Our fallen moments

The dark is rejuvenating and almost intoxicating to the wanderer inside me. I can feel the stir, "we want to come out. We want to play in the dark." I shake my head hard, the beating in my ears like slurs of acid. I have to find her. I need to stop this from happening. She needs to be okay, because she won't die with the last memory of me being a jerk to her. I won't allow it. Not this time. From inside I nail shut the door that is begging to burst open in splinters and blood, and in the dark I wonder around for the girl that gives me the strength to do just that.

*Fionna POV*

When I open my eyes, I am denied the necessity of light leaving me in complete darkness. A pounding in my head causes me to flinch in pain, what happened? All I remember is being at the ball, waiting. Waiting for something. What was I waiting for? I sit up, cringing at the shock that shoots from my leg through out my spine. Blindly reaching down I feel a sticky liquid on my leg, it's oh so familiar.


Blood all over my leg and drenching my dress. Investigating further in the pitch blackness I accidently shove my finger in the open slit on my leg, running from the middle of my calf to my upper thigh. Wonderful. As if I didn't have enough problems. I reach for the nearest wall and dig my fingers into the hard earth, pulling myself up. It's annoying really, the weight of my dress the feeling of seven dozen bricks. Scoffing I take a fist full of my dress and rip off half of the bottom part.

"Ew…" I say in disgust, I feel the blood imbedded in the bottom of my dress. It's soaked in it. That's probably not a good thing. A few grunts of pain and I manage to push myself from the wall and begin to sway forward. I can only hope that everyone else got out ok. If I'm the only one down here then I can live with that. Heh…Well maybe not Live, honestly it looks like there is a zip percent chance of me getting out of here. The darkness is endless and fruitful, so there isn't a good possibility for me.

My feet inch forward, sliding across the ground, making sure I don't fall into a chasm. Not much of a difference though. It's either die quickly or suffer until I dehydrate. Yet a part of me is resistant, something is whispering. Clawing at me.

"It's going to be ok." A tiny voice slides over me. It sounds young and innocent, yet knowing. More like a coo then anything.

"Whose there?" I demand, flailing around helplessly.

"Everything is going to be alright Fionna. HE is coming." The voice coos again. That coo, it stills my insides so effortlessly. I am not entirely sure if this is a good thing though.

"Who is coming?" I reply, bubbles of numbness starting to over take me.

The melodious laugh that echoes through the open space it like a dose if morphine, straight to the veins, "Why Death of course." I gasp, the feeling of being held under water starting to over power me.

"I must have hit my head harder then my thought." Death? Of course I know he is coming. Even a brain dead snail could figure that out.

The voice that sounded so sweet suddenly becomes very hard, the razors that sharpened it almost slicing out my tongue, "You are not going to die, Fionna. Your death will not happen until a tear from god drops into your hand, and the one who slices your heart beat in two professes his love for you. Beware of your Death, Fionna. Beware of cold black eyes." A light kiss on my cheek finally causes me to fall under and disconnect my brain from this terrible noise.

*Marshal Lees POV*

My eyes natural adjustment to darkness, illuminate the cavish scene in front of me. Hanging moss and deformed ceilings just above the dirt bottom I have been walking on for a while now. The silence from the desalinate void almost as heavy as the Divine scraping at my insides. Sighing I pick up the pace a little bit. I don't know how long this damned creature plans to be held up inside me.

"Blood, we want blood." It moans in the center of my being. I do not answer It; if I do then It will know I am listening. It will know how aware I am of Its overpowering presence. It will know that I have so little control over It. Yet It is right. I have not had anything to eat. I didn't allow myself to feed. Not on the color, or the real thing. I can feel the acid blood that I have had to keep at bay from consuming me since I was a child.

"It burns doesn't it? That little spider feeling gnawing at the walls of your veins. Its hell isn't it? Does it remind you of Tsavani? Oh that beautiful girl. How delicate her skin was. How delusional she was. Remember when she told you she loved you? That was the night-You. Ripped. Her. To. Pieces."

"BULLSHIT! YOU HURT TSAVANI! I WOULD NEVER LAY A HAND ON HER!" I growl into the shadows at nothing but the inner workings of myself.

The cackle it lets out is blood curdling as it goes on to that night a thousand years ago, "She looked so tasty in that dress, didn't she Lee? Remember how she called you that when she was still alive? Lee? How pathetic. Oh how she screamed when you slit that poor girls throat. Wasn't that a beautiful sound, 'Lee'? What do you think she dreams about now? I bet she dreams a lot, laying in that eternal dirt nap you threw her into-"

"SHUT THE-FUCK-UP!" I fall to the ground, the misery that had clouded me so much then only a footstep away from me now. I feel my back bones shiver as the bellowing laughter inside cripples my bones. It hurts to breath. From the hunger and the pain of memories. Sucking in my breath I whip my arm into my mouth and start tearing into my arm, the black acid of rancid life essence spilling onto the ground. The bit that got caught on my teeth begins to burn my tongue, making me spit in disgust. Out. I want it all Out. I want this tainted liquid out of my body. I tear into my other arm, more acid streaking down my forearms, slicking down my palms.

Then in the distance I hear a little voice, Fionna's voice. Shooting to my feet I take two steps forward before stopping. The acid all over me, will scare her. I need to get it off. I take my sullied hands and drag them across the rocky walls. Yet the second I do that, a glow starts to erupt in the center of the wall. Backing up I watch as the wall, feasts on my stolen essence and brighten the cave with a blue glistening radiance. Speeding across the walls in strange blue markings, markings that clip at my memory. Tugging at my chest and slicing at my heart. This tavern…it is a left over base camp. This was supposed to be a safety shelter for the people who were living during the mushroom wars. I remember because my father had brought me here when I was very young…and it was the first time I had ever met Tsavani.

The whispering that had caught me out of my distressed state had ceased but I feel that I can still place the where about of where if came from. As I walk closer, I smell aroma of blood wafting towards me. I would know the smell of this essence anywhere. I bolt for it as I turn around corners and nearly run into surprise walls. This place is as much of a maze as I remember it.

Then I reach it. The center of the smell. Her eyes closed and her skin paled by the blue light, I knelt down at her side afraid of what could cause such a still look in her features. I see her chest life and I relax. Then the sight of her blood hits me.

Hola Fans! Its been a while I know but I had know idea where I was going with this chapter so I just decided to wing it. Trust me the fuzzed details will become clear in the next chapter. I really hope you enjoyed it, and if not please please please add a comment on how I can do better. Or just a comment in general. Its always good to hear from fans.

Love you guys!
