Sam walked up to the door and paused. He was nervous about this party because he knew Quinn was going to be there and he hadn't seen her since they had been to Breadstix after winning the duet competition in Glee club.
Come on dude, pull yourself together! He thought to himself as he straightened out his shirt. He had chosen to wear a dark blue button-up shirt with a collar and long sleeves and a pair of black jeans. He checked the time, it was 6:20, the party had been going for twenty minutes already.
"Hey Sam!" said a voice behind him and he nearly jumped out of his skin.
He spun around and saw Brittany beaming at him and Santana walking up the path towards the door.
"Oh, hey Britt." He replied, managing to overcome his nerves enough to give her a small smile.
By now Santana was standing next to Brittany and staring at Sam.
"Well?" Santana looked at him condescendingly.
"Well what?" Sam said, genuinely confused.
"I was told that the party was at Finn's house, not outside on the doorstep."
"Oh, right, sorry" He replied sheepishly and knocked on the door. Santana just rolled her eyes.
Finn opened the door with a beer in his hand and it seemed apparent that he had already had a couple before starting on that one.
"Hey guys!" Finn practically yelled into their faces, his breath reeking of... whiskey? Some kind of alcohol at least, Sam couldn't be sure. Finn threw his arms out for a hug.
Brittany jumped at the chance and ran past Sam into a giant hug with Finn. Santana just rolled her eyes again at the bubbly blonde's antics while Sam chuckled to himself. He hadn't been at the school very long, heck, he hadn't been in Ohio very long but he already had a soft spot for Brittany. She seemed like a nice girl and although she wasn't the brightest person around, he thought she had her heart in the right place. Not mention she was easy on the eye as well. Nothing compared to Quinn though.
Santana seemed to have given up on waiting for Brittany and Finn to ever finish their hug and started trying squeeze past them to get into the house. As Santana made her way past Sam, he saw her turn and Sam felt her ass brush against his crotch. He took a sharp breath and looked towards Santana as she walked down the entrance hallway. Santana turned back towards him and he could've sworn he saw her give him a sly smile.
Now Santana, there was a girl that could measure up to Quinn in terms of attractiveness. Especially in that tight little green dress, Sam thought. Crap! I've only been on one date with Quinn and I'm already checking out other girls? Seriously dude, get it together!
He shook his head, trying to shake out the thoughts about what he would like to do Santana while she was wearing that dress, and made his own way past Finn and Brittany, the two still locked in the world's longest hug. He walked down the hallway into the main room of the house and took in the scene. Puck and Mike were playing pool on the pool table situated in the middle of the room, Tina was sitting and talking with Mercedes, Artie seemed to be glaring at Tina from the other side of the room and not really paying attention to Kurt who was talking to him about some sort of musical he was writing or something. He couldn't see Quinn and Santana seemed to have disappeared as well.
"Hey, Sam's here guys!" Mike yelled over the stereo which was blasting some pop song.
Sam nodded his head and waved towards everyone and went over to Mike. "Hey man, how's it going?" he asked.
"Pretty good dude, I'm kicking Puck's ass right now." said Mike as he sunk the eight ball, winning the game. "Oh yeah!" he said, fist pumping.
Puck swore and walked off towards the kitchen to get another drink. "Whatever man, I wasn't even trying..."
"Yeah, sure man." Mike said sarcastically and then turned to Sam. "You want a game?"
Sam looked around for Quinn one more time and still not seeing her, turned back to Mike. "Umm, sure, I guess."
Mike went to the other end of the table to set up the balls while Puck came back from the kitchen and walked up to Sam.
"Hey Sam, here's a drink." Puck passed a can of beer to him.
"Oh, uh, thanks." Sam said. He took the can and looked at it warily, wondering if Puck had spiked it with something.
"The can hasn't been opened Sam, what could I have done to it?"
"That's not what I was thinking dude! I was just, uhhh, reading the label..."
How did he know what I was thinking? Can he read minds? Sam was panicking in his head. If you can read minds Puck, starting talking about... soccer.
Puck just opened his own drink and took a sip.
Whew. Sam thought as he opened his can.
The can exploded with froth and beer sprayed all over his shirt. Puck was rolling on the floor laughing as beer dripped off of Sam. Everyone else was chuckling to themselves as Brittany and Finn walked back in.
"Sam, why did you pour beer all over yourself?" Brittany asked innocently while Finn joined Puck, who had managed to stand up by now, in laughing at Sam.
"I didn't, Brittany. Some complete idiot decided to shake up my drink before giving it to me." Sam glared at Puck.
"Oh come on dude, it's only a joke!" Puck said, having finally stopped laughing.
"Yeah, whatever." Sam turned to Finn "Where's the laundry?"
"Umm, just go through the kitchen and down the hallway to your left then the... second? Yea, second door on the right."
"Thanks" Sam gave Puck his best glare as he walked past but Puck just grinned at him.
He went to laundry, turned on the light, took off his shirt and filled the sink with water.
"So did you guys just want another bottle of vodka?" Rachel yelled over her shoulder as she walked into the laundry. She turned and saw Sam. "Oh! I-I'm sorry Sam, I didn't mean to barge in" Rachel said stuttering and covering her eyes with her hand. "You should probably close the door if you're getting undressed anyway."
"It's okay, Rach." He said, trying to calm her down "I just got some beer on my shirt and I'm trying to wash it off. I'm still wearing pants so you're alright to uncover your eyes."
"Oh, uh, okay." Rachel uncovered her eyes and immediately started blushing at the sight of the shirt-less Sam.
"I was, err, just getting some, err... getting some... umm" Rachel mumbled looking anywhere but at Sam.
He turned back to the sink and started washing his shirt with some soap and smiled to himself. He was glad to know he could affect girls this way.
"When you came in you said something about a bottle of vodka?" Sam said, scrubbing his shirt.
"Oh yes! That's right" Rachel went over to the small bar fridge and took out a bottle of vodka.
"Where have you been tonight anyways Rach?" he asked "I didn't see you out there with the others."
"Oh, I just got here." Rachel said, smiling.
"Oh, okay. Umm, I don't suppose you know when Quinn will be getting here?" Sam said, trying to be subtle.
"Umm, no, I don't. Sorry Sam." Rachel said as she walked out and Sam saw her sneak one last look at his chest.
He pulled his shirt out of the water and wrung it out. It was still quite damp so he hung it over the edge of the sink to dry.
He walked back out into the main area and got a wolf-whistle from Brittany and a few dreamy sighs from the other girls.
"Hey Sammy, looking good!" said Brittany, who then went back to Mike and Puck who were trying to teach her to play pool.
Sam smiled at her and walked over to Finn who was sitting with Artie. "Hey man, do you have a shirt or something that I could borrow?"
"Umm, yeah. Just go up the stairs and my room's the one at the end."
"Cheers bro." Sam walked off and thought he heard Artie mumble something about "not seeing the big deal about abs".
He got to Finn's room and started going through his wardrobe, not finding anything he liked. He finally found a plain pale blue t-shirt that was okay but when he tried it on he found it way too big. He tried on some other things but the same problem occurred. He grabbed the pale blue t-shirt and went back downstairs. He found Finn playing pool with Tina and Mercedes.
"Hey guys, where's everyone else?" he asked, pulling the t-shirt on over his head.
"They went into the lounge to watch a movie" Tina said, looking a bit disappointed when the shirt covered up his abs.
"Oh cool, I reckon I'll go join them." He replied, trying to get the baggy shirt to sit comfortably.
He walked into the lounge and saw Mike, Brittany, Puck and Rachel sitting on a big three seater sofa, Artie in his wheelchair at the end of the sofa and Kurt sitting in a recliner. Sam went over to the free two-seater sofa and sat in the middle. Santana came in and sat next to Sam on his right but then swivelled so her back was against the arm of the couch and her legs were stretched out across Sam's lap with her ankles crossed. Sam looked down at her legs and followed them up to the hem of her dress, then he moved his gaze up across her belly to her breasts, which were straining against her tight dress, and then up to her face where she had one eyebrow raised and the same sly smile he thought he saw earlier. He quickly looked away.
Oh crap! he thought She knows I was checking her out! He glanced back at her and saw she was still smiling that smile at him. He felt her move her legs a little closer towards his body, until they were dangerously close to his equipment. He gasped quietly and looked back at her seeing a full blown grin on her face now. He looked back towards the T.V. and tried to think about anything other than the very sexy latina sitting next to, as well as partially on him, so he didn't cause a situation in the area that her leg was leaning up against.
Everyone else had finally decided on a movie to watch, some Will Ferrel comedy. He looked back to his right and - Holy hell, look at her tits! She's shoving out her chest out so much. He looked back up to her face and she was grinning at him again. He whipped back around to face the T.V. and tried as hard as he could to focus on the movie as he knew that he was already starting firm up. Will Ferrel's character was in a car with his mom and they were talking about weed or something and then he felt Santana's leg start slowly moving back and forth across his lap. He pretty much fainted. He looked back at her and – Oh crap, she's still pushing her chest out. He looked up and she wasn't even looking at him this time. He couldn't tell which was worse, when she was grinning at him knowing that she had complete control or this, with her not paying any attention. He was completely hard by now and her leg was still rubbing ever so slowly against him.
"Hey Puck, how long does this thing go for?" he asked, wondering for how much longer he had to survive this situation with Santana.
"Umm, a couple of hours I think? Why?"
"No reason, just wondering." Sam said. Two whole freaking hours? There is no way I can stand this for that long and I can't stop her without drawing everyone's attention to what's happening. At least her leg's covering my situation so no-one else should notice. Oh, it feels so good. Maybe later I can try and... No! You stop that thought right there Samuel Evans! You came here to see Quinn and you are not going to screw it up after just one date. You can resist Santana, even if she keeps rubbing her leg up and down like that...
He snapped out of his thoughts and tried to focus on the movie, but he was finding it very difficult. He looked across to Santana again, making sure to keep his gaze at head height, but he was still being ignored and that leg was still moving.
His jeans were quite restricting and that was causing some uncomfortableness so he scooted his butt back and sat more upright to give himself some more slack. Because of this moving, Santana's legs were moved away from his groin and more towards his knees. He sighed "Whew, thank god. Maybe she'll leave me alone now?"
He looked over to her and she was staring at him with a blank expression. He saw her raise one eyebrow and shake her head a little.
"Hey Sammy, do something useful and take my shoes off for me?" Santana asked him.
A few of people glanced at them but they went back to watching the movie fairly quickly. Sam looked at Santana's light grey pumps and then back at Santana.
"Uh, sure, alright." He said eventually and started to remove her shoes as Santana slipped her feet out. He noticed she had a pretty candy pink nail polish on her toes. "I'm just glad that she's finally stopped rubbing me" Sam thought to himself.
That's when Santana moved her foot and placed it directly on top of Sam's groin. He gasped again, a little more loudly this time, drawing a couple of glances but no-one seemed to realise exactly where Santana's foot was placed. Her foot then started rubbing his groin the same as her leg had been although her foot was connecting with more of him than her leg had.
He looked over too her and she smiled that sly smile and raised her eyebrows. What does that mean? Is she challenging me or something? Sam looked at her questioningly.
Santana rolled her eyes and leant forward so Sam moved his head next to Santana's. Oh my god, I can see right down her dress. Those tits look so good... No! I want Quinn, not Santana.
"If you can last the rest of the movie without anyone noticing or... well, you know, making a 'mess', there's a reward for you. But if I win... I'll tell you after" Santana whispered into his ear.
"Deal" he whispered back. Wait, what? Why would I say that? I'm supposed to be dating Quinn!
Santana sat back, smiling cockily and Sam felt the rubbing resume, maybe a tiny bit faster now.
But on the other hand, Santana might have sex with me. Only if I can last through this though. Sam looked back at the movie and figured it was probably around halfway done. Crap, I don't think I can last that long. But if I do... He went back to focusing as hard as he could on the movie.
Around 10 minutes later Santana cranked up the speed again, although still fairly slowly so as to not draw anyone's attention. About 10 minutes after that Sam began to get close to making a 'mess', as Santana had put it. He started sweating and wiped some away from his forehead and then looked over to Santana, pleading with his eyes for her to stop. She just grinned at him. He started shifting around in his seat trying to get away from her foot but it always followed him. Apparently he must have been making some noise because Kurt looked over to him and asked "Are you okay Sam? You seemed to be sweating a lot."
"Oh, uh, yeah, I think I'm okay, just need some water." He replied, lifting Santana's legs off him as he got up to go to the kitchen.
Dammit! He thought as he got himself a glass of water Now I won't get my reward, whatever it was. At least I don't have an issue I need to clean up in my pants though.
"Well Sammy, looks like I've won."
Sam turned around to face Santana "What the hell did you think you were doing in there? You know I'm dating Quinn right?" he hissed at her.
Santana stepped closer to him "Oh please! Don't act like you don't want me. I saw you checking me out like all night tonight."
"All night? It was like, twice, maybe three times tops!"
"Oh, so you admit you were checking me out?" Santana said, smiling wickedly.
God dammit! Why would you say that? "Yea but... I... umm..." he muttered.
"Not to mention you didn't even try to stop me on the sofa until you were about to have a mess that you would have had to clean up..."
"I couldn't stop you without everyone noticing what was going on!"
"Sure you couldn't Sam, sure you couldn't. Just admit that you were enjoying it already and then we can get to my victory prize."
"Your what?" he asked
"My victory prize? Remember? Gosh, I didn't think I was so sexy that I made you forget our deal..." Santana grinned at him.
"That's not what happened!" he said, exasperatedly. "I just... what's your victory prize anyways?"
"Not yet, I want you to admit you enjoyed it first."
"Well, that's not going to happen, because I didn't!"
He leant back against the counter was standing next to and Santana moved in front of him, standing pretty much toe to toe. She had folded one arm behind her back and placed the other on his chest.
"So, you didn't enjoy my pretty little foot rubbing on you like that? Or when I leaned forward the view you got down my dress? That's right, I knew you were looking."
"N-Nope. Didn't like it at all." he managed to stutter out, trying not to look at the beautiful girl in front of him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yep. 100% sure." Sam replied, still not looking at her.
"Oh, well, I guess this will support what you're saying then, right?" Santana questioned, as she placed her open hand on Sam's groin. "Oh, what's this? You're hard? But wouldn't that mean that thinking about what just happened excited you? Meaning that you enjoyed it?"
Sam pushed her hand away. "Okay, fine, I enjoyed it. Happy now?"
"Yes, very. Now to the issue of my victory prize…"
A/N: So yea, hoped you liked the first chapter! Don't worry, the second chapter should be up in a couple of days. If you review that would be awesome! :)