment of this beloved story. This was a bit of a filler chapter, but next chapter will be heating up with action and the rating with jump as well.
