The Twilight Twenty-Five
Prompt: 24
Pen Name: runtagua
Pairing/Main Character(s): Edward
Rating: T
Photo prompts can be viewed here:
He had been walking in the woods for hours. The sun was starting to go down, and he still had no bearing on where he was. Soon it would be dark and cold. He either needed to figure out his location or find shelter.
How did this happen? He'd been out for a hike; he'd taken that trail a hundred times before, or so he thought. He could have sworn some things looked different as he plodded along. Were signs missing? Something was off.
Twigs cracked beneath his bare feet.
And then he heard voices ahead on the path.
A/N: I wrote about five different drabbles for this prompt. I had all these ideas... and I just never could get it right. I don't love this one, but hey, I can't love them all. Unbeta'd.