This is my first story please dont be too mean and if you like it i'll try to update soon :)

The song played over and over in his head, his fingers danced while creating the song, and as much he denied it he was merely a slave to this; his passion for the music.

Honeysuckle and polish filled his nose, the sound of people mindlessly chatting amongst themselves. He peeled open his eyes to find him self in is 'home', he looked down to find himself in a black pinstripe suit, as he lifted his head he found a few women fawning over him saying 'how much he had grown and matured' and 'how proud he would make his family ', he let out a low growl at the comments they were producing. He quickly spun around on his black dress shoes to come face to face with the source of all of his jealousy.

"So" he said towering over him, as a sinister grin appeared on his face " You finally decided to come home" as an unsettling laugh erupted from hisgrinning mouth.

His eyes snapped open to hear the banging on his bedroom door obviously coming from his ash blonde meister.

"Soul" she shouted on the other side of the door. "Soul! Are you alright, you've been in there a long time. I'm starting to get worried" she began to bang on the door again, he could hear Blair scratching at the door. He sighed and lazily wandered over to the door, opening it he squinted as his eyes struggling to adjust to the brightness of the hall lamp. After a few seconds of looking around his gaze finally set on his hot-headed partner.

"Earth to soul, are you all right? You'r just staring off into space" Maka said in a worried tone while waving her hand in front of her face. He simply smirked at her actions, he looked her up and down she was wearing her pyjamas and her hand were on her hips while giving him a concerned look.

"Well" she questioned again "Maka, i'm fine. I must have fallen asleep while i was practicing , but why whats wrong"?

She shifted nervously suddenly taken an interest in her feet. The albino boy studied her as she she stroked her pigtails innocently while avoiding eye contact with her red eyed partner.

"Well"? He said mocking his now blushing roommate, which doing so earned him a quick but painful 'Maka-chop'.

"I was asking because you my partner Soul, if someing's wrong you can tell me" maka chirped while smiling down a the boy who was clutching his head.

What no one knows is that Soul came for an other reason apart from him being a weapon and he does not want anyone else to know. No one else can get hurt in this mess. No one

My name is Soul Eater Evans, im 16 years old and I remember everyone who leaves. I always do.