Well this is going to be the last chapter for this story!
Disclaimer: I still don't own Harry Potter
Arriving at the Ministry, Remus followed Harry straight to the Auror Department where they met Kingsley.
"What exactly happened?" Kingsley asked as Harry stormed past and began to grab maps of England and Scotland, throwing them on the table and rolling them out
"Dora was kidnapped while she was with Artemis and Andromeda in Flourish and Blotts." Remus explained to Kingsley
"Do we have any leads yet?" Kingsley asked more to Harry than Remus
"Not yet." replied Harry who was now marking the known Death Eater houses and hideouts on the maps
"Harry there are too many places to check." said Remus as he looked over the maps, "It could take months to find her!"
"And do you have a better idea?" Harry shouted at Remus
"Wait there is." Kingsley interjected before Remus could shout back at Harry
"What?" Harry demanded, he had very quickly lost his cool
"We know that Flint is involved with Greyback; we just need to find Flint and he can lead us right to them." explained Kingsley
"That should work." muttered Harry as he looked for any papers that listed the properties that the Flint family owned
Soon the department began to fill up as aurors began to arrive; having been called in by Harry a few minutes before. Harry finished marking the maps with the properties owned by the Flint family before calling the aurors to attention.
"Alright everyone, the Flint family owns three different properties within Great Britain which we will check first before branching out to the properties in the rest of Europe; there will be three teams and Remus, Kingsley and I will be in the first team." Harry explained to the aurors that were assembled
The teams were made and Harry gave instructions to teams two and three before sending them out. After they left he turned to his team.
"We're going to be raiding Flint's main house, there is a good chance that they are there so there is no doubt that it will be heavily warded; once we get inside stick to hand signals, I want to avoid giving away our position." Harry paused to make sure that everyone understood, once he received a nod from the aurors he continued on. "The house has three upper floors and a basement/dungeon, Kingsley will take a group and cover the upper two floors and Remus and I will take the rest and search the basement and then the first floor; once we split up we'll send messages between the groups by patronus, let's head out."
All at once the auror team apparated to the boundary of the Flint house.
Arriving at the house those tasked with breaking the wards quickly set to work and twenty minutes later the wards were down. The team quickly ran towards the front door with Harry on point. Once they reached them, Harry and Remus broke open the doors, surprised to find no resistance. The team quickly broke up and Kingsley's group headed upstairs while Harry's group headed into the basement.
By the time Tonks came to she was extremely disoriented. The last thing she remembered she was in Flourish and Blotts and now she was chained to a wall in some room.
"Great just great, Moody would kill me if he could see what I've gotten myself into." Tonks muttered to herself, realizing that besides being chained to a wall her wand had also been taken and her wandless magic was not working
The door opened causing Tonks' head to snap up and look at the man who had walked into the room. Tonks squinted against the light pouring into the room, unable to make out who had walked into the room.
"What do you want?" Tonks asked the man who proceeded to smirk
"You're going to visit Greyback." The man said as he reached down and grabbed Tonks, dragging her out of the room and down the dark hall. Tonks tried to struggle against the man but there was no change
Within a matter of minutes they arrived in front of a door which was thrown open and she was tossed into the room. Landing on her hands and knees, Tonks decided to stay in this position to listen in on the conversation the two were having.
"Marcus I told you to be careful with her!" shouted the man in front of her who she guessed was Greyback
"Why would you care if the runt's wife gets hurt?" Marcus questioned
"Because I had ordered you not to hurt her! Now go!" Greyback snarled causing Marcus to rush out of the room, "Get up!" Greyback shouted at Tonks who slowly stood up to face him
"Trying to be like Voldermort now Greyback?" Tonks questioned defiantly
"I could care less about what the Dark Lord's views were." Greyback declared as he began to pace around the room
"Are you going to make me guess what you want?" Tonks asked following Greyback movements with her eyes
"You know I think your daughter asked me something like that when I her and her brother tied to chairs." Tonks simply glared at Greyback. "I want to rebuild my pack."
"Rebuild your pack? I was kidnapped all because you want to rebuild your pack?" Tonks was shocked, "Why would you need me?" she then asked concerned
"Oh don't worry I'm not going to make you my alpha female; no, I'm simply using you as bait."
"And why do you need bait?"
"Well I can't have you and your husband get in the way of me taking your daughter, now can I."
"You…you want Artemis, why?"
"I thought I already explained that, I need to rebuild my pack and she is the perfect one to choose."
"No, no she's just a kid."
"I have always liked children." Greyback sneered as Tonks' face paled
"You bastard." Tonks shouted
"There's no need for such language."
"Just watch, Remus will kill you for what you've done."
"Hahaha, that runt, kill me? Maybe after he sees what I'm going to do to you. Crucio"
Tonks screamed as the spell hit, sending her crashing to the floor. Her screams echoed off the walls as Greyback laughed.
Back with Harry's Team:
As Harry cleared the last room in the basement, a scream filled the entire house. Remus froze and then sprinted back to the stairs leading up to the first floor; Harry and the rest of the team right behind him. By the time that they reached the first floor the screams had stopped. Kingsley's team joined them and before they could discuss anything a second scream filled the air. This time they could tell where it was coming from and the entire group bolted down the first floor towards the ballroom. As they approached the ballroom, spells flew out of the dark hallway. Those in the front put up shield charms while the aurors in the second and third row sent their own spells into the dark. Harry and Kingsley had the common sense and lit the torches lining the hallway. Once the hallway was bathed in light the team could see the ten men standing in two rows of five in the hallway.
"You would have thought that he would have more men." Harry said to Remus
"His pack must be small if he can't find many werewolves or wizards willing to be turned into werewolves." Remus responded
"Capture them if you can." Harry instructed the aurors
One of Greyback's men sent the first spell and after thirty minutes all of Greyback's men were taken down. The aurors were only able to capture three, the rest were all dead. By this time another scream filled the air and Remus threw himself at the door in an attempt to open it. The doors didn't budge. Remus stepped back with his wand up and blasted the doors wide open. Once the dust cleared they were greeted to the sight of Greyback standing over a weeping and shaking Tonks. Greyback quickly pointed his wand towards them but was disarmed by Remus. Greyback then quickly pounced at Remus, knocking Remus' wand to the ground along with Remus himself. Harry and Kingsley ran over to Tonks while the aurors stared on as it appeared as if both men had shifted slightly. Remus and Greyback clawed and nipped at each other on the ground, both looking to gain an upper hand. Seeing an opening, Remus clawed Greybacks eyes causing him to howl in pain and creating an opening for Remus. Noticing his opening Remus lunged and closed his jaw on Greyback's neck. A loud crack could be heard in the room as Greyback's body went limp.
Harry was shocked as he watched Remus release Greyback's body. He had never imagined that Remus could kill someone in cold blood. A sudden moan from Tonks brought Harry out of his train of thought. He turned back and looked on as Kingsley muttered some healing spells over her, Remus quickly made his way over to them to clutch Tonks' hand.
"Is she going to be okay?" Remus asked Kingsley while Harry gave the aurors instruction to remove the dead body and take the captives back to the lock up at the Ministry
"I think so, the curse only seems to have been used a few times and she does have training." Kingsley answered, "We do need to take her to Saint Mungo's immediately."
"Dora, Dora I hope you can hear me but it's going to be alright, Greyback is gone, we're going to get you to the hospital." Remus whispered into Tonk's ear as he stroked her hair
"Re-Remus, Art…and…Ted…are they-are they alright?" Tonks mumbled as Remus lifted her into his arms to take her to St. Mungo's
"They're both fine sweetie, they're with your mom at the Burrow." Remus explained as he, Harry and Kingsley headed out of the house in order to apparate, "Just hold on." Remus said to Tonks before apparating with a crack to St. Mungo's.
Artemis stared out of one of the upstairs windows of the Burrow. The door to the bedroom she was sitting in opened and Teddy walked in with a cup of tea.
"Mrs. Weasley wanted me to bring you some tea." Teddy explained as he placed the cup of tea down on the end table that was in the room
"Thanks." Artemis mumbled
"Hey, don't worry. Dad, Harry and Kingsley will bring mom back." Teddy said sitting across from Artemis on the window seat
"I just feel like this is my fault." Artemis said tears forming in her eyes
"It's no one's fault but nasty old Greyback, got it?" Teddy replied, wiping the tears from her eyes. Artemis laughed at his response.
A knock at the door startled the siblings and they both turned to see the door open and reveal Ginny. "Harry just sent a patronus; they're at St. Mungo's with your parents."
"Are they okay?" Teddy asked standing up with Artemis
"He didn't say but we can go right now and find out, get ready and we'll take the floo." Ginny said before heading back downstairs
"Let's go! I'm ready now." Artemis said running out if the room quickly followed by Teddy
Ginny, Andromeda, Artemis and Teddy arrived in the lobby of the hospital and Ginny went up to the counter to find out where Tonks' room was.
"She's in a private ward on the fourth floor; Remus, Harry and Kingsley are up there." Ginny told the group, leading them towards the stairs
Arriving at the fifth floor, a Healer gave them direction to Tonks' room. Ginny knocked on the door and when they heard a muffled enter they walked in. Artemis and Teddy ran towards the bed where Tonks was with Remus in a chair next to her. Ginny and Andromeda made their way towards where Kingsley and Harry were standing.
"What happened?" Andromeda asked them as she watched her grandchildren hug their mother
"Greyback tortured her; he only used the crucio curse three or four times so the Healers are saying that there won't be any long term damage; she just woke up a little while ago." Harry said
"Oh Merlin." Ginny gasped
"Kingsley and I need to get back to the Ministry and write up everything that happened, the twins can stay with us Andromeda if you are planning on staying here, I know Remus wants to stay while Tonks is here." said Harry
"No thank you Harry, but it may be easier if the three of us stayed with you right now if you don't mind." said Andromeda
"Of course, there's plenty of room for you all. I'll see you all later." Harry said, giving Ginny a kiss before leaving with Kingsley
Andromeda and Ginny made their way over to Tonks and Andromeda gave her daughter a very large hug.
"Mom, I'm fine." Tonks said to Andromeda when she noticed the tears in her eyes
"I could have lost you again after I just got you back; I'm allowed to cry a bit." Andromeda reprimanded Tonks
"Sorry." Tonks mumbled as Remus sniggered
"How long do you have to stay here?" Artemis asked
"Just a few days, honey." Tonks said
"But Christmas is in a few days!" Teddy exclaimed worried
"Oh don't worry I'm sure they'll let me out for Christmas."
"They better! Or we'll have Harry break you out." said Teddy
"You think Harry can break me out of here?"
"Of course, he is the boy-who-lived after all."
"Haha that he is."
"I hate to interrupt but visitor hours are over, you can stay with your wife Mr. Lupin but everyone else can come back in the morning." A Healer said from the door
"See you tomorrow mom." said both Artemis and Teddy, giving Tonks a hug and a kiss which Tonks also gave them
After they all said goodnight to both Tonks and Remus the group headed back to the Potter's house.
Tonks was home in time for Christmas which was celebrated both at Remus and Tonks' house as well as at the Burrow. Only Harry, Kingsley and Remus were told what Greyback's real plan had been. Neither Tonks nor Remus felt that Artemis should know and neither twin asked what Greyback had wanted. By the end of Christmas break Artemis and Teddy were living with their parents and had developed a very good relationship with them.
Around two years later in June:
"Come on guys I was ready an hour ago!" Artemis shouted into the Ravenclaw dorm room at her friends
"Well sorry Miss Head Girl we couldn't all get ready like you do." Alexandra responded, her voice heavy with sarcasm
Artemis rolled her eyes before responding, "I'll be waiting down stairs with Ben."
"Is Charles meeting you here?" Lindsey called after Artemis
"He's waiting for me in the Entrance Hall, so hurry up!" Artemis shouted back from the stairs
After another twenty minutes the seventh year Ravenclaws walked out of the common room for the last time as Hogwarts students. They would be returning as Hogwarts graduates in a few hours. Ben would be the only boy from Ravenclaw graduating because after Greyback and his followers were stopped; Derek Flint was pulled out of Hogwarts. Derek's father was one of the men killed by the aurors and Derek was put in the guardian ship of his dad's cousin. Arriving the Entrance Hall Artemis jumped into Charles' arms and gave him a kiss.
"Oh please, you just saw him last night." yelled Alexandra jokingly
"You're just jealous." Lindsey laughed
"Whatever, let's go graduate already." Alexandra said walking out of the Entrance Hall towards the front lawns, the rest of her friends followed
The graduation ceremony was being held on the front lawn overlooking the lake. The students got into lines and Artemis looked for her brother who was further down the line. Artemis had decided to keep her last name Black when her parents asked her if she'd like to change it. She told them that she was keeping it in honor of her magic but she had a feeling that in a few years it wouldn't matter if she changed it or not because of dating Charles. Seeing Teddy, Artemis gave Teddy two thumbs up. Instead of doing the same Teddy simply waved back with a big grin on his face. Once everyone was ready the ceremony started and before long the students' names were being read. When her name was called Artemis headed out on to the stage and glanced into the crowd. She spotted her family right away. Her mom was standing up and cheering while her dad sat in his chair clapping and holding on to eight month old Rachel who seemed to be mimicking her dad's clapping. After getting her diploma Artemis sat in the chairs reserved for students and cheered for her friends and Teddy. A few hours later it was all done. Artemis' speech went very well even though she was extremely nervous and after they were dismissed she sought out her family. It didn't take long to find them as her mom's hair was bright pink today.
"Congratulations sweetie!" Tonks shouted as she pulled Artemis into a huge hug
"Thank mom." said Artemis as both Andromeda and Remus also congratulated her
"Teddy's not over here yet?" Artemis asked taking a squealing Rachel from her dad
"Harry managed to come but we haven't seen him yet, so Teddy probably went to find him." Remus told her
"Speaking of boys who aren't here, where is Charles?" Tonks asked with a grin towards her daughter
"He's with his family; it's still okay for him to stay with us for part of the summer, right?"
"He's staying on the couch." Remus grumbled before Tonks could stop him
"Remus he can stay in her room, they're both adults and they are moving in together once they find an apartment after all." Tonks snapped
"Well nothing will be happening under my roof." Remus stated, he heard laughter behind him and turned around to find Harry and Teddy; Harry was the one laughing. "Harry you may be laughing now but when Lily is older I will be the one laughing at you."
"I don't doubt that Remus but I will enjoy this while it lasts." Harry said with a smirk
Tonks went to hug Teddy as well but he pulled back at the last minute, "Teddy I will hug you no matter how old you are." Tonks scolded finally pulling him into a hug
"So Molly's throwing the party, right?" Harry asked the small family
"Yes, I was more than happy to let her take care of the party." said Andromeda, Tonks nodded in agreement
Suddenly Charles appeared behind them and pulled Artemis into a hug causing Rachel to smile at him; "There you are, my parents wanted to congratulate you but they got called into work so they apologize."
"That's okay; you're still coming to our house for dinner though?" Artemis asked
"Of course, when are we leaving?" Charles asked
"Right now." said Tonks linking arms with Remus and leading the way towards the front gates
The rest of the group followed and walked towards the gates to the school. Once they reached the gates Artemis turned back and looked up at the school. She smiled. Hogwarts had given her a true family and given her experiences that she would never forget.
Over the years:
Over the years Artemis and Charles found themselves dating and became a very serious couple. Teddy and Catherine went out for a while however, they ended up staying friends and Teddy ended up dating Victoire Weasley in his seventh year at Hogwarts. Tonks and Remus ended up having a third child when the twins were in their last year of Hogwarts. They had a little girl who they named Rachel. Little Rachel quickly showed that she was a Black and scared Remus nearly to death when he walked into her room one night to find her shifted into a little black puppy. Thankfully Remus took it well once the shock had worn off and both he and Artemis did their best to keep Rachel from getting weird looks when they went out. Remus was very happy to find that he seemed to have been brought back to life with control of his wolf and Artemis taught him how to shift into the wolf form. This provided bonding for the two of them and brought them close together.
By the time Rachel left for Hogwarts Charles and Artemis were married along with Teddy and Victorie. Standing on the platform the twins and their spouses where there to see the young Lupin off.
"Remember to be careful with your shifting." Artemis reminded Rachel
"I know, you and dad have just been drilling it into my head for the last few years after all." Rachel said as she rolled her eyes
"Watch your tone young lady." Tonks scolded
"Can I get on the train now?" Rachel wined
"Yes, as long as you've said good bye to everyone and I want to hear from you at least once a week, I don't care that your dad is the defense against the dark arts teacher, I want to hear from you how you're doing not him." said Tonks giving Rachel one last hug before she climbed onto the train
"Let's go get lunch mom." said Teddy once the train left. "Artemis is still paying for us." He added with a smirk
"Just because I inherited the Black fortune doesn't mean you need to try and spend it all." Artemis complained to Teddy as they walked off the platform
"Yeah we're going to need it in a few years when Dora needs to go to Hogwarts." said Charles shifting his five year old daughter in his arms
"And for number two here." Artemis added gesturing at her six month sized stomach
"Teddy stop mocking your sister, at least she's giving me grandchildren, I'm still waiting on you and Victoire to get going with that." Tonks said to Teddy and watched as he got beet red
"Sorry." He mumbled as they sat down in the Leaky Cauldron after a quick floo trip
Artemis laughed and couldn't help but smile at her mom who winked at her, making Artemis remember how lucky she is to have the family that she always wanted.
Thank you all for reading this story! Especially if you have every left a review! Please leave a review! I'd still love to know what you thought of the last chapter! Until next time :)