Hey fanfictioners! I know I am a bad person I haven't updated but I have had family problems going on, then my laptop decided to die on me and all my work was stored on there and to top it all off the family computer got a virus thanks to my mother, and I know I have been active on fanfiction; but that was on the really old lap top which takes an hour to load, and I have used my iPod but that's not the best thing to write on. But all is well in my kingdom because one hour ago my laptop got fixed so I'm alive again MUWHAHA!

Sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes.

And a special shout out to-

Lbell107: Thank you for reviewing :) You get a Cookie *Gives cookie*

Infinity Anime chick: What can I say THANKYOU! I was thinking about giving up on this story but you changed that :D You deserve 2 cookies- NO 3 cookies *Gives 3 cookies*. Once again THANKYOU. And I hope you like the chapter 3



Thanks to last night's events I only got a few hours' sleep, I felt my eye drooping trying to regain the sleep they lost; I shook my head trying to fight the evil claws of sleep. I turn my head to the left to see my weapon partner sleeping on the desk. A twinge of jealousy ran through my body.

'How is he asleep?!'

Soul was stretched out on his side of the desk, crossing his arm and using them as a rest for his head. His head was turned so he was facing me; but his mop of silver hair fell onto his face, blocking my view of him.

I caught myself looking at him longer than I should have, watching the rhythm of this chest gently fluttered up and down.

I was brought back to reality by something hitting me on the back off my head. Turning around in my set, I scanned the small area behind me. My eyes quickly spotted a crumpled up paper ball on the floor beside my chair. I uncrumpled the paper ball as I picked it up; a message, written in unreadable handwriting, was scribbled across it.

Luckily a crayon drawing of a giraffe made it easy to figure whom it was from.

I turned around again and looked up to where Kid, Liz and patty were sitting. The trio were staring back at me. They began to mouth something to me, but once again I couldn't make it out. Well class would be over soon I'll just ask them what they want-


The bell not only startled me but the Soul; He jolted up from his slumber almost falling off his chair.

The other students began to pack their things up and get ready for lunch. Soul ran his hand through his silver hair "I'm still tired from last night" He began to rub his eyes

"Me too" I sighed "lets never to that again" I let my head drop into my hand's. My eyes widened as I remembered the conversation me and Blair had the previous night


I carried unconscious Blair into my room and l laid her down on the foot of my bed, I stroked her silk-like violet fur, earning me a soft 'purr'.

I sat down on my bed and looked at the photo on my bed side table; the photo was of me and soul at the beach last summer, Soul took the photo of us holding it from a high, both of us were in our swim suits, In the background I could see Pattie and Liz trying to calm down Kid after some little kid commented on the lines in this hair I can't remember where Black*Star and Tsubaki were –Black*Star was probably causing trouble- but it was a good day.

I picked up the photo trying not to damage the expensive silver frame that had a yellow and red design imprinted onto it, which soul had got me as a gift one year. I ran my finger over the complex design, more memories began to resurface, nearly all included Soul.

"So Maka" I looked over my shoulder to see Blair in her human form dressed in her nightgown "When are you going to tell Soul"

"Tell Soul what" She grinned from ear to ear,

"That you like him"

"What"!? I shuffled away from the magic feline, almost falling off my bed, but she caught me in time and pulled me back and she transformed into her cat form.

"You can't run from fait forever" she curled up at the end of my bed.


A pale hand waving in front of me snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Earth to Maka" Soul tapped his fingers on my head "Is anybody one there"? His usual cocky grin plastered on his face.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, his grin grew wider with each passing second, his shark like teeth glittering in the light of the laughing sun.

I gave him a soft smile and brushed past him, ignoring his question, and proceeded to make my way down the stairs of the class room. I heard his footsteps follow me down the stairs, until the sound of his footsteps were next to me.

"Where are you going to in such a hurry"? He asked while looking down at me.

"Nowhere special" I looked up at him and met his gaze "I just need to meet Liz, Kid and Patty"

He replied to me by giving me a slight grunt.

As the two of us left the class room we were greeted by our friends, well most of them. I look around the corridor but could not see Kid or Black Star.

"Hey you two" Liz said to us, while Patty waved frantically at us.

Tsubaki turned to Soul and smiled at him before she began to speak "Soul, Black*Star told me that him and Kid were going to the dinner hall, and asked if you could meet him there" she repeated, probably word for word.

"Sounds cool to me" Soul mumbled, as began to make his way toward the dinner hall but suddenly stopped and turned back at us "See you later Maka" and began making his way once again.


I made my way toward the dinner hall, where hopefully I'd find Kid and Black*Star.

I looked around the half deserted hall way, scanning the faces of the people who were lingering at the sides. No one of particular importance to me, a few guys from the DWMA's football club, a couple of Maka's geeky friends from her 'science club', and a group that consisted of four girls.

Those four caught my attention, it wasn't the fact they were all good looking girls. No, It was the fact that all four of them winked at me when I walked past; It disgusted me that the likes of them think that I they have chance to be with me.

The only girls I comfortable around would be: Maka, Tsubaki, Liz and Patty. I occasionally speak to Kim when me, Maka, her and Jacqueline are training and I speak to Jacqueline regularly, since both me and her are the only members of Spartoi (1) who play an instrument, she plays the double bass .Plus both me and her share the same music class together.

Even after that the only person I truly feel happy and comfortable would be Maka. I was like this growing up too; I preferred to be with my brother, or my mother, or my granny. I still remember clinging to Wes' side whenever my mother wasn't with me. But that changed when I was 10, my mother's kind, happy, warm personality was replaced with a cold, miserable, and detached personality.

To this day I still don't know what caused her to change, when I worked up the courage to ask my father he said 'She lost it', and then walked away.

I quickly shook the depressing thoughts of my childhood out of my head, as I rounded the last corner that would lead me to the Dinner Hall and swung the two wooden doors open and made my way to our usual table.

I wasn't even half way to the table and Black*Stars Bosting already filled my ears.

When I finally reached the table Black*Star and Kid were already well into their lunch. My eyes travelled along the table to find the other group of Spartoi would be joining us for diner today.

As much I like Thunder and Fire I don't appreciate being disturbed during my dinner, so sitting next to them is not an option. I decided would sit next to Harvard and opposite from Jacqueline.

When Black*Star finally stopped tooting his own horn, he noticed that I had arrived and began yelling even more.

"SOUL YOU ARE LATE" The moron yelled while, pointing a finger in my direction "DO YOU NOT KNOW IT IS RUDE TO KEEP YOU GOD WAITING, AND I BELIVED YOU WERE ONE OF MY LOYAL SUBJECTS-" he was cut off by Kid who gave him a swift punch in the face.

"There now" Kid smiled happily, admiring his handy work "Isn't that better. We can carry on eating in peace" Kid quickly carried on his conversation he was having with Ox and Kim and Kilik carried on with theirs.

That left the three of us in silence, a comfortable silence. When we had 'Weapon only classes' we have to work in a group of three; I felt guiltily splitting the three girls up from each other, so I volunteered to work with Harvard and Jacqueline. I already knew I got along with Jacqueline, but Harvard was a different story, I had never spoken to the guy before.

Turns out he was pretty cool.

All three of us shared a similar taste in music, so that gave us a subject to talk about. But what was better was the fact all three of us preferred to listen to someone talk than having to speak, turns out all of our meisters are all loud-mouthed and bossy.

"Hey Soul" A chirpy voice appeared from nowhere. I turn around to find all the girls, from group one, there. (2)

"Speak of the devil" I replied to Maka, who sat next to me after pushing Black*Star out the way,

"Huh" Maka looked at me and cutely tilted her head to the side "I didn't see you talking to anyone" Her eyes quickly darted from Jacqueline to Harvard then back to me.

"Yeah your right, I wasn't talking about you" I quickly took a bit of my sandwich and swallowed it "I was thinking about you" I explained to her whilst tapping my head.

She smiled at me before giving me friendly punch in the arm "All good things I hope" She let out a small, cute, giggle; that actually made me smile as well.

"Of course nice things, it's not as if you hit me with books or anything" I said in a joking manner. She obviously did not get this and punched me in the arm again, but this time wasn't friendly.

Maka huffed at me and mumbled 'Jerk' under her breath.


"Jerk" I muttered under my breath.

I looked at soul through the corner of my eye; his was tenderly gripping his arm I just punched.

Heh. Serves him right, that's what he gets for disrespecting me is. You would think after living with me for four years he would learn to shut his big fat mouth.

"Jeez Maka, you didn't have to hit me that" Soul grumbled at me "So what did you and the girls do when I left"?

My breath hitched momentarily. I didn't expect Soul to question what me and the girls did; normally he just shrugs his shoulders and carries on with his cool persona. I was shocked that Soul was taking an interest in what I do. Sadly the one time he offers to listen about my time with the girls, is the one time I couldn't tell him. What we were talking about were these 'feelings' I supposedly had for Soul, and Liz would not take no for an answer.

I quickly made up a lie.

"Erm, Liz wanted to know if I would go shopping with her tomorrow, but I told her I couldn't" I said that way too quickly, Soul was bound to know I was lying.

Just as I thought, Soul gave me a funny look. I tried to act cool and collected when saying it, but I was never the best liar.

"And she gave up"? He questioned "Just like that"?


"Yeah, Liz understood" another lie left my lips "She knew we had your brother as company"

"Brother"? Numerous voices questioned.

Both Soul and I looked away from each other to the rest of the table. Group 2 of Spartoi looked shocked, their eyes glued on me and Soul.

"Brother"? Kim broke the silence between us "I never knew you had a brother Soul"

A low growl erupted from Soul's throat. "Dammit Maka. Now look what you've done"! Soul yelled at me.


I sat in my large study, trying to fill out some paperwork of the music company my family own, Axel Records. I tried to focus on the task at hand but the thoughts of my two sons filled my head, yes when I was glad when Soul first left, but then I saw the effects it had on my wife, Mia.

Soon after I realised that I missed my youngest son as well. As much I disliked his determination to use his weapon gene, his was my son and we have special bond that could never be replaced. But as much I wish to rekindle the lost bond Soul and me once shared, it will never happen. Thanks to my petty behaviour four years ago.

My wife suffered the most. She always wished to have a house full of children, but then she found out she had condition that makes it very hard to get pregnant in the first place, and even if she got pregnant the chance of carrying the child through all nine months is very slim. In our eyes both Wes and Soul are miracles. (3)

More grief filled thoughts filled my head; I desperately tried to shake these thoughts from my mind.

A noise released from my trance; the noise was smooth and soft. The sweet melody echoed thorough the empty halls of the mansion. I was drawn to it.

I left my study room and began following the sweet sound, already having a good idea of where the sound originated from. My feet led me to the large music room.

Just as I expected, I found Amelia there. She was facing in the opposite direction but I could clearly see the happiness radiate from her as she played her sliver flute.

Seeing her there happy and carefree, filled me with determination. Soul will come home and we will be a family again.

We will be a family again.

Thank you for reading :)

1)Spartoi is a group that was created in the manga that consist of the 14 main students in the DWMA

2)I pictured Spartoi split into two groups.

Group 1-Maka, Soul, Black*Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz and Patty

Group 2- Kim, Jacqueline, Ox, Harvard, Kilik and Thunder&Fire

3)I'm sorry if you feel effected by this. The illness I based it one is called endometriosis. I found all the information on the illness on this site www .endometriosis -uk feel free to check it out if you have any concerns.(Remove the spaces)