Oh my God, I've prepared 10 chapters and I've also written more, but I had forgotten I had made this a story XD Sorry guys, I feel really stupid now. Anyways, I'll try to post about two a week, or like every time I upload one of my other stories. Anyways... I hope you like it :)

"In fact, my dear Ivory – you are. At least, you could consider it a mission."

"Okay, so where's the briefing? And what are the Redshirts for?" Jeff asked.

"There is no mission briefing. This is because it's not exactly a mission. It's more of a test, or an errand, or a favor – whatever you want to call it."

"A favor for who?"

"For our dear friends the Yanks."

"Okay, so we go to the U.S. And what do we do there?"

"Jeff, how about I just tell you everything rather than you asking me a bunch of questions, eh?"

"Okay – I mean, sorry Mac."

"Alright. So, you know that CHERUB was founded by a man named Henderson, and has been using children as undercover agents because criminals never suspect them. CHERUB has been incredibly successful, and thanks to several missions that were done in collaboration with the U.S. government, they are very well aware that you exist. And because we are so incredibly successful, they are starting an American CHERUB chapter." The level of excitement in the room rose noticeably. "While the agents will be working for the U.S. government, we will be in charge of the way CHERUB U.S. is run until we are absolutely sure that we can leave it up to them. The ethics committee will of course remain only one, but it will get representatives from the States too. You are going to be the first United States Cherubs ever – if you want to of course.

"CHERUB U.S. will start out with about twenty agents and a lot the size of the basic training compound – its protection will be equal to ours of course. They will start out with twenty agents – you will be thirteen of them – and thirty staff members – three of which will be Chloe, Mark, and Leila. With a bit of luck, CHERUB U.S. will grow to the size of ours. The building is already built. It is rather small – about half the size of our main building. It has four floors. The classrooms are on the first floor, agents' rooms on the second and staff rooms on the third. The main entrance is on the first floor, which is also where the floor of the atrium is. Two parallel staircases lead up to the second and third floors. A back staircase leads to the mission preparation rooms, as well as an all-weather pitch."

"You sound like you've been there," Joanne pointed out.

"I was there two weeks ago. It wasn't furnished yet, but the security was up and running – checked it myself."

Ivory was about to burst from excitement, "So basically, you want us to go there and be U.S. cherubs until we're sure they can stand on their own feet?"

"Yes. This is optional of course, but I don't think that they will be standing on their feet in the next couple of years. Setting up an organization like this takes time, and we'll need experienced agents and more than that people who know how CHERUB works there. So if you go there, that's where you're most probably going to finish off your CHERUB career." Suddenly, Ivory felt dizzy. CHERUB had been her home, and even though he knew she'd have to leave it eventually, she had been looking forward to another five years of missions, and now that dream was shattered. "I know that this is hard for you, and of course you have very right to refuse. But if you did it, it would be a great personal favor. So feel free to go back to your rooms and think about it for the next week. Oh and just to clear it up: You will obviously still get missions," Ivory took a small breath, "but they probably won't be as extensive for a while. So if you're got about one year left, you might be sent to a couple of small missions, but I can tell you that it's not going to be anything major. If you've still got time, like the redshirts, in about two years it'll be completely regular. Oh and until they expand you'll probably be coming here for basic training. CHERUB U.S. will correspond a lot with us, and so will you of course. So don't think that you'll never see the people here again."

"Hey Mac, what about Jack? He's in basic training right now, he's American too," one of the Greyshirts said. "Have you told him?"

"Actually, I haven't. But I did speak to his little sister Emery – I didn't want to take him out of basic training unless it was worth it – so I asked her if she thought he'd be up for it. She said that he might be, but that she didn't want to leave the U.K. Obviously, we're not going to keep her here and take him across the world even if he wanted to, so they're staying here."


"You can go to your rooms now – you are excused from lessons for the rest of the day, and feel free to ask any questions if you have them. Ivory, would you mind staying behind for a moment?"

Ivory focused again as the others filed out of the room. Only mission controller Leila remained.

"Ivory, I think that you are reluctant to go – even more than the others."

"I've never been to America besides that one short mission. I don't really like the outlook of having no more missions, and I don't want to leave CHERUB. I mean, CHERUB U.K."

"We'll always remain just CHERUB."

Ivory shrugged.

"I told all the others that they could refuse, but I doubt any of them will. Will you?"

"I might. The others get a week to think about it."

"True. Well Ivory you are the most senior agent here, so your part in this mission will be particularly special."

"What do you mean?"

"This is your mission briefing." He pushed a stack of papers across the table.

What's going to happen? Yeah right like I'd tell you that :) I'll post the next chapter either by Thursday or when I know that people are reading this. Happy Reviewing! :)