Crystal Ladybugs
I play with one of the fuzzy rabbit ears on my favorite hat I never take off. Well, except to wash my messy, dirty blonde hair. The sun beats down on my skin, the throbbing feeling almost calming in a way I can't really explain. The clouds swarm around the sky, constantly changing shape and size. The cloud kingdoms regular partying usually shakes them until tiny pieces fall to the ground. Cakes hammered dulcimer plays softly, and I try to ignore the notes but they tug on my mind. Turning I gaze at Cake, her white fur with various coffee colored blotches shines lightly in the suns rays. Her eyes closed as she plays the confusing instrument.
"What are you playing?" I ask and Cakes loss of concentration causes the instrument to squeak. I cover my ears in response, the sour note still ringing in my ears. "Sorry." I quickly apologize.
Cake shrugs as her feline lips twist into a smile, "Oh Fionna relax, you're a million miles away. Where do you keep disappearing too?" Her eyebrows rise in a knowing gesture. Not surprising, Cake knows me better then I know myself. I sigh, turning my head to hide my blush. Cake doesn't know about Gumball. Well she does know about him but not about my major crush on him. (The source of all my daydreams.) Or at least that's what I keep telling myself. I always try to deny the feelings that sprout so feverishly for him, but they are there. Acknowledged or not.
Mine and Cakes mother always told us that we don't need a man to define ourselves. That inside, we should be completely sure of ourselves before we even thought about dating. Those words went straight to my heart. Yet I am not exactly sure if I know exactly who I am. I mean I am happy, confused and terribly loony but defiantly happy. It's never been completely clear for me in life. Just that I do what I think is right and keep people safe whenever I can. That's all it's ever been about for me. I never doubt that being a hero is who I am but what else is there for me in this world? Nothing that I can really think off. That's why my mom's advice went so deep. Being the only or rather the only confirmed human still around makes it even more difficult for me. I need to know that inside I am ready for anything other than friendship before I even try to jump into a relationship. Before I can think of telling anyone.
"Uh hello? Fionna did you get knocked on the head and go into a coma? What the math is going on?" Cake stretches her arms out, wrapping them around me and taps me on the face repeatedly. I laugh and twist out of her grasp to sit up and hug my knees.
"Nothing, trust me. I'm just way too bored to stay conscious." I give Cake a toothy grin that's met with a suspicious stare that says 'I know when you're lying'. I only smile in response to her hard gaze.
"Uuuh HELP! Please help! Someone please help me!" Cries out a rusty old voice straining to be heard. I gasp and bolt to my feet.
"Cake someone needs out help! Come on!" I jump onto cakes back as she stretches her legs out to cover more ground. She extends high overhead giving me a clear visual of the land, the scream echoing in the clods. The trees descend to the stars, almost hiding the blueness of the sky. Birds of every color, blue, yellow, orange, purple. They fly in a V formation heading into the sun, exploding into a bright rainbow.
Fionna catches sight of him, and old gristle old man lies face down; quivering breaths the only sign of movement.
"Down there Cake!" I motion towards the gasping man and Cake shrinks to the marshy ground. I leap off of Cakes back and gather myself into a ball, safely rolling when I hit the grass. The man is face down, his crisp white clothes in tatters and his bald head covered by a bleached hat. Grass and mud stains cover him but I see no bloodstains.
"What happened?" I gasp dropping to the space next to him. The old man only wheezes out a shaky breath, huffing at me. I grab Cakes furry arm and yank her down next to me. "Help me turn him over." I order and Cake nods. We gently turn the old man on his back only to see him clutching his torso, his skin a starch white. The only man turns his head to stare into my eyes.
He whispers shakily, "He took my color."
"What?" I feel the itch in confusion fall over me as I study the mans eyes, they are weirdly empty. He smiles at me with a cunning grin playing on his lips as he replies, "Find him." The old man fishes something out of his obviously clustered pocket and slowly extends his closed hand towards me.
"For you." Opening his wrinkly fist he reveals a beautiful cherry red barrette. The charming bobble is shaped like an oversized ladybug, its abdomen a bright ruby diamond with gold spots on it and gold legs attached; its head also gold with black diamonds for eyes. Truly this is a lovely artifact to behold. I feel my eyes widen, stunned by the old mans generosity, I turn back to him in gratitude only to see his eyes close forever.
Cake shakes her head in dismay at the man, "Old fool, he never had a chance." She looks over at me and catches sight of the trinket in my hand, her eyes growing huge. "Oooo that's beautiful!" She snatches it away from me. She turns it over and over in her paws, admiring the barrette from all angles.
"Yeah it really is. Why would he give something so valuable to me?" I wonder aloud. Cake rubs the ruby, the back turning glossy at her touch.
"I don't know. Maybe its payment for finding his killer." She says distracted by the ladybug. I mull this over then nod. Agreeing because there's nothing else I can connect it too.
"Well lets burry him." I turn my head back to the corpse just in time to see it to mold into the earth beneath him. White roses sprouting where he once laid motionless, making Cake and I gasp in awe.
"Wow." Was all I could think to say as Cake reaches out and plucks one of the dozens of roses out of the ground. She sniffs it then gives me a quick smile as she starts to dethorn it.
"What are you doing?" I say mildly disturbed and confused.
"Nothing in particular." Cake slips the rose in my hat and balances it until it's perfect. "There now after we find that psycho we'll go back to Gumballs and impress him with your bravery." She winks and I feel my face start to burn.
See? She has No idea about my crush. Delusional…
So this is my first Adventure Time FanFic but I think the first chapter turned out well! I don't think I need to say that these characters aren't mine, well maybe the old man but he's not important. Anyway Stay tuned for more if you like it!
Love ya guys