Hello! Yay! A new story! I promised myself I wouldn't post this until I finished at least one of my other stories, but I've been wanting to post this for a while so...
Anyways! I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did, then this would be an episode, not a fan fiction.
Enjoy! (I'm hyper right now!) (And characters thoughts will be written in italics.)
Tenten POV: "Tenten-san! Wake up!" Ebisu-sensei snapped. I nearly jumped out of my seat. "Tenten-san, that's the fourth time you've fallen asleep in my class this month!"
"Sorry," I muttered.
A pink paper landed on my desk.
"See you after school, Tenten-san," Ebisu-sensei said. My classmates started snickering.
"Come on super perv! Give Mouse a break!" Naruto said. Everyone laughed harder.
"Do you want detention too, Uzumaki-san?" Ebisu-sensei asked. Naruto smirked.
I guess I should be thankful that Naruto got everyone to stop staring at me, but I would be a lot happier if he called me Tenten instead of Mouse. I can't stand that nickname. Oh! If you're wondering why everyone calls me mouse, it's because I always wear my hair in two buns, and I guess they kind of look like mouse ears. I bet you're probably thinking "why doesn't she wear another hairstyle if she wants people to stop calling her that?" believe me, I've tried, it doesn't work. So I guess I'm going to be called that for the rest of my high school life. Oh well, just two more years left.
I put the detention slip in my bag. I put my head on the desk and stared at the clock. Twenty minutes until this class is over and four hours until school is over. I thought. I closed my eyes. I'm so tired. I was up until two o' clock last night. What the heck was I doing? You ask? I was playing video games. I love video games…and sports.
Finally the bell rang. I start putting my things in my bag.
"By the way class, tomorrow, we're getting two new students," Ebisu-sensei said. "And Tenten-san, don't forget about your detention!"
I groaned.
"Yeah, don't forget about your detention, mouse," Konan said.
"Squeak squeak," her friend, Karin said. They both started laughing.
I rolled my eyes and walked away.
})i({ })i({ })i({ (at lunch…)
"Tenten, you fell asleep in class again? That's the seventh time this month!" my best (and only) friend, Lee said.
"Seven times in one month?" I said. "Wow, that's a record!" Wait a minute…why is he keeping track of that?
"Tenten, falling asleep in class is very un-youthful," Lee said.
"Gai-sensei is a bad influence on you, you know that right?" I replied.
"Lee pretended to be insulted.
I laughed.
"Kidding!" I said. Lee started laughing too. Actually I'm not kidding; our crazy P. E. teacher/ basketball coach is a bad influence on my friend. Not to be rude, but if you ask me, it's kind of creepy how he's obsessed with youth and stuff.
"Anyways, did you hear, we're getting two new students?" I asked. Time to change the subject.
"Hai, Kurenai-sensei told us about it," Lee replied.
"I wonder what they'll be like," I said.
"I guess we'll find out tomorrow," Lee said.
"Yeah, I guess," I said.
Then the bell rang. Lee and I grabbed our backpacks and went to our next class.
"Two hours and forty-five minutes until freedom," I said.
"Do not tell you have detention again," Lee said.
"How'd you know?" I asked.
"There's two hours until school is over, and the basketball team doesn't have practice today," Lee replied.
"Darn it," I said. Lee smirked.
"Wait for me?" I asked hopefully.
"Sure," Lee sighed.
"Yay! Thank you, Lee!" I hugged him.
})i({ })i({ })i({ (After school…)
"Meet me in the library after detention," Lee said.
"Okay, see ya!" I smiled.
As soon as Lee was out of sight, I groaned and pulled the detention slip out of my bag and stared at it.
My parents are going to be so mad when they found out I got detention, again. You'd think they're used to it, since I fall asleep in class all the time, but they're not. I probably won't be playing any video games for a while.
"Hey, it's your fault." Inner Tenten said.
Not in the mood! I thought.
Inner Tenten smirked.
By the way, why haven't you shown up in a while? I asked her.
"No reason," she said.
Whatever. I thought.
I walked into Ebisu-senseis' classroom and sat down.
Well, on the bright side, I get to do some homework, so I won't have as much to do when I get home.
Forty-five long minutes later, Ebisu-sensei finally let us leave. I put my stuff in my bag and ran out of the room, only to run into someone.
"Sorry!" I said. I bent down and helped him pick up his things.
"Sorry," he said.
I gave him his things and then power-walked to the library, ignoring the weird looks I was getting from others.
Now that I think about it, I don't think I saw his face.
"Okay, how the heck is that possible?" Inner Tenten asked.
How is what possible? I thought.
Inner Tenten smacked her forehead.
"How is it possible for you to run into someone, and then not see their face?" she asked, I could tell she was annoyed.
Sheesh, and maybe the reason, I didn't see his face was because I was looking down is because I was embarrassed and didn't want anyone to see me blushing. I thought.
Inner Tenten rolled her eyes. I mentally glared at her.
I opened the door to the library and started looking for Lee and avoid getting lost myself. Why does the library have to be so huge? I thought.
"Who knows?" Inner Tenten said.
Finally I found Lee.
"Ready to go?" I asked.
"Yeah," Lee said. He put his things in his bag and we left.
"So, how do you think we'll do in the game next week?" I asked Lee while we were walking home.
"I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling we're going to win," Lee said.
True, we kind of have a good chance of winning. Some of the most athletic people are on the basketball team. And not to brag or anything, but Lee and I are quite good at basketball and other sports.
"And Tenten, try to stop falling asleep in class, you're one of the best players on the team, nobody wants you to get kicked off," Lee said.
"I'll try," I said.
Lee smiled. I smiled back.
Wow, it didn't take as long as I thought to write this chapter. (It normally takes me at least three days to type a chapter this long, I've been typing this for about an hour.)
Please review!
I used to think Tentens hairstyle looked kind of like mouse ears, now I think they look more like panda ears, but I thought Mouse would be a good title.
I have a little bit of the next chapter written, so I'll probably upload on Friday or something. I don't know.