"What?" Quinn stared at the boy in front of her, completely surprised.

"I think I'm your brother and that you're my sister." The boy repeated; his eye line dropping back to his shoes.

"I think I would remember you if you were my brother. I'm an only child actually." She said, still not sure what she should make of the situation or the boy standing on her doorstep.

"You were only two when we were born, you wouldn't remember, you were too young. We were given up for ad…adoption." The boy faltered on the word adoption, it clearly didn't sit well with him.

"Wow, this is hard to believe… wait, did you say we?" she asked, arching one eyebrow, a quizzical look crossing her face.

"Umm, yeah, me and my twin sister. She's playing with the dog on the front lawn." The boy said, turning and pointing at someone out of her vision.

She leant out the doorway and saw a girl with mid-back length hair that was the same medium brown colour as her brother's; rolling around on the grass with a black and white border collie. Quinn looked back to the boy who was supposedly her brother and noticed he was smiling while he watched his sister playing with the dog, the first time she had seen him smile since meeting him. It really lit up his face; the eye that wasn't covered by his hair was sparkling.

She leant back as the boy turned his attention back to her. "Look, I'm just having a hard time believing this. Do you have any proof?"

"Yeah, Pan's got the adoption papers." The boy said as he turned back to the direction of his sister and yelled to her. "Hey Pan, bring over the papers!"

The girl grabbed a backpack off the lawn that matched her brother's and ran over to stand next to him, the dog following close behind.

"Hey, I'm Pandora! Or Pan for short." The girl said as she flashed a giant smile at Quinn. The girl was maybe half an inch shorter than Quinn, although they had a very similar body shape. She was wearing black skinny jeans, royal blue Converses and a plain white tank top. Her eyes matched her brothers perfectly, although both of hers were on display, and they both shared similar facial features, although obviously hers were much more feminine. All in all, she was a very pretty girl.

"And this here is Charlie!" She said as she leant down and gave the dog a scratch behind the ears.

"Pandora is a very beautiful name." Quinn said, returning the smile that she had been given by Pandora albeit not quite as wide. She turned her attention back to the boy. "I don't think you said your name?" She asked him.

"That's Patrick, but I just call him Trick." Pandora answered for her brother, clearly the more confident of the two. She zipped open her backpack and pulled out some sheets of paper that were stapled together, handing them to Quinn. "Here you go, says on the first page who our birth parents were." She said, still smiling widely.

Quinn scanned over the page, finding her parent's names had been typed into the field for "Names of Birth Parents".

"Umm, wow. I have a younger brother and sister." Quinn said, dumbfounded by the information she had just read.

"Yep, that's us!" Pandora said putting her arm around her brother's shoulder and pulling him next to her. "We were wondering if we could meet our parents?"

"Umm, of course, I was saying before that my mother was out but I'll call her and get her to come back." Quinn said handing Pandora back the papers, who put them back into her bag. "Do you want to come inside and wait?" She asked as she stepped aside to let them past her.

"Can Charlie come in?" Pandora asked hopefully.

Before Quinn could reply the dog walked past her into the house and began sniffing around the bottom of the stairs.

"Oops, too late I guess!" Pandora said as she gave Quinn a lopsided smile and wandered in after the dog, grabbing Patrick's hand and pulling him in behind her.

Quinn closed the door behind them and walked into the lounge room, telling them to follow her. "So, you guys make yourself at home and I'll go upstairs and get my phone so I can call my Mum, I mean… our Mum. Wow, that's going to take some getting used to."

She left them in the lounge and headed up the stairs to her room, entering and grabbing her phone off her bed. She started heading back downstairs as she called her mother, telling her to come home as something important had happened.

"So, she should be here in the next 10 minutes or so." Quinn said as she walked back into the lounge room, seeing the twins sitting on one of the sofas with the dog sitting in between them.

"That's cool, what about our Dad?" Pandora asked, looking up at Quinn from where she was scratching Charlie.

"Oh, umm... he's not around." She answered, avoiding eye contact with Pandora.

"Oh... Is he dead?" Pandora asked, returning her attention back to the dog.

"No, he's still alive. At least, I think he is, I haven't seen him since he kicked me out..." She replied, more to herself then to the twins.

"You got kicked out?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah, when I was 15, I got knocked up. When m-... our father found out, he kicked me out. Our mother took me back after she kicked Dad out because he was having an affair." Quinn said, looking down at her hands which were wringing themselves.

"You have a daughter? Can we see her?" Pandora asked, clearly excited at the prospect of meeting her niece.

"No, I gave her up for adoption. I was 15, I would've been a terrible mother and her father would've been worse than me. I can show you a picture though." Quinn said as she walked over to a bookshelf, taking a picture frame off of one of the shelves and passing it to Pandora.

The photo was of Quinn holding Beth when she was a newborn. Quinn was looking down at Beth and beaming.

"She's beautiful." Pandora said, Patrick nodding his head in agreement. "And she looks like you too."

"Her name's Beth." Quinn said, taking back the photo and placing it back on to the bookshelf. "So, what's the story with you two then?"

"Well, we were adopted by a couple in Delphos and we were with them until we were 13, when they were both arrested on drug charges. Then we got adopted again by another couple, who turned out to be alcoholics not to mention physically and verbally abusive. So, yesterday we decided to run away and find our real parents. Oh, and we took Charlie with us too, he was half dead before we got there and started looking after him." Pandora explained, her smile still bright but her eyes showing the pain that she carried with her.

"Wow, you two have certainly been through a lot." Quinn said, sitting down on another sofa. "How'd you manage to get the papers?"

"We stole them; Trick's great at lock picking. Then we just found our mother on Facebook and she had her address on her page, so we decided to come by for a visit." Pandora answered.

"Where are you going to stay tonight? And what about school tomorrow? Are you going to go back to Delphos?" Quinn asked.

"School's not a problem, we were being home-schooled. And by home schooled I mean, made to sit in our room all day. We took some money as well so we could afford a motel room if we needed to but we were hoping that our mother would want us to stay here..." Pandora looked hopefully at Quinn.

"Well, we've got enough space but I don't know whether Mum will be okay with it. I'd love for you guys to stay but it's not really up to me." Quinn told them.

As she finished speaking she heard the door opening and her mother entering the house. "Quinn, I'm back! Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm in the lounge room!" Quinn yelled back.

Judy entered into the lounge room. "Quinn, what's the importa-" She stopped when she saw the twins sitting on the couch with their dog. "Oh, hello, I'm Judy. Quinn, are these your friends?"

"This is Pandora and this Patrick." She answered for the two of them as they seemed to be speechless at the sight of their mother.

"Hi guys, how are you? Have they just started at your school Quinny?"

Quinn looked at the twins and motioned with her head towards Judy, mouthing the words "Say something" to them.

"Umm..." Pandora stood up off of the sofa and looked directly at her mother. "We're your children."

"Oh." Judy stated and then promptly fainted.

A/N: Yeah... I suck at updating. But definitely another chapter and/or the first chapter of... a new story! Gasp! I have several ideas for stories but I haven't decided which one I'm going to start first. Oh, and also I have no idea how adoption is run in Ohio so I may have made that up a little bit.