Authors Note: This is my first story and I have had this idea in my head in a while. So far I have no beta reader unless my one friend can do it for me. Also Blacach is Celtic for Black (at least according to site I looked at)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter although I really wish I did

Scotland 498 AD

The storm thundered over head as the Blacach Clan gathered for the young warriors' ceremony. The clan elder stood at the center of the circle and commanded everyone's attention.

"In the time of our ancestors lived many gods and goddesses. Our ancestors worshiped many but the Goddess Cailleach was our clan's main Goddess. With her magical abilities our ancestors wished to be her followers in every way. First we learned to control the storms, the lightning became ours to control and warned are enemies of our arrival. As our magic grew with each generation so did our abilities, soon our ancestors were able to shift into large black wolves that raced across the land at lightning speeds and had imposing strength. Now we look forward to the day where our clan can use there magical while in wolf form and we look towards you, our next group of warriors, to bring honor to our clan."

As the clan elder finished the young warriors started to shift. First their eyes changed in to the yellow eyes of their wolf and slowly their bodies shifted. Within minutes 7ft long black wolves are in the places the warriors stood. As the storm picks up strength the new wolves let out a loud howl into the night, a warning to other clans that the Blacach Clan has a new group of warriors.

At the same time a young seer in the clan has a vision. From this vision she sees her clan grow, part of it leaving their homeland and then fall as the wizarding world is changed and in the end a young women who has been out casted from the clan will help bring back the clan's powerful magic.

England: April 1998 (1,500 yrs. later)

A loud scream ripped through the air but was hardly heard over the growing thunder storm. Nymphadora Lupin nee Tonks was official in labor. Downstairs, having been kicked out of the room by the med witch was Remus waiting with Kingsley and Andromeda. Within a few hours the med witch came downstairs trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone in the room.

"Congratulations Sir. You have a healthy baby boy" said the med witch.

"Yes! And everything is ok with Dora and the baby?" questioned Remus

"Yes yes everything is fine she says to go let the others know." The med witch quickly replied

"But I really should go up there and seeā€¦.."

"NO!" shouted the med witch "Your wife strictly said to make sure you go and let the others know that your son is born. At the moment she just wishes to see Mr. Kingsley."

As the med witch finished Remus, Kingsley and Andromeda exchanged curious looks.

"Remus it is probably just best if you do as Nymphadora wants at the moment. We will figure everything out." Andromeda said as Kingsley made his way upstairs.

Remus nodded and headed towards the door planning on going to Bill and Fleur's first. Andromeda simply sat back down and watched as the lightning began to streak across the sky.

Approaching Tonks' room Kingsley could hear her talking.

"Shhhh it will be okay little one mommy will make sure you're alright."

Hearing this made Kingsley confused as the med witch had said nothing was wrong with Tonks or the baby boy. However, as Kingsley opened the door he saw why. The baby Tonks was holding did not look like a normal baby should. This baby's eyes were yellow and it was covered in black fur which seemed to be changing colors around where its head should be if it hadn't looked like a wolf, tail and all. Tonks noticed Kingsley enter and looked up.

"Hello Kingsley would you like to meet your god daughter?" asked Tonks as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

"Tonks what in Merlin's name are you talking about"

"Well I thought it was a very straight forward question. Would you like to meet your god daughter?"

"Of course I would but you never said you were having twins"

"Well that would be because I didn't know. It's why the med witch had Remus leave. But here she is my little daughter along with my son. But I need you to do something for me Kingsley. You need to take her somewhere safe, somewhere not affected by the war where she can grow up. The med witch seems to think she has some kind of advance magic and that this is her animagus state, a wolf who would have guessed it."

All Kingsley could do was look at Tonks as if she had lost it. Take her child? How was he going to find a place for a child to grow up? After a while he finally answered.

"Of course I will take her Tonks."

"Thank you so much Kingsley. I also wish to keep this quiet from my mother and Remus. Remus will simply blame himself if he sees her."

Tonks looked at her daughter for one last time and whispered in her ear.

"Stay safe little one and grow up strong. Mommy will always love you."

As she hands her daughter to Kingsley she tells him one more thing.

"Her name will be Artemis Saiph Black. The name of the Goddess of the Moon and the Warrior Star; she will be a true Black and no one will question who she is. However, make sure she always knows who her parents are."

By now Artemis had fallen asleep. Kingsley heads down the stairs and sneaks outside through the back door before Andromeda notices him. He looks back once more and sees Tonks in the window holding her son. With this one last glance Kingsley vanishes into the night, the storm now an eerie calm.

Please Review! I have the ideas for the next chapter already!