The next morning, Lenalee awoke before the two boys, trying to quietly remove herself from the room before the other two woke up, so she could go see what she could shake out of the man tending the animals in the back.

The storm was still overhead, and getting worse. Lenalee didn't see them getting out of there for days.

Worse still was the fact that Allen was going to be miserable, and his misery was courtesy of Kanda and his own master, Marian Cross.

Lenalee went to the man, smile on her face. She didn't bring any basket or anything with her, so it didn't look like she just came to him to ask for something, even though that is what she essentially planned to do.

When she did make it to where the man had been the night before, she didn't find him. Instead, she found a familiar face.

"Reever!" The man turned, his face doing the same into a million shades of red.

"L-Len…Lenalee!" Lenalee giggled, pulling him into a hug. Reever melted in her arms, nearly forgetting that he should be hugging her back. He remembered though, pulling her in tightly. She laughed.

"Its been so long Reever! How have you been?" Reever reluctantly loosened his hold on her, swallowing and looking down.

"W-well I've—I've been okay. What about you Lenalee? Have your travels with Lavi and Kanda been going well? Oh and, ah—I should stop talking…" Lenalee bit her lip trying not to laugh.

"I've been fine, Reever, and my travels have been going exceptionally well. Might I ask what business are you attending to here?" Reever smiled upon hearing that she'd been doing fine.

"A-ah well I was actually h-heading back to headquarters w-when I got caught in the s-storm." Lenalee smiled, beginning to walk towards the lobby.

"I'm really glad you're okay!" Reever grinned, following her.

"Thank you Lenalee, y-you're much too k-kind…" Lenalee stopped, swatting him playfully.

"Honestly Reever, you absolutely must take better care of yourself. You're always so flustered and feverish, there is hardly a time you're completely well."

Lenalee's smile dropped. "You worry me sometimes, Reever…" Reever teared, pulling her into a hug.

"But I'm okay! See?" Lenalee hugged him, laughing. "I see."

She sighed. "I still have to find something for breakfast…" Reever grabbed her hand, grinning again.

"Follow me."

Lenalee followed, smiling to herself.

Kanda awoke with a splitting headache, and a vague recollection of the night before.

He remembered when Lenalee left him at the bar, a tall redhead, his request for neverending drinks to the bartender, and basically nothing after that.

He couldn't even remember the redhead's name, although he knew for a fact it could not have been Lavi, as the—Kanda groaned—the man had a beard and was much more muscular than Lavi, and himself.

Kanda turned his head, trying to take a good look at the person next him. His hair was long, and although he couldn't quite see the guy's face, he had a pretty good idea of who it was. He shot up, quickly regretting doing so. He looked frantically at the male, confirming the worst.

That man, his redheaded bed companion…was Allen's master, and guardian Tiedoll's best friend, Marian Cross.

The confirmation proved to be even worse for Cross when he was awoken by a scream.

Cross fell out of bed, heart racing. "WHAT THE HELL WOMAN!?" As an answer, Cross received a pillow to the face.

"Call me a woman one more time, it will be your DEATH."

Cross blinked. He was confused, in his still-drunken state. Had he not bedded a beautiful long-haired Japanese woman last night?

"What exactly do you mean, love?" Kanda climbed across the bed, pulling him up by the shirt.

"I mean that if you think for one minute that I am a woman, I WILL CHOP YOU INTO A MILLION PIECES."

Cross nodded slowly, lips pursed. "So you're not a woman?"

Kanda looked at him incredulously. "How about I present you with the fact that I have a penis."

"Oh yeah that little fact." Kanda pinched the bridge of his nose, retreating back onto the mattress, releasing Cross's shirt from his grasp.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

Cross shook his head. "Can't say that I do. Sorry, darling, how about you refresh my memory?" Kanda's lip twitched.

"Like hell I will fucker."

Kanda got up, grabbing his sword Mugen, and walking out the door, and down the hall to the room where he was staying.

On his way, Lenalee and Reever spotted him. Reever's eye bugged when he saw Kanda's exact state of undress.

Lenalee nervously laughed. "Um, Kanda. Where are your trousers?"

Kanda turned his head slightly, and they caught a glimpse of the hairtie Lenalee figured had long since been forgotten, keeping the remainder of his hair from falling over his face.

He unsheathed Mugen, pointing it at the two. "Not a single word."

As he turned around to enter the room, Lenalee and Reever couldn't help but notice Kanda's naked, pert, red, and apparently oiled ass.

They were considerate to wait until Kanda was inside before they laughed their own asses off, nearly dropping the foods in their hands.

Their raucous laughter disturbed the other two guests in the room, waking them up just in time to see the half-naked Kanda trudge into the watercloset, slamming the door behind him.

Allen glared, turning to face away from the door. Lavi sighed as he pulled the covers over his head, curling into a ball.

Reever turned to Lenalee, as if she had the answer. She did, but she didn't think it was appropriate to be discussing at the moment.

Lavi got up, walking straight towards the room where Kanda was. He didn't even knock before walking straight in.

Lenalee set the food on the counter near the kitchen area, motioning for Reever to do the same.

"Reever, can you start the food while I get Allen? He's…pretty upset right now…" Reever nodded.

They heard the water running in the other room, but no yelling. Lenalee wasn't surprised. Reever didn't think much of it.

Allen knew exactly what going on. He couldn't be mad at Lavi for trying to help, at least he shouldn't have been, but he was.

Lenalee sat on the bed next to him, rubbing his back.

"Allen…" Allen mumbled, moving slightly.

"Come on, Reever is making food."

Allen whined. "Tell me when its finished, Lenalee!." Reever chuckled, stirring the mixed hashbrowns and eggs.

"Get up because it almost is." Allen threw the blankets off of him, flipping onto his back. "Can you please kill me?"

Reever's eyebrows furrowed, "Have you been drinking?" Lenalee shook her head, answering for him.

Allen pulled his pillow over his head and screamed when he heard laughter from the watercloset.

"Ah…no Reever, he's just really not in a very good mood."

A moment later, Lavi exited the watercloset soaking wet, pulling a towel-clad Kanda out.

"Loo's free!" Kanda scowled, throwing one of Lavi's overly large shirts on, not even caring that he was standing in just a small towel in front of four people, something he probably should care about. Lenalee blushed lightly, turning away and talking to Reever once again.

"I didn't know you could cook. I suppose Jerry normally does all the cooking though…" Reever laughed, and Allen watched as he was unusually calm with Lenalee, unsure if something was wrong with him or not.

"Hey Reever… where's Miranda?" Reever looked from the pan to Allen puzzled. "I came with Bak…didn't you know that?" Allen sighed in relief.

He had a sneaking suspicion that this storm was caused by an Akuma and with Reever showing up so suddenly he had to be slightly suspicious of that too. He had heard from Komui the last time he could get any reception that Reever was in their area and might end up staying near them. They had no way of knowing though, that Reever really would be staying with them.

The inn was full and when Reever showed up last night and explained his predicament, they said he could stay with them since there would be no additional costs, although the bed space was limited.

"Reever-san, where is Bak-san?" Lenalee asked. Reever had to think about it, but then shrugged. "I last saw him in the lobby. Oh man…I should probably go get him! Do you guys mind, he's probably hungry…" Allen grumbled, but eventually agreed. Nobody else seemed to have any qualms.

When Reever left Allen sat up to glare bullets through Kanda's head, which of course did not work.

"Bean sprout…I can feel you fucking staring." Allen narrowed his eyes.

"GOOD! Oh by the way how is your HEAD!?" Kanda lifted his head slightly, reaching for a book to throw at Allen but eventually gave up.

"…fucking shut up you stupid bitch…"

Lavi frowned. He hadn't realized it was that bad for either of them.

"Oi maybe you guys should get some more sleep." Lenalee nodded, bringing Allen his food, and then bringing some eggs and water to Kanda.

"Eat them. I know you don't want to, but it will help." Kanda sat up, drinking some of the water, then began slowly eating the eggs. Lavi sat by Allen, hugging him from the side as he ate.

"Rabbit…Lavi!" Kanda winced, hand over his mouth as he swallowed.

"Oh. Just—yeah hold on…" Lavi moved by Kanda's side then took him back to the watercloset.

Allen scarfed his eggs down, putting the dishes in the sink.

"I'm going to…just go somewhere that Kanda isn't…" Lenalee gently grabbed Allen's arm, stopping him.

"Listen Allen, Kanda was drunk, Cross was drunk, they were both drunk and alcohol makes you say and do things you wouldn't normally." Allen shook his head.

"Alcohol doesn't make you do anything…They both knew what they were doing."

Lenalee pulled him into a hug, kissing his forehead. "Find Bak-san while you're out, okay?"

Allen smiled, "Alright."